Has anybody actually, really ever seen a ghost?

monkylarr said:
LongsightM13 said:
No. You know why? Because there is no such thing as ghosts.
But there is a huge and expanding industry packed full of charlatans making a good living from the gullible, the stupid and the borderline mentally ill who believe this shite.

My thoughts exactly .

Interesting that - the " huge and exapnding industry" has actually shrunk dramatically over the last 100 years and continues to so.

The demise of 'Most Haunted' being one recent example.

It's all very well dismissing any notion of ghosts as being only for the gullible,stupid and borderline mentally ill, but isn't basing that dismissal on an invented assertion just a bit ironic?
Never seen one. But whilst on holiday in the summer in southern France, towards the end of our stay each night i began to hear footsteps, the sound of bare feet slapping against the tiled floor. The following morning after the first occurance another member of my family brought it up saying they had heard it before i did and everyone was in bed at that time. This then happened every night till we left. I also had a fan placed next to my bed due to the heat and at one point during the holiday the fan was on, but the cool air wasn't hitting me, like there was someone or something stood in front of it and kept on making strange noises like a bit of paper was stuck in the fan blades. But I couldn't bring myself to look up I just kept my eyes closed ha ha.

I am 100% sure there was something spirtual in that place and the fact that 2 members of my family also heard the footsteps we all agree there was something present at the time
It makes me mad when people just dismiss something out of hand.
I know that the world is superior to any of us and to think otherwise is just smug.
Never seen anything myself but I was working the nightshift at the hospital we had a quiet night, in the morning when we put the lights on I said to an old man did you sleep well he said no I bloody well didnt you should not allow children to play while we are trying to sleep \i thought he might just be confused till another patient said yes she was here all night playing they both described the little girl exactly?
When I was about 10 or 11 i thought i saw one, i got up late at night to go to the toilet, walked out onto the landing and there was the outline of a person, it sounds strange but it was darker than the darkness, much more dense. At the time i wasnt scared at all i just stood there staring at it none stop for about 20 seconds then i thought to myself am i seeing things so i shut my eyes and when i opened them it had gone. Dont know if it was my imagination or real but its given me a bit of interest in them that they COULD be real!
Not read all the thread but did anyone see the interview on Jonathan Ross when 'Shirley Ghostman' was interviewed?

Shitloads of complaints to the BBC and never seen or heard from 'her' since.

Talk of a figure groaning and standing over her bed when she was younger and waking up to a load of 'ecto-plasm' in her face. Was surreal and funny as fuck.

All the audience thought 'she' was an actual ghost hunter and not a man in drag taking the piss!
mammutly said:
monkylarr said:
LongsightM13 said:
No. You know why? Because there is no such thing as ghosts.
But there is a huge and expanding industry packed full of charlatans making a good living from the gullible, the stupid and the borderline mentally ill who believe this shite.

My thoughts exactly .

Interesting that - the " huge and exapnding industry" has actually shrunk dramatically over the last 100 years and continues to so.

The demise of 'Most Haunted' being one recent example.

It's all very well dismissing any notion of ghosts as being only for the gullible,stupid and borderline mentally ill, but isn't basing that dismissal on an invented assertion just a bit ironic?
Ghost walks, ghost tours, haunted house weekends, books, TV shows, films, 'private readings', Derek fucking Acorah on the radio, paranormal investigators, the rampant commercialisation of Hallowe'en.
You're talking out of your arse, man.
Derek Acorah - you've got to love him. Great clip from TV Burp (when it was good!). Check out the bloke at 1.20 trying to convince himself that Derek might be talking to his dad...

Super_Christian_Negouai said:
Never seen one. But whilst on holiday in the summer in southern France, towards the end of our stay each night i began to hear footsteps, the sound of bare feet slapping against the tiled floor. The following morning after the first occurance another member of my family brought it up saying they had heard it before i did and everyone was in bed at that time. This then happened every night till we left. I also had a fan placed next to my bed due to the heat and at one point during the holiday the fan was on, but the cool air wasn't hitting me, like there was someone or something stood in front of it and kept on making strange noises like a bit of paper was stuck in the fan blades. But I couldn't bring myself to look up I just kept my eyes closed ha ha.

I am 100% sure there was something spirtual in that place and the fact that 2 members of my family also heard the footsteps we all agree there was something present at the time

Yet if you had opened your eyes you would have witnessed your mate stood infront of the fan trying to piss you off ;)
mackenzie said:
It makes me mad when people just dismiss something out of hand.
I know that the world is superior to any of us and to think otherwise is just smug.

i dismiss things that are impossible.

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