Has the BBC become a Tory tool?

The press hounded Sterling because he left their darlings Liverpool and came to City.

Calling it racism is lazy and lets the press off with what the real issue is: Manchester City are hated!
It’s started with the cult’s ex players but it spread. There was a lot of racism involved and as soon as Wrighty called it out, the attack dogs switched to Megan Markle (who I don’t give a shit about). Some time we just have to call it out for what it is.
Which is fine, but that’s not what happened is it? Voicing an opinion isn’t bringing your employer into disrepute.
Depends what its about, if I voiced an opinion on the government of a country and my company had lucrative contracts with them, there's a good chance I would be told to take a walk.

I think in this case he's been stupid with his wording, he could have said he disagrees with the policy without playing to the audience by adding the whole Nazi analogy.
They wouldn’t be my choice of words but she needs to be able to speak freely. We talk about home invasions when those an undertaken by two or three people so that doesn’t imply a great number of people. Influx would be an equivalent word. I don’t see it as dehumanising.

Swarm is probably less useful a strict description of events but again I don’t consider it a particularly loaded word. It does invoke the sense of a large number that overwhelms attempts to repel them. Isn’t that a fair description of what is happening - that a significant number are arriving and we can’t deal with them effectively? The backlog of asylum applications is evidence of that. I don’t think that reflects on the individual migrants, it is more a comment about the state of the system.

Getting back to the issue in hand, I don’t think the Nazis used these words (or their direct equivalents in German) to describe a situation where people were attempting to enter Germany from the outside so that undermines Lineker’s point. The situations simply are not equivalent. The Nazis are not considered one of the most evil regimes in history because they had a robust approach to asylum seekers. It is a false, and therefore offensive, equivalence.

That's not really the issue at hand though is it.
Funnily enough I hadnt watched MOTD for years in fact decades, basically due to its anti City pro cartel stance, so, putting aside my view on Lineker, i just watched the twenty minutes highlights roll and was neither impressed nor disappointed, it was fuck all, but it did highlight the fact MOTD has morphed into an “entertainment“ offering. I think the BBC are only allowed to show twenty minutes of highlights, hence the rest is padding. This padding is what made me stop watching it, so if it disappeared I wouldn’t be arsed.
Hitler as leader of the national socialist party claimed he was only in favour of equality for those who had "German blood". Jews and other "aliens" would lose their rights of citizenship, and immigration of non-Germans should be brought to an end.

So yes the Nazis were trying to stop anyone legal or illegal enter germany or deemed german teritories and wished to expell all non germans blood, this later became exterminate all non germans
Yeah, he wasn’t noted as someone who expressed concern for the dangers facing migrants and the like. The comparison is unconvincing. Braverman is not a Hitler like figure, and it takes a twisting of history or the present to pretend she is.

The Jews in Germany were German, a large proportion of the German army in WW1 was Jewish. They were proud patriotic German citizens and it was the evil of the Nazis that twisted that situation to render them as outsiders in their own country. There were not largely immigrants. The historical parallel does not really exist. Pretending it does only serves to trivialise the evils of Nazi Germany.
He didnt say the word nazi , he said the language of 1930 germany
So he simply meant an out of date version of German then? Come on, it is clear he was talking about the Nazi regime and all that entails.
Getting back to the issue in hand, I don’t think the Nazis used these words (or their direct equivalents in German) to describe a situation where people were attempting to enter Germany from the outside so that undermines Lineker’s point. The situations simply are not equivalent. The Nazis are not considered one of the most evil regimes in history because they had a robust approach to asylum seekers. It is a false, and therefore offensive, equivalence.

Appreciate your responses Chris, but from everything you're saying throughout a number of posts, it seems we're only allowed to compare anything to Nazi Germany when the exact same thing happens. Who determines what similarities we are allowed to mention?

Meanwhile Britain moves gradually further away from having a caring and welcoming society.
So he simply meant an out of date version of German then? Come on, it is clear he was talking about the Nazi regime and all that entails.

The language used to enable Nazi Germany. So just what is the language being used now going to enable? Any thoughts on that? Where do you us progressing to in 5 years time?

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