How are we all feeling about our club today?

Don't think I will ever feel the same about football again. Still can't believe we got into bed with the clubs who have been trying to bring us down for years. It's not the just the top boys at the club that have hurt me it's a lot of things about the game at the moment that I just don't like. I thought VAR would get rid of a lot of the diving and dodgy decisions, how wrong I was. We are still looking at a Champions League with guaranteed places for some of the greedy 12 no matter where they finish in the league. I usually struggle to get through big games because of nerves, we have some huge games coming up in the next few weeks and at the moment the results don't seem to matter that much. I suppose that should tell me it's time to move on and find somewhere else to invest my time and emotion.
Great points made, I really don't know what my enthusiasm will be like for the start of next season, especially if full crowds still aren't allowed back, that's killed a lot of it for me. All this shit has really taken a lot of the gloss of what could be a memorable season. We have a game tonight by all accounts
Players were told to shup up not discuss they were told we will ride out backlash etc etc

Embarrassing Soriano needs to go. Of owners want CFG to continue they can find anyone else.
I am looking forward to tonight's match and the League Cup Final followed by a CL semi-final. I don't blame any of the players or Pep and will continue to give them my full support. Some of the hand-wringing on here is ridiculous. Our owner has made a big blunder but thankfully came to his senses. This is nothing compared to what we went through under Swales the fraudster or even the Franny Lee Takeover fiasco and relegation under the World Cup Winner. Some of our fans need to grow a pair (if you are allowed to say that these days)
A nice counterpoint.
I think the club need to put something out in way of an apology to the fans the previous statement said nothing about the fans mentioned the scousers owner has apologised
Don't think I will ever feel the same about football again. Still can't believe we got into bed with the clubs who have been trying to bring us down for years. It's not the just the top boys at the club that have hurt me it's a lot of things about the game at the moment that I just don't like. I thought VAR would get rid of a lot of the diving and dodgy decisions, how wrong I was. We are still looking at a Champions League with guaranteed places for some of the greedy 12 no matter where they finish in the league. I usually struggle to get through big games because of nerves, we have some huge games coming up in the next few weeks and at the moment the results don't seem to matter that much. I suppose that should tell me it's time to move on and find somewhere else to invest my time and emotion.
The disillusion with football, for me, is mostly for the money involved. Football was a working mans sport - all you ever needed a was ball, and jumpers for goalposts. And now, the top players and clubs are so out of touch with the roots of football that I just feel I shouldn't support it anymore. I will, and do, support it - I just don't feel like I should.

Even choosing to follow a different club - a lower league club - the aim for all of them is to get to the top!

I agree that it might be time to just find a new passion, or invest more time in playing sport myself, rather than watching it!
Confused because there is so much that makes no sense.

We all knew UEFA were just puppets being used by several of the 'established' cartel who forced them to pursue the FFP fiasco even though it was pretty evident they didn't think they would win. As many pointed out at the time, UEFA win & our reputation is in tatters and we massively weakened, we win & UEFA are massively undermined and weakened, leaving the cartel as winners in either scenario.

So what I would love to know is why we joined the bunch of slimey crooks who had used UEFA to try & hamstring us?

I'd love to believe that it was a double bluff and part of an elaborate plan to encourage those working within UEFA to reveal themselves as the traitors they obviously were - and I take heart from the fact that Ceferin has spoken so warmly about us since we withdrew.

It's also astounding (and a bit reassuring) that successful billionaires can make such a balls up of a business plan.
So the evidence will be kept under wraps. How convenient. You are David Icke and I claim my £5.
I take you to the political forum...
On a serious note. Why would things ever get out? It's not in the interests for anyone is it? The ultimate goal for all owners/UEFA/FA/Sky/BT here is still £££
I would like to hear someone from the club explain their reasons for all of this, because it has certainly made me look at the hierarchy in a different light now.
The chairman's annual message was always a highlight and got us all on side. The warning signs for the working class fan has been on the wall for a while. The tunnel club and all the benefits that go with sitting in that sterile area, such as having priority for tickets, has not sat easily with me.
At the moment my seasoncard will be renewed, but it nearly wasn't if we had pursued this dumb idea.
Ecstatic that we withdrew. Fully support Pep and the players

Those that were in charge of trying to join this farce at our club need to be gone & replaced - end of

And then onto the next step which we cannot allow to go under the radar - the newly reformed UEFA CL format that is protecting the history clubs

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