Greta Thunberg

And it’s not just about climate change. It would be far more straightforward if it was. It’s also about depleting the planet’s resources (and how that will play out geopolitically and militarily when they start to run out), overpopulation, polluting the air and the oceans, devastating wildlife.

Reducing the debate to climate change is insanely simplistic.

I personally think the climate change part of it is not the most consequential for us, or the planet. The planet will recover from the effects of climate change eventually, but possibly not from the impact of our consumption if it goes on for long enough.
It's the climate change deniers that are usually the ones that cry the loudest about immigration.
The irony is that climate change is going to increase immigration over the next 50 years....on a scale that will make them scream!
OK then, she has no credibility with me and many others who don't buy into the climate agenda. If she and all her acolytes really wanted to be taken as serious protesters they would go to he countries I mentioned and protest there, but they won't will they.
Because she wouldnt be allowed into china or india , she has been to the states though
Only with people like you who believe in the climate agenda
What’s this agenda you speak of?
Are you denying that man made climate change is actually a thing or are you against the proposed response to it? If it’s the latter what would you suggest instead? If it’s the former you’re a loon.
I've never had anybody who prattles on about a "climate change agenda" adequately explain to me why all the scientific bodies and governments of the world would conspire to have to spend billions on developing incredibly inconvenient, inferior technology and wage a pitched battle with insanely powerful hydrocarbon conglomerates that have dominated the worlds economies for over a century... for absolutely no reason. European countries actively choosing to handcuff their economic productivity and competitiveness versus heavier polluting countries... for absolutely no reason. Forcing their citizens to drive electric cars... for absolutely no reason.

What in the ever-loving fuck would be the point in any of this?

We joke about Flat Earthers, but this claim is really absolutely no different in its complete lack of any cogent reasoning. Why the fuck would NASA hide that the Earth was flat? They wouldn't because it would be pointless. The same as obfuscating the nature of the global climate would be pointless. Not only is a conspiracy on that scale completely impossible, it also makes zero sense unless you also believe in dragons or unicorns and shit like that.

I'm sorry that some people's feelings get hurt when we state a fact like "2023 was the hottest year on record by an absolute country mile". Facts like the latest climate sensitivity measurements suggest that we've fucked up so badly that in our lifetime we are going to see significant climate refugees flooding to the global north. However, these are facts, facts that adults talk about in rooms where people actually have a clue.

These deniers can continue to boast about polluting and creepily rag on a 21-year-old woman for speaking inconvenient truths while the adults try to figure out some actual solutions (though it is almost certainly already too late).
World population
1951. 2,543,130,380
2023. 8,045,311,447
so in my lifetime the population of the world has increased threefold, and is still increasing by just under 1% per year. Go figure!
Whats more folk in developing nations quite naturally look at the Western nations and say we want cars, tvs, washing machines, pcs and so on. All drawing the Earths resources needing more food, water and energy.

Forests cleared for food production
Species eliminated from their natural habitats
Wars to acquire access to food water and energy resources
More production of greenhouse gases and so on.
World economic system based on continuous growth.

Any political party going to tell us to have less children? No chance.
World population
1951. 2,543,130,380
2023. 8,045,311,447
so in my lifetime the population of the world has increased threefold, and is still increasing by just under 1% per year. Go figure!
Whats more folk in developing nations quite naturally look at the Western nations and say we want cars, tvs, washing machines, pcs and so on. All drawing the Earths resources needing more food, water and energy.

Forests cleared for food production
Species eliminated from their natural habitats
Wars to acquire access to food water and energy resources
More production of greenhouse gases and so on.
World economic system based on continuous growth.

Any political party going to tell us to have less children? No chance.
A population cull is probably the only chance of this planet surviving in its current guise.
Won’t happen though and the human race being selfish won’t be changing anytime soon so I guess the big asteroid strike is our only hope..
A population cull is probably the only chance of this planet surviving in its current guise.
Won’t happen though and the human race being selfish won’t be changing anytime soon so I guess the big asteroid strike is our only hope..
No idea why people ( on either side} keep talking about 'saving the planet'. We're just one species that's been around for a few minutes at the most as far as the plant is concerned. The planet will be just fine with or without humans until the Sun runs out of fuel (or there is some massive collision with something out there). It's pointless ranting on about how we got here and we'll have to adapt to survive. I personally feel that the UK trumpeting about 'leading the world' is utter bollocks. If the UK stopped producing any carbon emissions tomorrow then the slack would probably be taken up by India/China with a couple of months. The Western economy is based on economic 'growth' and we've managed to convince the 'developing' economies that's the right thing to do. As they say "you reap what you sow'.

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