Has the BBC become a Tory tool?

Yeah, he wasn’t noted as someone who expressed concern for the dangers facing migrants and the like. The comparison is unconvincing. Braverman is not a Hitler like figure, and it takes a twisting of history or the present to pretend she is.

The Jews in Germany were German, a large proportion of the German army in WW1 was Jewish. They were proud patriotic German citizens and it was the evil of the Nazis that twisted that situation to render them as outsiders in their own country. There were not largely immigrants. The historical parallel does not really exist. Pretending it does only serves to trivialise the evils of Nazi Germany.

You realise they exterminated millions of non german citizens and non jews also.

The policy was Jews, foriegners of other ethnicities (romani, sinti, poles, slavs, iberian, turik) homosexuals, the disabled, jehovas witnesses.

you were originally trying to frame Lineker as being anti-semetic for citing early nazi propoganda, the early language on the nazi party he talks about had a wide spectrum it demonised including imigrants and foriegner of non germanic ethnicies and races, in no way way Lineker refering to or comparing Sunak and Braveman to those that ordered the extermination of 6 million jews and any others murdered in the death camps later on, but the decade earlier propaganda and demonisation of everyone to gain popularity and power after their failed coup
Maybe Lineker should have said this reminds him of the back story of V for Vendetta, then no one would have batted an eyelid ;-)
How is the
Appreciate your responses Chris, but from everything you're saying throughout a number of posts, it seems we're only allowed to compare anything to Nazi Germany when the exact same thing happens. Who determines what similarities we are allowed to mention?

Meanwhile Britain moves gradually further away from having a caring and welcoming society.
How is taking a hard line on boat crossings making the UK and unwelcoming place? This a country that had 1.1m immigrants in year ending June 2022. Just to put it into perspective France (similar population) welcomed only 320k.

The UK has a problem with illegal immigration and in 2017 (as per PEW research) had roughly a quarter of the total illegal immigrants in the whole of the EU. The government is trying to deal with it but whatever they do they will get abuse.

Its like the farce of the likes of David Lammy complaining about the deportation flights to Jamaica. So we reach a crazy situation that the Home Secretary would risk being criticized for breaking the law if he/she didnt deport the criminals as they are required to do under the UK Borders Act. But instead gets criticised for following the law by the likes of Lammy who was a member of the Labour Government who brought in the law and actually voted for it to be enacted! I mean damned if you do damned if you dont.

Then we have Lineker who has a contract with a body that requires its staff to be impartial outrageously making comparisons to a regime that murdered circa 6 million people with sending people to Rwanda, and people have the audacity to suggest the BBC is a tool of the Tory's.....this incidentally an organization which traditionally advertised its vacancies in that bastion of the right the Guardian newspaper.
I wonder if it was the most watched MOTD in recent years due to the controversy surrounding it, I know a lot of people watched it for first time in years including myself, so probaby was
Apparently the viewing figures were up by half a million on the previous week.
I stopped watching motd a long time ago. I just watch the highlights on youtube so I don't have to listen to the pundits
The holocaust should be remembered. It should be remembered in the proper context with respect for the victims. Comparing it to trivial contemporary events is not a fitting form of memorial, it is simply offensive because it serves to minimise the tragedy of it.

The only person trivialising the debate is you. You’ve carried out some mental gymnastics to come to the conclusion that any discussion of the Nazis must equate to the Holocaust, ignoring all context of the actual discussion.
It is crazy that Lineker receives £1.5m for a one-day-a-week job. I know there's a bit more to it than saying "What did you make of it, Alan ?" ... but not an awful lot more, if we're honest.

The fact that HMRC claim he owes them £5m in tax shows how much he makes.
If Lineker had taken out the '1930's Germany' reference then I think there would have been little fuss. His use of over the top inflammatory language is just political mischief making which is fine when among friends but not so for the BBC where neutrality is it's whole DNA. If the multi millionaires Sugar and Lineker want to preach politics then fine, do it on commercial stations, not the politically neutral BBC.

He ‘preached’ on his own personal Twitter account. Not from a BBC platform of any kind.
How is the

How is taking a hard line on boat crossings making the UK and unwelcoming place? This a country that had 1.1m immigrants in year ending June 2022. Just to put it into perspective France (similar population) welcomed only 320k.

The UK has a problem with illegal immigration and in 2017 (as per PEW research) had roughly a quarter of the total illegal immigrants in the whole of the EU. The government is trying to deal with it but whatever they do they will get abuse.

Its like the farce of the likes of David Lammy complaining about the deportation flights to Jamaica. So we reach a crazy situation that the Home Secretary would risk being criticized for breaking the law if he/she didnt deport the criminals as they are required to do under the UK Borders Act. But instead gets criticised for following the law by the likes of Lammy who was a member of the Labour Government who brought in the law and actually voted for it to be enacted! I mean damned if you do damned if you dont.

Then we have Lineker who has a contract with a body that requires its staff to be impartial outrageously making comparisons to a regime that murdered circa 6 million people with sending people to Rwanda, and people have the audacity to suggest the BBC is a tool of the Tory's.....this incidentally an organization which traditionally advertised its vacancies in that bastion of the right the Guardian newspaper.

In the same sentence.

Gosh that's embarrassing.


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