Has the BBC become a Tory tool?

How is the

How is taking a hard line on boat crossings making the UK and unwelcoming place? This a country that had 1.1m immigrants in year ending June 2022. Just to put it into perspective France (similar population) welcomed only 320k.

The UK has a problem with illegal immigration and in 2017 (as per PEW research) had roughly a quarter of the total illegal immigrants in the whole of the EU. The government is trying to deal with it but whatever they do they will get abuse.

Its like the farce of the likes of David Lammy complaining about the deportation flights to Jamaica. So we reach a crazy situation that the Home Secretary would risk being criticized for breaking the law if he/she didnt deport the criminals as they are required to do under the UK Borders Act. But instead gets criticised for following the law by the likes of Lammy who was a member of the Labour Government who brought in the law and actually voted for it to be enacted! I mean damned if you do damned if you dont.

Then we have Lineker who has a contract with a body that requires its staff to be impartial outrageously making comparisons to a regime that murdered circa 6 million people with sending people to Rwanda, and people have the audacity to suggest the BBC is a tool of the Tory's.....this incidentally an organization which traditionally advertised its vacancies in that bastion of the right the Guardian newspaper.
This has to be one of the most right wing fascist rants ever posted on BM.
I wonder if it was the most watched MOTD in recent years due to the controversy surrounding it, I know a lot of people watched it for first time in years including myself, so probaby was
I would think that the novelty factor drew a lot of people in, but it would be interesting to see the viewing numbers if next week is the same format as well.

Personally I preferred last night’s format, or at least I would do if the highlights were extended and the programme lasted about 45 minutes. I didn’t really miss the commentary, certainly not the analysis, but the BBC will never remove that entirely from the main programme, and visually impaired people would miss the commentary so that’s a non-starter.

It would be good if the BBC put a no commentary, no analysis version on iPlayer on Sunday mornings with just extended highlights, and then people could choose how they wanted to watch it.
In the same sentence.

Gosh that's embarrassing.

Again sensationalism.

Yes there was a genocide in Rwanada, which was terrible. However the country has moved on from there rocketing up the Human Development Index. There was a genocide in Turkey in the lifetime (ok prob a bit before - however significant persecutions of the kurds) of people who will be reading this board - would you not go there on holiday?

The Madagascar plan and the current suggested Tory policy are wholly different and to suggest deporting a native, german population and trying to prevent people risking their lives to cross the channel is frankly ridiculous.
To answer your first question I am self employed, this place is the only forum/social media that I would dare post, as I think its fairly safe to air your views with others who have a common interest (supporting City).

No one gives a shit what I think or write on here apart from the odd "triggered" member.

Gary lineker is a figurehead of the bbc and has to be careful of what he says publicly as it could be seen as the view of his employers, totally different situation.

If I posted on here that I thought we were shit yesterday no one would care, but if Pep posted the same on facebook/or twitter or whatever, well, see the difference.

I am all for free speech myself and dont necessarily agree with whats happening, but surely he has no need to court controversy in his priveleged position, and I dont like the bbc sport section anyway hence my comments on it, I do help fund it though.

If there is a political side to all this I am not interested in it, just the common sense(or lack of it) from lineker.
I think Lineker is perfectly entitled to express his opinions - whatever they are - and I‘m hugely against ”cancellation” of anyone or groupthink by coercion. But the BBC has to walk a tightrope of impartiality (apart from football !) because of its unique cultural position. Gary knew what he doing and that he was putting the BBC in an impossible position.
It matters not that he was “freelance”, if I employed an expensive leading consultant on a project who was then briefing against or publicly criticising it he’d be off the job in an instant. Words have consequences.
By Invoking Nazi Germany in his original statement and then gleefully doubling down in the following days, left the BBC little choice in the matter: it was a direct challenge - him basically squaring up to them.
I think there’s no way back for him but he’s a very wealthy man so no problem, but I’m sure the BBC will find a way over the coming week to move forward with putting shit punditry back on our screens.
I hope the BBC take this opportunity to have a look at MOTD, what it's become and what they want it to be.

They need someone fronting it, they need interviews with a player and manager of each team, as for the match commentary and expert comments I don't think I missed anything with them missing.

It’s bloody awful without commentary
I despair when my licence fee pays for the likes of Danny Muppet, Lineker, Shearer, Dublin, et al, and in the same week we see Ken Bruce kicked into touch. I don't expect the BBC to tailor it's output to my foibles and vagaries, but occasionally I would like to tune in to something that I find watchable and listenable. Not asking too much.
What tax dodging are you referring to?
If you nominate to work as a freelancer/contractor instead of an employee you are not subject to paye. You can claim for all sorts of expenses that your business costs to run. For instance you can claim travel expenses to actually get to work whereas an employee can't.
If an employer agrees to take you on as a contractor it you can save a lot of tax.
It's been well publicised that Gary Lineker is a contractor.
I used to do it when I was working in Asia.
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