How are we all feeling about our club today?

Pissed that we put in such an insipid performance against the Chavs and aren't through to the FA Cup final.
Ecstatic that we withdrew. Fully support Pep and the players

Those that were in charge of trying to join this farce at our club need to be gone & replaced - end of

And then onto the next step which we cannot allow to go under the radar - the newly reformed UEFA CL format that is protecting the history clubs
The problem is, if Bayern and PSG got signed up it probably would have succeeded and we would have had a choice of staying in the ESL to (at least) remain as we were or risk being stuck in what would likely become the second level of football. Unfortunately the club had a duty to protect the investments made and had to signal an intention to be in it, even if they fundamentally disagreed. As much as it is distasteful, we are where we are because of the investments of certain people and groups, and wilfully allowing us to lose our current status is equally mis-management, from a business perspective.

I sense that our management realised that IF Bayern, PSG, Dortmund etc didn't materialise then we had an easy route back out, hence the rumours of 'lies' being thrown around yesterday. Also, we hadn't got the full details of the plan. If the ESL took off and had provided a place by merit for a 7th English team, i.e. not much different and possibly better than the current CL, AND provided more money into the English football pyramid to replace lost PL income, then perhaps the idea had some merit - but that would only be from an English perspective, other countries were getting really shafted.

I think the management did the right thing, they kept all the options on the table.
You really think it's possible to heap any blame on Soriano, there are some on here that have always had a thing about Soriano and Txiki, god knows why. They think they can use this as another way of having a dig. This only ever came from the top.
I think we made a mistake, unless it's right we were double dealing which is completely possible. Either way I don't feel any need to lay blame at anyones door. If anyone does feel the need to lay blame then it has to be Khaldoon and the owner, not Soriano that's just a cop out.
Of course it wasn’t solely on him but he’s the one that’s always had a complete disregard towards the normal fan, publicly at least anyway. I just get the impression he’d have been happy with a super league.

If what is being suggested is true about zero communication with players and staff then the club need to take a long hard look at themselves.
I feel utterly disillusioned with City. I thought we stood for something more than greed, but I was wrong. It's good that we've corrected our decision, but the mask has slipped and I feel the hierarchy places little value on the history, tradition and legacy of our club.

I'm a fan that travels home, away and abroad supporting City. A legacy fan to coin their phrase. However my season card will be discarded and the effort I've placed into supporting our club will be put towards more fulfilling endeavours - serious changes need to be implemented, fast.
I think you are missing the point. Bad, inept ownership is one thing, but to make a secret pact with our enemies that would have screwed over football takes it to a whole new level. This was secretive, underhanded and cowardly. It showed arrogance and contempt for the fans.

Maybe I'm the one missing the point, maybe it's naive on my part to hope for integrity. To some people, having the most money, the best manager and the best team is all that matters. I won't criticise people for holding that view but I will point out when the same people bemoan the "new fans" or tourists who come to watch matches. To other people, having people run the club who understand the fans and hold their best interests at heart is of greater importance.

This was a move that would have taken us towards franchise football and destabilised English football. I think fans are right to at least demand transparency, even if it comes at the cost of being told to crudely "grow a pair".
Football has always been about money and always will be. Owners will come and go. I have followed City through thick and thin and we have had some truly devious owners over the years. I believe that City were railroaded into this at the last moment and made a horrific business judgement. I am sure that Soriano will fall on his sword and the circus will move on.
I think the emotional reaction from fans to what has happened is driven as much by the fall-out from Covid and the way all of us are feeling as it is by our love for our football clubs.
I also suspect that pressure from the Covid crisis (mental and financial) was a factor in the poor decision to back the ESL. It was a crazy idea for us to get involved because CFG has its own very business different model to other clubs who are just pawns in the Stock Markets.
I respect your views as a fellow City fan but in the last 48 hours some of the posts on here (not yours) have been over the top, almost wallowing in misery. I think a lot of people are fragile at the moment for understandable reasons but it's time to "get back on the horse."
Those expecting a full explanation from the club are in for a major let down, they’ve already briefed they can’t comment for legal reasons.

Personally I’m pretty sure they did the right thing here.

Approached on short notice and told to get in now or never, saw it wasn’t airtight so stepped in, then worked with UEFA to tear the whole thing down from the inside once the greedy cunts gave up every seat of power they held at Uefa.

I trust our owners. Whether you liked it or not, I ‘m sure they acted in the best interests of MCFC here and the outcome has been good for us now our rivals have been decimated by this.
Agree. Our owners don't need the ESL money.
However, they certainly want to compete at the highest level and not be left behind after trying for so many years to get there. They dragged their heels joining, and then quickly did the right thing. Better to be at the table discussing it than in the dark. I'm ashamed and proud.
I honestly didn't get wound up by it as I thought from the first announcement that it had no chance of working and was basically the cartel trying to gain more negotiating power for their 'guaranteed income, from the CL. It all felt like April 1st.
Don't think I will ever feel the same about football again. Still can't believe we got into bed with the clubs who have been trying to bring us down for years. It's not the just the top boys at the club that have hurt me it's a lot of things about the game at the moment that I just don't like. I thought VAR would get rid of a lot of the diving and dodgy decisions, how wrong I was. We are still looking at a Champions League with guaranteed places for some of the greedy 12 no matter where they finish in the league. I usually struggle to get through big games because of nerves, we have some huge games coming up in the next few weeks and at the moment the results don't seem to matter that much. I suppose that should tell me it's time to move on and find somewhere else to invest my time and emotion.
same ,i feel like every season i care less and less, feels like it gets more commercial and sterile every year that passes , its been amazing seeing foden break through for me personally, and has made me feel more of a connection to the club .
This esl stuff would have been final straw though i think .
I love the sport of football and will always watch but just a bit bored of the premier league product , money involved ,politics etc .
All’s well the ends well.

It was always fairly obvious that City (like Chelsea) weren’t the driving force behind this, that was United, Real Madrid, and one or two of the other clubs that obviously have more to gain from it than us. City had to agree to join or they’d face being excluded from European top level competition forever.

By launching it in such an incompetent manner the clubs behind this have all but guaranteed that the idea is dead for the next few years at least.
I think they'll be back sooner than you think. Spaniards are desperate and Yanks are determined.
But they need English clubs on board to ramp up the tv money from all round the world.

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