How are we all feeling about our club today?

Relieved, support of pep and the players. Don’t like Soriano.

We had an opportunity here to tell the footballing world we were right all along about ffp and the cartel pushing it. When we had the moment to prove we were right all along we jumped into bed with them for some money. Disgrace

Will still be going to games and my love for the club hasn’t changed but something needs to change with Sorianos approach
I am looking forward to tonight's match and the League Cup Final followed by a CL semi-final. I don't blame any of the players or Pep and will continue to give them my full support. Some of the hand-wringing on here is ridiculous. Our owner has made a big blunder but thankfully came to his senses. This is nothing compared to what we went through under Swales the fraudster or even the Franny Lee Takeover fiasco and relegation under the World Cup Winner. Some of our fans need to grow a pair (if you are allowed to say that these days)
Full of fuckin drama queens on here, we dropped a bollock have seen that, it wasn’t ideal bit we’re all big boys, i for one am looking forward to what happens on the pitch, fuck all the politics.
I am looking forward to tonight's match and the League Cup Final followed by a CL semi-final. I don't blame any of the players or Pep and will continue to give them my full support. Some of the hand-wringing on here is ridiculous. Our owner has made a big blunder but thankfully came to his senses. This is nothing compared to what we went through under Swales the fraudster or even the Franny Lee Takeover fiasco and relegation under the World Cup Winner. Some of our fans need to grow a pair (if you are allowed to say that these days)
I think you are missing the point. Bad, inept ownership is one thing, but to make a secret pact with our enemies that would have screwed over football takes it to a whole new level. This was secretive, underhanded and cowardly. It showed arrogance and contempt for the fans.

Maybe I'm the one missing the point, maybe it's naive on my part to hope for integrity. To some people, having the most money, the best manager and the best team is all that matters. I won't criticise people for holding that view but I will point out when the same people bemoan the "new fans" or tourists who come to watch matches. To other people, having people run the club who understand the fans and hold their best interests at heart is of greater importance.

This was a move that would have taken us towards franchise football and destabilised English football. I think fans are right to at least demand transparency, even if it comes at the cost of being told to crudely "grow a pair".
It wasn't the manager, the players, the staff or us. We are Manchester City, not the suits. Those who thought the ESL was a good idea should walk or be pushed. Now enough of this, there's a treble to be won.
We could/should have done things differently,and much better,but ultimately i don't think we have come out of this farce too badly.We were clearly hesistant to get involved and i suspect we were looking for ways to dissolve it from the off.

I posted yesterday afternoon that we needed to take the lead/initiative by becoming the first club to leave,and it was a wonderful moment when we i believe that will have gone a long way to repairing our credibility with many.

I honestly never expected this circus to come to fruition,how did they ever believe otherwise? Are these people who run our clubs so far detached from reality that they didn't foresee the backlash? The mind boggles.

As for the Rags and the Dippers,they have no hiding place now,anyone who wasn't aware of their despicable morals and intentions cannot be in any doubt from here onwards.They really could not have done a better job of showing their true colours.
A lot have summed up how I feel and felt.

I was preparing to boycott, to never watch another City game again, who knows if I would have gone through with it but I didn't even think I had that thought in me.

I've never felt ashamed of City before, I didn't think it was possible but over the last 2 days I was ashamed, embarrassed, gutted, devastated, angry, pick a negative adjective, I was feeling it. Similar to somebody earlier in the thread, I was nipping to the shops yesterday and my City shirt was on the side, instead of just throwing it on and running out, I ran upstairs and found another top to throw on, we fans should never feel that way about our club. I had two shocking nights sleep because of it as well.

Feels very weird today, like there's an empty space in me but I also feel a bit relieved to be honest and happy I can watch the football tonight without having to worry about it.

I feel very proud of the City fans though, in-fact all fans of English football, we took a stand and came together when most of us probably thought our voices wouldn't be heard but we did it anyway. When I added the poll to the main ESL thread on Sunday, I actually put I'm adding it because I hope somebody at the club sees how angry and upset we are, so our voices could be heard. So well done to everybody that opposed this.
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The disillusion with football, for me, is mostly for the money involved. Football was a working mans sport - all you ever needed a was ball, and jumpers for goalposts. And now, the top players and clubs are so out of touch with the roots of football that I just feel I shouldn't support it anymore. I will, and do, support it - I just don't feel like I should.

Even choosing to follow a different club - a lower league club - the aim for all of them is to get to the top!

I agree that it might be time to just find a new passion, or invest more time in playing sport myself, rather than watching it!
That's me the whole thing feels dirty at the moment, FFP has gone on for years and we all know nobody wants fair play, as Pep said yesterday everybody just wants what's best for me and fuck the rest. Do I want to win the league, yes I do , do I want to win the next 10 like in Spain or Germany with little competition no I don't. Think at the end of the day I just want a more level playing field and I can't see that happening anytime soon. Now I know our owners are no better than the yank owners it makes me feel sick. Hope my feeling change but at the moment this is how I am, feel like my wife has cheated on me, can I forgive her, don't know yet.
it's dead, which is brilliant. Madrid, Juve, Barca, Inter especially this was their lifeline, the cash injection they needed to survive. the worst case they all go bust, or manage to get refinanced at rates meaning they have zero chance to re-invest on players, infrastructure.

the english US owned clubs now have owners who probably want to sell up and cash in their chips. who's going to buy them? if I'm a saudi prince and I can get Newcastle for 250m or spend 2 billion on one of these clubs, I probably buy newcastle as my return is likely to be 5-10 fold over time.

the winners, Bayern, PSG and I'm sad to say City and Chelsea.
I feel fine about the club. Wish they hadn’t touched it. Mistakes were made, mistakes were relatively quickly rectified. The people running the club should have massive credit in the bank with supporters imo and certainly do with me. As long as lessons are learnt then I’m certainly not going to judge too harshly, I fuck up lots and it’s nice when people are forgiving.

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