Hazard Joining Chelsea

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BoyBlue_1985 said:
Funny how for the first time in a long time we have been as arry would put it "blown aat the wartaaa" on pay terms. Cant moan though we been signing above our league position for a few years.

If Chelski want to blow us out of the water on a 21 year old who has only proven himself in french football then thats their lookout..
If we are to spend big bucks I'd rather it be on an established player with good international experience and CL games..
samharris said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Funny how for the first time in a long time we have been as arry would put it "blown aat the wartaaa" on pay terms. Cant moan though we been signing above our league position for a few years.

If Chelski want to blow us out of the water on a 21 year old who has only proven himself in french football then thats their lookout..
If we are to spend big bucks I'd rather it be on an established player with good international experience and CL games..

We all know he isn't going to fail but City set their limit and wouldn't budge. Its a good precedent to set. 2 years ago all though we would of buckled and paid the extra £25-30k a week
SamTheGuru said:
the goats backside said:
This is a strange one for me, Chelsea have some serious rebuilding to do. Did i hear Cech has been given a 4 year deal, surely that is to support their next keeper, Terry, enough said, Lampard is near the end of his career, Drogba leaving, throw in Cole and Luiz and thats some rebuilding job

Cech is relatively young in goalkeeping terms.

He is not old i just dont think he is the keeper he was
Maybe this thread should be closed now.

He picked Chelsea and I don't find any reason why he shouldn't. They're big club, European champions, pay big wages and soon will be back to compete for the league.

Obviously, he was acting as ultimate twat in recent months, whoring himself to any club that showed any kind of interest in him but that's how it is.

We should just leave this and avoid to sound bitter. Most of us obviously wanted him though I really felt sick with some of his antics so there's no need to go with - he is shit anyway, better we didn't get him etc, etc as 90% of us waited whole day yesterday to see if he is coming.

At least he didn't went to rags so it's not so big deal. I'll rather us fighting Chelsea for titles than rags any day of the week. They have their way of doing business, we have ours and that's it, I don't want to preach to anyone how to do it (specially not to Glazers as it looks they're doing it on great way, lol).
dref619 said:
zola said:
A few level headed posts on here but a lot of you are sounding more and more like bitter scousers and gooners.

You can't get every player you want and to be honest can't quite work out why you were after him in the first place as you already spent fortunes landing the likes of Silva and Nasri.

The whole saga was drawn out but came to head when we won the champions league as all of a sudden we were European champions and could offer champions league football next season, hence the back tracking on "joining a manchester club"

Chelsea's goalkeeper and defence is as good as any in the premier, defensive midfield also second to none. Chelsea currently lack a couple of creative players to supplement Mata and to feed Torres, once or if that is in place we will challenge again...if you don't think so just wait and see.

From Hazards perspective the deal was done with all three clubs, so it's not about money, it was about playing time,champions league and location. Chelsea were crying out for a player of his type far more than City hence more likely playing time, and having been to Manchester plenty of times I like it, but it's not London and if you ask most foreigners London is viewed favourably above anywhere in England. Then you can throw into the mix that Joe Cole has probably spoken highly of Chelsea and the lad's decision was made.

I don't think this is a great loss to City as they have strength in his position and as I said earlier couldn't work out why they were chasing. They should be putting together a mega offer to land Van Persie now that would be a statement of intent.

can see why he's made the decision on footballing and location decision.
my one qualm is your comment about your defence tbh. imo its a fair way off the defences of city/united. you conceded the same amount of goals as sunderland in the league, more than spurs and nearly 20 more than us. it's alright being defensively sound when you've got 10 men defending an onslaught as the sheer amount of bodies ( and a bit of luck) does the trick, but it's a completely different kettle of fish when you're being broke at on the counter. out of Kompany/Lecott, Vidic/Ferdinand and Terry/cahill (or luiz) your lot would come last every time for me.

congratulations on the champions league win and on signing hazard, he really is a great talent.

<insert new right back> Cahill/Luiz, Terry, Cashley > Rafael Vidic Ferdinand Evra.
Good on City.
In the past we have had to pay way over the odds to entice players to come here.
Given our current set up and being the PL Champions, of course we still pay top money for top players, but now we wont overpay or be held to ransom as there will be other top players im sure who would be happy to sign for our club
I find it strange that Chelsea have not actually said anything about the signing yet !
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