Hazard Joining Chelsea

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ever since he said he will wait untill the chelsea match i knew he'd pick them

just shows if they lost he wouldn't have even considered them...

great player with a massive ego we don't need another.

announcing where you are going to play on twitter is so sad.

there are other players out there other than him
jonmcity said:
malg said:
They must be doing something right in the way they conduct transfers. Everyone was after Lukaku and they landed him, I'm sure there were a few after Mikel and they landed him as well. Now it's Hazard, and half of Europe were after him - and they've done it again. Maybe they have thrown money at him, but if it gets you your man, then why not?

Because Hazard is not Lionel Messi. Not worth throwing all your money at him. I want players who are looking at the long term prospects of the club they are joining. Not just the agents pay deal.

There wasonly Man Utd after Mikeland after Utd had signed him, Chelsea had to py compensation.

Iirc there was only us and Chelsea after Lukaku.

Now having remembered those 2, not exactly roaring successes, i really feel happier we have missed out of Hazard.

He will be whining before Xmas.
zola said:
A few level headed posts on here but a lot of you are sounding more and more like bitter scousers and gooners.

You can't get every player you want and to be honest can't quite work out why you were after him in the first place as you already spent fortunes landing the likes of Silva and Nasri.

The whole saga was drawn out but came to head when we won the champions league as all of a sudden we were European champions and could offer champions league football next season, hence the back tracking on "joining a manchester club"

Chelsea's goalkeeper and defence is as good as any in the premier, defensive midfield also second to none. Chelsea currently lack a couple of creative players to supplement Mata and to feed Torres, once or if that is in place we will challenge again...if you don't think so just wait and see.

From Hazards perspective the deal was done with all three clubs, so it's not about money, it was about playing time,champions league and location. Chelsea were crying out for a player of his type far more than City hence more likely playing time, and having been to Manchester plenty of times I like it, but it's not London and if you ask most foreigners London is viewed favourably above anywhere in England. Then you can throw into the mix that Joe Cole has probably spoken highly of Chelsea and the lad's decision was made.

I don't think this is a great loss to City as they have strength in his position and as I said earlier couldn't work out why they were chasing. They should be putting together a mega offer to land Van Persie now that would be a statement of intent.

I forgot that you were "Champions of Europe" I clearly failed to see past the "World Defending Champions" mantle............. forgive me

I would hope that when we win the Chumps League (and we will) it will with a little more panache!>?!
zola said:
A few level headed posts on here but a lot of you are sounding more and more like bitter scousers and gooners.

You can't get every player you want and to be honest can't quite work out why you were after him in the first place as you already spent fortunes landing the likes of Silva and Nasri.

The whole saga was drawn out but came to head when we won the champions league as all of a sudden we were European champions and could offer champions league football next season, hence the back tracking on "joining a manchester club"

Chelsea's goalkeeper and defence is as good as any in the premier, defensive midfield also second to none. Chelsea currently lack a couple of creative players to supplement Mata and to feed Torres, once or if that is in place we will challenge again...if you don't think so just wait and see.

From Hazards perspective the deal was done with all three clubs, so it's not about money, it was about playing time,champions league and location. Chelsea were crying out for a player of his type far more than City hence more likely playing time, and having been to Manchester plenty of times I like it, but it's not London and if you ask most foreigners London is viewed favourably above anywhere in England. Then you can throw into the mix that Joe Cole has probably spoken highly of Chelsea and the lad's decision was made.

I don't think this is a great loss to City as they have strength in his position and as I said earlier couldn't work out why they were chasing. They should be putting together a mega offer to land Van Persie now that would be a statement of intent.

Agree you have a good signing, he will be good for you, and you will be more competitive next year. I still expect us to end up above you however. Well done on wining the CL. think it was karma for the Barca joke game and the pens against the rags. See you next season, we will give him grief however when you are 3 0 down at the Etihad.
Didn't even pause eating my cornflakes when i saw it, no idea why some have got so miffed about it tbh.

We have plenty of guys in that area, he would only have been complimenting us.

I honestly do not mind one bit...BUT but if it was utd he went to then i would have been pissed of.
They are in severe trouble in that area so seeing them miss Hazard is no bad thing.
Chelsea were not dire in that area due to Mata but they defo needed more to challenge us hard next season. They will do that now and it will be a better season for it at the top.

Again, well done getting this lad Chelsea lets make it a blue 1-2 next season, you second though hopefully :p
Bluemanc100 said:
zola said:
A few level headed posts on here but a lot of you are sounding more and more like bitter scousers and gooners.

You can't get every player you want and to be honest can't quite work out why you were after him in the first place as you already spent fortunes landing the likes of Silva and Nasri.

The whole saga was drawn out but came to head when we won the champions league as all of a sudden we were European champions and could offer champions league football next season, hence the back tracking on "joining a manchester club"

Chelsea's goalkeeper and defence is as good as any in the premier, defensive midfield also second to none. Chelsea currently lack a couple of creative players to supplement Mata and to feed Torres, once or if that is in place we will challenge again...if you don't think so just wait and see.

From Hazards perspective the deal was done with all three clubs, so it's not about money, it was about playing time,champions league and location. Chelsea were crying out for a player of his type far more than City hence more likely playing time, and having been to Manchester plenty of times I like it, but it's not London and if you ask most foreigners London is viewed favourably above anywhere in England. Then you can throw into the mix that Joe Cole has probably spoken highly of Chelsea and the lad's decision was made.

I don't think this is a great loss to City as they have strength in his position and as I said earlier couldn't work out why they were chasing. They should be putting together a mega offer to land Van Persie now that would be a statement of intent.

I forgot that you were "Champions of Europe" I clearly failed to see past the "World Defending Champions" mantle............. forgive me

I would hope that when we win the Chumps League (and we will) it will with a little more panache!>?!

You probably will and trust me when the time comes you won't give a toss how you won it as long as you're holding the trophy.....as for panache gatecrashing the mother of all parties, because as far as Munich were concerned the trophy was theirs already, never been anywhere like that in my life..... have to say there was a certain panache in doing that.
zola said:
A few level headed posts on here but a lot of you are sounding more and more like bitter scousers and gooners.

You can't get every player you want and to be honest can't quite work out why you were after him in the first place as you already spent fortunes landing the likes of Silva and Nasri.

The whole saga was drawn out but came to head when we won the champions league as all of a sudden we were European champions and could offer champions league football next season, hence the back tracking on "joining a manchester club"

Chelsea's goalkeeper and defence is as good as any in the premier, defensive midfield also second to none. Chelsea currently lack a couple of creative players to supplement Mata and to feed Torres, once or if that is in place we will challenge again...if you don't think so just wait and see.

From Hazards perspective the deal was done with all three clubs, so it's not about money, it was about playing time,champions league and location. Chelsea were crying out for a player of his type far more than City hence more likely playing time, and having been to Manchester plenty of times I like it, but it's not London and if you ask most foreigners London is viewed favourably above anywhere in England. Then you can throw into the mix that Joe Cole has probably spoken highly of Chelsea and the lad's decision was made.

I don't think this is a great loss to City as they have strength in his position and as I said earlier couldn't work out why they were chasing. They should be putting together a mega offer to land Van Persie now that would be a statement of intent.

So who agreed the 'playing time' ??
Bluemanc100 said:
I would hope that when we win the Chumps League (and we will) it will with a little more panache!>?!

Maybe you should concentrate on qualifying through the group stage first.

Can't believe a sheer arrogance of some here.
zola said:
A few level headed posts on here but a lot of you are sounding more and more like bitter scousers and gooners.

You can't get every player you want and to be honest can't quite work out why you were after him in the first place as you already spent fortunes landing the likes of Silva and Nasri.

The whole saga was drawn out but came to head when we won the champions league as all of a sudden we were European champions and could offer champions league football next season, hence the back tracking on "joining a manchester club"

Chelsea's goalkeeper and defence is as good as any in the premier, defensive midfield also second to none. Chelsea currently lack a couple of creative players to supplement Mata and to feed Torres, once or if that is in place we will challenge again...if you don't think so just wait and see.

From Hazards perspective the deal was done with all three clubs, so it's not about money, it was about playing time,champions league and location. Chelsea were crying out for a player of his type far more than City hence more likely playing time, and having been to Manchester plenty of times I like it, but it's not London and if you ask most foreigners London is viewed favourably above anywhere in England. Then you can throw into the mix that Joe Cole has probably spoken highly of Chelsea and the lad's decision was made.

I don't think this is a great loss to City as they have strength in his position and as I said earlier couldn't work out why they were chasing. They should be putting together a mega offer to land Van Persie now that would be a statement of intent.

He's dropped an enormous bollock imo.

Mancini would have advanced him as a player very very quickly & he could have learned so much from Silva. Now he'll end up being taught different tactics by several different managers.<br /><br />-- Tue May 29, 2012 9:29 am --<br /><br />
bobrivers said:
Bluemanc100 said:
I would hope that when we win the Chumps League (and we will) it will with a little more panache!>?!

Maybe you should concentrate on qualifying through the group stage first.

Can't believe a sheer arrogance of some here.

He didn't say we'd win it next season, just that we'd win it, and sooner or later we will.
jonmcity said:
zola said:
A few level headed posts on here but a lot of you are sounding more and more like bitter scousers and gooners.

You can't get every player you want and to be honest can't quite work out why you were after him in the first place as you already spent fortunes landing the likes of Silva and Nasri.

The whole saga was drawn out but came to head when we won the champions league as all of a sudden we were European champions and could offer champions league football next season, hence the back tracking on "joining a manchester club"

Chelsea's goalkeeper and defence is as good as any in the premier, defensive midfield also second to none. Chelsea currently lack a couple of creative players to supplement Mata and to feed Torres, once or if that is in place we will challenge again...if you don't think so just wait and see.

From Hazards perspective the deal was done with all three clubs, so it's not about money, it was about playing time,champions league and location. Chelsea were crying out for a player of his type far more than City hence more likely playing time, and having been to Manchester plenty of times I like it, but it's not London and if you ask most foreigners London is viewed favourably above anywhere in England. Then you can throw into the mix that Joe Cole has probably spoken highly of Chelsea and the lad's decision was made.

I don't think this is a great loss to City as they have strength in his position and as I said earlier couldn't work out why they were chasing. They should be putting together a mega offer to land Van Persie now that would be a statement of intent.

Agree you have a good signing, he will be good for you, and you will be more competitive next year. I still expect us to end up above you however. Well done on wining the CL. think it was karma for the Barca joke game and the pens against the rags. See you next season, we will give him grief however when you are 3 0 down at the Etihad.

Cheers it's been a while coming and since coming back the funniest thing has been seeing the goons intense level of bitterness...first London club.

If we're 3-0 down at the Etihad I would expect no less...IF....a blue 1-2 next season works for me, us first of course ;-)
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