Has the BBC become a Tory tool?

Is she right to call it an 'invasion' and a 'swarm' when we take in way less than other major European countries? Does the exaggeration help anyone?

And is it a crime to arrive and seek refuge? It didn't used to be.

As for 'Albanians' - many could recognise them visibly, and would certainly recognise a foreign accent if close by enough to hear one. The hatred being drummed up by poorly worded statements from our government puts many legitimate refugees who have moved here to escape persecution back into danger.
Remember this https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/holocaust-survivors-pen-open-letter-28404047
What some survivors thought of CB last year
If you don’t want pundits and commentators, seriously, why on earth would you bother watching MOTD at all?

Spot on.

I don't like poncey dancing shows, so I don’t watch "Strictly".

I don't like soaps, so I don't watch "Corrie" etc.

There's an off switch, and dozens of other channels to watch. People can even turn the volume down or go for a cuppa or to the toilet while the pundits are chatting nonsense.

Nobody is being forced to watch the show, so anyone who doesn't like it but chooses to sit and watch it must have masochistic tendencies, or be too fucking lazy to pick up the TV remote.
The biggest group of illegal immigrants arriving by boats are Albanians. I doubt you or I could tell them apart from British people by looking at them. A Home Secretary setting out actions to be taken against criminals (illegal migration is a crime after all) does not constitute demonisation of an ethnic group.

Aaaand, there it is. That mask was never going to stay on.
There’s obviously a value judgement to make for each case. To me, in this instance, the comparison Lineker is making is very strained and not appropriate. Were the Nazis trying to stop people from outside illegally entering their country? Did they voice concerns for the dangers people were in and by a desire to uphold the law? I don’t think so and Lineker’s comparison is wrong and counterproductive. That won’t be the case in every instance but I believe it is in this one.
Hitler as leader of the national socialist party claimed he was only in favour of equality for those who had "German blood". Jews and other "aliens" would lose their rights of citizenship, and immigration of non-Germans should be brought to an end.

So yes the Nazis were trying to stop anyone legal or illegal enter germany or deemed german teritories and wished to expell all non not of german blood, this later became exterminate all non german stock
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Is she right to call it an 'invasion' and a 'swarm' when we take in way less than other major European countries? Does the exaggeration help anyone?

And is it a crime to arrive and seek refuge? It didn't used to be.

As for 'Albanians' - many could recognise them visibly, and would certainly recognise a foreign accent if close by enough to hear one. The hatred being drummed up by poorly worded statements from our government puts many legitimate refugees who have moved here to escape persecution back into danger.
They wouldn’t be my choice of words but she needs to be able to speak freely. We talk about home invasions when those an undertaken by two or three people so that doesn’t imply a great number of people. Influx would be an equivalent word. I don’t see it as dehumanising.

Swarm is probably less useful a strict description of events but again I don’t consider it a particularly loaded word. It does invoke the sense of a large number that overwhelms attempts to repel them. Isn’t that a fair description of what is happening - that a significant number are arriving and we can’t deal with them effectively? The backlog of asylum applications is evidence of that. I don’t think that reflects on the individual migrants, it is more a comment about the state of the system.

Getting back to the issue in hand, I don’t think the Nazis used these words (or their direct equivalents in German) to describe a situation where people were attempting to enter Germany from the outside so that undermines Lineker’s point. The situations simply are not equivalent. The Nazis are not considered one of the most evil regimes in history because they had a robust approach to asylum seekers. It is a false, and therefore offensive, equivalence.

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