Ground Emptying

tolmie's hairdoo said:
Not seen my two little un's all day, difference between choosing not to go at all, or leaving five minutes early, so I can run to the car park and avoid two hours sat in traffic.

Family will always come before footie for me, would rather be home with them, than staying an extra five minutes, so as not to offend those sat around me.

I was back home 15 miles away and eating my dinner by 7.50, my little lad staying awake to tell me he knew his hero Aguero had scored.

That commitment to attending in the first place, gives everyone the right to do what they want.
That's fair enough. I wanted to stay to clap the players off. And there are also more chances of goals in the final minutes as teams tire
Probably due to the amount of season tickets we have. People with season tickets are more likely to leave early as they see city at least every other week whereas people without will want to make the most of it.
I've had a season ticket for years, i think the one game i left early was against that Romanian team that played in yellow, it was about -10 and I'd gone numb from the knees down. otherwise, I don't understand the mentality tbh
tregyblue61 said:
They spend it sitting on busses that are waiting to go to Piccadilly
waited till the end as usual, legged it for a bus and we were stopped from getting in the queue

only four busses there, what's that, about 250 people

yet busses were leaving that weren't full!

had to stagger all the way back to the pub in town
Dzeko's Right Boot said:
blumoonrisen said:
The club should log all those that leave early, and come the game where we are presented with the league trophy, they should all be ejected 5 mins from the end.

I just think they should be lined up and shot. Twice. In the head. With a shotgun.

And then beaten with a shitty stick.
Who cares? It's no big deal how many people stay and how many leave early yet some people on here get all upset over it after every home game and over react like its the start of the third world war.

I'll leave when I want
I'll leave when I want
I paid for my ticket
I'll leave when I want

didsburyblu said:
Not a criticism just curious as to whether any other ground emptys as quickly as ours. Tonight they announced the mancunian way was closed with 6 minutes to go and that was a cue for literally hundreds of people to depart.
I only watch other teams on tv but there's grounds generally don't look anywhere near as empty as ours with 3-4 minutes to go. So basically the question is do other teams grounds empty as quickly and if not is there any reason ours does more than others? I've been going for 20 years and have watched some absolute shite in the past yet most people stuck with it. Now were seeing the best football for 3 decades people are choosing to leave early.
As I say no criticism everyone has there reasons just wondered if anyone can put there finger on why, as it seems in my opinion our fans choose to make an early exit
salfordblue-tony2 said:
CheethamHillBlue said:
salfordblue-tony2 said:
If u live in cheetham hill u don`t even have to go anywhere near the mancunian way?

You'll probably know the answer but did i say i 'lived' in Cheetham?

Not exactly but your name could be a clue.

Or alternately, i could be from there and have since moved?
Keep trying to be smart. One day you may just succeed.
Doubt it though.

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