Has the BBC become a Tory tool?

Every government on earth restricts people’s human rights everyday. They lock up rapists, murders and other criminals. They are denied the freedom to engage in society. Like most things in life rights are a trade off. A person right to live in safety is balanced against another’s to live in freedom.

Similarly, in the case of those illegally entering certain rights will not be restricted. I fully expect that human dignity and decency will be respected. If they are systematically beaten, raped or have gold fillings ripped from their mouths as happened in Nazi germany then the comparison Lineker made will stand, but that won’t happen.
They aren’t entering illegally they have broken no laws they are not rapists and murderers they are victims so they have rights the government want to deny,how the fuck can you still not get that simple fact.
They aren’t entering illegally they have broken no laws they are not rapists and murderers they are victims so they have rights the government want to deny,how the fuck can you still not get that simple fact.
Basic comprehension isn’t a skill that he seems to possess.
I think you’re deliberately being obtuse and are ignoring the points that people have repeatedly made because they don’t fit in with your agenda.

No shit. What is interesting is how many have engaged in good faith, tried and given him the benefit of the doubt, when the agenda was obvious within the first couple of posts.
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This is an interesting read and this document would make life so much easier and safer for these poor people.

Yes it would, I see the papers are issued by 73 states, doesn’t say which but I assume the refugees would need to reach these states to apply, then use this to apply legally to other countries. Might need to give it a second read to understand it better.
Will you tell Eva Clarke and Dr Kaposi etc al they are wrong for making false and offensive equivalence?

These holocaust survivors!!!!!

"As Home Secretary you should show leadership and welcome people seeking safety instead of scapegoating "
No i won’t tell them. Why would I? They at least have the direct experience to make that point, so I don’t consider it offensive coming from them. Of course, being a victim of the holocaust doesn’t make you right about everything.

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