Harry Kane

He moved for 23M in a world where decent FB's move for 50M.

Has he moved yet? Or is that a current claim in the media. Might have missed it, but sonfar it is just another round of speculation is it not.

He has, btw, been linked with a number of clubs (if media speculation is anything to go by) including real madrid and ourselves both supposedly ready to pay 40m for him. Ok, I don't necessarily believe that as such, but if we are choosing to believe we made an offer of 100m + unnamed player for Kane, then can't ignore claims we are interested in A.Silva for 40m.
He just looks really limited & slow as hell.
I know his goal/assist stats are fantastic but what's wrong with him at the moment, is he carrying an injury, is he knackered and running on empty ?
He just looks really limited & slow as hell.
I know his goal/assist stats are fantastic but what's wrong with him at the moment, is he carrying an injury, is he knackered and running on empty ?

i think hes tired but also fed up at spurs mate? Probably just gone stale and personally think a new challenge with better players playing for the best manager in the world with give him a huge boost and more hunger to succeed.
That's actually pretty much spot on mate, and I hate to say it, but Kev is of similar physical characteristics, not a natural athlete, propensity to gain weight easily, compare that to Fern and Lemondoffski, both natural athletes and very LEAN.

yep, even our own beautiful Sergio definitely peaked around 23-26 and imo that was similar.. injuries mounted up and he started taking longer to get back to match fitness as although he has an incredible burst of pace he is by know means athletic. He also had a tendency to have periods of weight gain throughout his career.. much like Hazzard who has declined at an even more alarming and more premature rate.

Hazzard is a pretty good example of what could happen with Kane. Didn’t Real buy him at around exactly the same age as we are considering buying Kane? If memory serves me correctly wasn’t Hazard was showing signs off a physical drop during his last season at Chelsea? Then boom.. cliff edge.
The fee that Levy would want and the pocket money that 'Arry would expect would be two rock solid reasons to avoid. Levy would be heart-broken if he didn't get £100m, and 'Arry would not be able to make ends meet if he didn't get a Sergio-laden pay packet.
The fee that Levy would want and the pocket money that 'Arry would expect would be two rock solid reasons to avoid. Levy would be heart-broken if he didn't get £100m, and 'Arry would not be able to make ends meet if he didn't get a Sergio-laden pay packet.

well Kane would get sergios wage surely which was more than Kane is on anyway?

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