
They weren't a one man team, if they were they wouldn't have had all that distribution. Their short play and ability to switch play (Scholes) tore us apart. Garrido's brief renaissance ended today with a diabolical performance. Gutted, hate the rags, even hate my rag-loving family right now, but they still have things we don't. We will get there though... we have to.
Mancini cocked up big time, imo. Wrong tactics and wrong team selections in both games. Rags were there for the taking in the first leg, but we didn't take the game to them. Then we have the game tonight. Every single poster on Bluemoon knew we would lose if we sat back and invited wave after wave, with 3 DM's. And low and behold, that's exactly what Mancini did.. and we were deservedly beaten.
With the players and pace we have in our side surely we can go out and ATTACK teams rather than sitting back all the time FFS!
We've only ourselves to blame, we should know all about added time against them and you don't leave shrek unmarked in the box. But Sky, WTF?? Twatting on about the noisy neighbours being silenced - they won by one measly goal in fergie time, not fucking 7-0!

We can hold our heads high, we've come a long way in a very short time. I'll keep telling myself that until it hurts less anyway.
Well gutted! really thought we would get 2 the final! i am not looking forward to seeing my rag mates that ive been mouthing off 2 over the last few days after that!! TWATS!!!
Devastating. I could have handled that in extra time but not in injury time again. If any of those rag bastards even attempt to take the piss I'll hit each and every one them.
Come on lads n lasses, don't be sour!! Mancini had his tactics pretty good IMO. Who would you have had? And why aren't you manager FFS?????????????? Get a grip!!!!
simonr555 said:
Devastating. I could have handled that in extra time but not in injury time again. If any of those rag bastards even attempt to take the piss I'll hit each and every one them.

Don't think it will be a case of if unfortunately.
We're just going to do exactly what we have done for the past 34 years and be proud to be a blue.
I know I'm more of a fan than the vast majority of them will ever be and so do they.

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