Harry Kane

hello, spurs fan in peace, we have heard all this before ,you're 1 billion in debt, over 20 years that's 50m a year without interest, you squad wont qualify for the champs league for the foreseeable future , i keep hearing your matchday revenue will go up, so will the costs, your fucked ,arsenal were in a better place than you when they bought the stadium , you have a club no half decent manager wants to go too, your better players always want to leave, you lot should be going mental at levy no licking his bum, what is it with north london football fans , so out of touch but up their own arses its unbelievable , keep burying your head in the sand, your fucked and you cant see itView attachment 24297
On form today @Sir peace frog
My rag associate tried taking the before .

Said we had the worst strike force(torres, jesus, delap) in top 4. (Utd Chelsea pool) hard to argue then went on to say worst of Europe's big guns


Then ended with worst in prem.

We need this guy NOW.
The rags make many claims z mainly wrong ones
I think it will affect England as well. He is being overplayed both physically and psychologically. Continuously not winning any silverware is not good for his mindset plus missing out on the fantastic Pep development we can offer may mean an opportunity for the national side to do something special in the 2022 World Cup is lost.

yep also international football with england will need a hungry kane that's playing champions league football
i think manchester city can package kane and make him a galactico and sell a lot of shirts and other stuff
so lets get a deal done and sod the rest of the moaners

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