Hiddink Vs Mourinho

Dyed Petya said:
Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
Hiddink's latest credentials are that he couldn't get the mighty Russians to turf out Slovenia.

Just not good enough for MCFC.

Well, I am a Manc ex-pat based in Russia. I watched every Russian qualifying game and both legs of the play off against Slovenia. I remain unchanged in the view that the guy is one of the top coaches in world football. Would you care to explain why you differ, noting that in one off games even Mercer and Allison had some disasters?

Because Hiddink has won nothing of any interest at club level, with the exception of a CL in the 1980s, the Dutch league with the only club in Holland at the time, and the FA Cup with a Chelsea team that was the best squad in the world.

If you have a team with Akineev, Zhirkov, Semak, Arshavin and Pavyulchenko, and you don't finish second in a group whose rivals are Azerbaijan, Finland, Wales and Liechtenstein, then you are doing something terribly, terribly wrong.

His main achievement is the semis of Euro 2008, with probably the fourth best team. Oh, and he did okay with South Korea in one World Cup.

Simple way of determining this, the question we should ask of every candidate - what have they won in club football?
Damocles said:
Well, I am a Manc ex-pat based in Russia. I watched every Russian qualifying game and both legs of the play off against Slovenia. I remain unchanged in the view that the guy is one of the top coaches in world football. Would you care to explain why you differ, noting that in one off games even Mercer and Allison had some disasters?

Because Hiddink has won nothing of any interest at club level, with the exception of a CL in the 1980s, the Dutch league with the only club in Holland at the time, and the FA Cup with a Chelsea team that was the best squad in the world.

If you have a team with Akineev, Zhirkov, Semak, Arshavin and Pavyulchenko, and you don't finish second in a group whose rivals are Azerbaijan, Finland, Wales and Liechtenstein, then you are doing something terribly, terribly wrong.

His main achievement is the semis of Euro 2008, with probably the fourth best team. Oh, and he did okay with South Korea in one World Cup.

Simple way of determining this, the question we should ask of every candidate - what have they won in club football?

You put forward a pretty compelling argument. I would say though that our squad, on paper, is one of the strongest in Europe. IMO, bringing in someone like Hiddink would instantly galvanize our dressing room. The squad would have a manager who is highly respected in world football, and knows how to get good players to play great, and great players to to play consistently.

I still think it's highly doubtful, but if Hughes is dispensed with sooner rather than later, Hiddink would be the guy I would bring in for a top 4 crap shoot, to try and get us there this season...
Damocles said:
Dyed Petya said:
Well, I am a Manc ex-pat based in Russia. I watched every Russian qualifying game and both legs of the play off against Slovenia. I remain unchanged in the view that the guy is one of the top coaches in world football. Would you care to explain why you differ, noting that in one off games even Mercer and Allison had some disasters?

Because Hiddink has won nothing of any interest at club level, with the exception of a CL in the 1980s, the Dutch league with the only club in Holland at the time, and the FA Cup with a Chelsea team that was the best squad in the world.

If you have a team with Akineev, Zhirkov, Semak, Arshavin and Pavyulchenko, and you don't finish second in a group whose rivals are Azerbaijan, Finland, Wales and Liechtenstein, then you are doing something terribly, terribly wrong.

His main achievement is the semis of Euro 2008, with probably the fourth best team. Oh, and he did okay with South Korea in one World Cup.

Simple way of determining this, the question we should ask of every candidate - what have they won in club football?

Because Hiddink has won nothing of any interest at club level, with the exception of a CL in the 1980s, the Dutch league with the only club in Holland at the time, and the FA Cup with a Chelsea team that was the best squad in the world.

At least thats better than Mark Hughes's CV..
Damocles said:
Simple way of determining this, the question we should ask of every candidate - what have they won in club football?

And what was Les answer?

I think Guus has done enough to convince me he's a good manager, granted most of his experience has been at international level but I think he's done a pretty sound job anywhere he's been, and taking teams like Australia and South Korea as far as he did speaks volumes imo.
Surely Hughes's biggest problem is convincing the players that he knows what he is doing.

When he managed Blackburn most of the players had not played previously under the type of managers our lot have.

Given Trappatoni, Robson
Toure/Adebayor Wenger
Robinho Capello
Bridge/SWP Mourinho
Tevez ????

And probably more.

It's only a theory but do you think Hughes might have been rumbled?
Maineblue said:
Damocles said:
Simple way of determining this, the question we should ask of every candidate - what have they won in club football?

And what was Les answer?

I think Guus has done enough to convince me he's a good manager, granted most of his experience has been at international level but I think he's done a pretty sound job anywhere he's been, and taking teams like Australia and South Korea as far as he did speaks volumes imo.

That's thje point, we are currently trying the young manager experiment. If Hughes fails, then we get a proven winner.

So, can I assume from your last statement that you are intimately familiar with Guus' tactics and progression at Australia and South Korea? That you regularly watched 90 minutes of his matches, and was impressed with the tactical decisions he made against other opponents?

Or do you just think that he has a big reputation, so he's good?

He took Australia (who are the ONLY team in their region) to a Second Round of the World Cup. He took South Korea to fourth when he had Home advantage and every other team was struggling due to the climate and elevation of the stadiums.

You have to ask yourself why he was managing a team like South Korea in the first place, as he essentially built his reputation off of that World Cup. This is the guy who managed Real Madrid and won absolutely nothing, in a time when Madrid won everything.

I'm not saying he's crap, I'm really not. I just think that he is the wrong man, and the wrong option for us right now. What we need, is a top manager who is highly respected in world football as a trustworthy and honest character, with a complete history of winning everything in his league, and everything in Europe. Somebody who can legitimise us in the eyes of the world and mould a team using the players we have.

Like, errr...... HITZFELD
I think Hiddink would take time to settle in with his own staff and find his feet, don't forget his brief spell with Chelsea he used all backroom staff that was already in place.
Mourinho however would come in and have an instant impact, he knows the league and what it takes to be succesful.
He'll organise from the back and get us to defend as a team whilst leaving the flare in the team to do there stuff!
He makes players feel 10ft tall and gets in there heads to win, win, win and nothing else is good enough...........he's a motivator and a winner!!

I think you would see a differance even with the players we already have within 2 weeks.......the only thing he would want to add to our present squad is a leader which we are desperatly lacking at the moment.

For those of you that think this is nothing but a pipe dream you maybe right but if he was approached i'm sure he would be tempted.
He's already said he'd like to return one day so let's make him an offer that he can't refuse because this man can win us trophies........something i'm craving!!
Damocles said:
Like, errr...... HITZFELD

Of course I don't know him or his tactics that well I just see and hear what he's done and taking those international minnows as far as he did and what he did at Chelski and how the players got attached to him in such a short time he must be an excellent motivator and I'm sure his tactical skills are up to scratch too, I also wouldn't take one negative article about him and the Russian players and automatically assume it's true.

I know even less about Hitzfeld so I'll take your word for it, I actully thought you mean't the guy who had it away with his daughter and locked her up in his dungeon and you was just taking the piss! :P

I want Jose as my number 1 choice after that I'm open to any options I just don't think Hughes is up to the job, I guess time will tell who's right or wrong.
Could Hiddink really come?

I'd like to know where we are with this, is this being mooted in and around the press or is it what we'd like to happen and we're merely wanting it to happen. I for one would run along the Forth Road Bridge( in Edinburgh) stark naked if it did and I am desperately hoping that hiddink does come and save us from disappointment yet again.

So, could it really happen?

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