How can people still be negative about mancini?

Berkovic_blue said:
supa-dapa-dan said:
ST Coleridge said:
This sums things up rather well.

This season-long debate has been 'Wrong man for the job' versus 'Give him time', and there's only one side to have been vindicated. I wish we could all be right, but hey - some of us appreciated that a manager in his first full season (plus 6/7 of the starting 11 in their first season in England) might make some mistakes along the way.

From the rather spiffy 'Mancini Out' thread...

Didsbury Dave:
"If Mancini is retained I'm going to think hard about renewing. I'll never desert the blues but it will kill my faith in the sheikh and khaldoons ability to make the right football decisions.
They retained hughes too long. If they allow this guy to derail the project any longer they prove their football naivity.But I don't believe they will. I have faith in The Sheikh's ability to see through this charlatan".

Britney Spears:
"Mancini is a charlatan. A fake. An overhyped moron with an overinflated ego who has been found out time and time and time again since he got here. He wouldn't get a fucking job managing Sunderland, let alone a club with serious ambitions in this league. It's been a nice break from Bluemoon for me and it will continue as long as that piece of shit manager is in charge of our beloved club...
Enjoy Wembley ticket has gone to someone who gives a shit. I don't.
Yeah yeah yeah. Damocles. It's been 12 months of me being told I'm being knee jerk. With respect - I can't stand the guy. Actively despise him. I truly believe he's a garbage manager. I'm sure you can patronize the fuck out of me with lots of long winded prose about his abilities. Won't change my opinion. You're backing a loser, and time will prove me right. Until then the floor is yours...."

"Now, can we start to see the light up top, get this fucker out and move on please, because if you don't see the light, we are going to win fuck all in my lifetime. PLEASE listen to me. PLEASE! I am lietrally begging you! :( "

All we ever asked was that you had a bit of patience, lads! Still, the important thing is that we're here now.
I like your style!!

Haha, great stuff. If people are gonna make comments like that then they deserve to have them thrown back in their face. Don't choke on the humble pie :p

Thanks for taking the trouble to research some of the Cabal's wise words. Didn't realise they foamed as much as that.
I have only read the first page of this thread and had to walk away from my pc such was my anger and disbelief at so called City fans.
Most of the mancini outers wern't sold and kept saying I will make my judgement at the end of the season. This has now changed to any manager could have done it with the money he has spent. Are you stupid? many magers have spent comparable amounts and won nowt!
You can hide behind "I am entitled to my opinion" all you want, but in my eyes you are disgraceful and I am ashamed of you all.
We have qualified for the Champions League for the first time in our history, we have won the FA cup, our first trophy since 1976. We really are on the cusp of becoming a major force in football. And why is this? It is because Roberto MANCINI has put together a team, a team that plays for each member, a team that plays for the club and fans with spirit. Mancini has put together a group of coaches that have applied his ethic in training to get results. And, do you know what? It has worked.
The rags have taunted us that we have bought success and some of you are saying the same, agreeing with them.
It should be time for celebration as a City fan but, the miserable on here, the self appointed gurus of all things City, the too stupid to see what's on the end of their nose, the miserable bastards are pressing the self destruct button. Well here's something, stick your opinions where the sun don't shine, hide behind your computer in cyberspace all day lon making your snidy little remarks. I for one am not interested, I am celebrating what it is like to be a winner not a loser, not a grotesque figure of bitterness and loathing. I don't want people like you at my club infecting decent people with your antipathy towards success.
Roberto mancini in his first full season has done something NO other City manager has done in 35 years, now if that is not success then I for one do not know what success is.
Absolutely digusted!!!!!!
Some good points raised here and here is something else to think about.

Mancini has had to deal with some major problems not often highlighted,

Hart v Given
Tevez throwing out his dummy
Cooks outspocken remarks
Pressure of 35 years without a trophy

I feel he has dealt well given the extra pressure of the finance and players that we have.

Is it a case of just getting over these first hurdles and the nerves and tension before stepping up with the big boys.

Hes proved at Milan he can do it. Was Mourinhos Milan a better footballing team than Mancinis?

He's got the job done now its the next level and for all blues that means back him and see where it takes us together.
Have to say it (and hope I'm not tempting fate here) but the very top end of my expectations this season was a 3rd place finish, 10 points off the champions and a cup.

So far we are on course for that so I have no hesitation in saying well done to Bobby Manc.

When you think of some of the points wedropped at home to Blackburn and Fulham and away at Stoke and Sunderland, then we could have even closer so maybe I was bit harsh to doubt his ability to bridge the gap.
Didsbury Dave said:
Damocles said:
As I'm sure people are aware, I'm one of Mancini's biggest defenders. I believe in his management style, I believe in his tactics, I believe in his man management skills, I believe in his long term vision for this club and I do believe that he will win leagues here.

However, I'm also not an idiot. Man United are challengers to the league title, Stoke are not. I walked into both of those games (and tonights) not with a feeling of "we're going to twat these 5-0", but with a worried feeling. We're better than them, and we can beat them. However, I never believe that we will beat a team comprehensively and even when we do, it tends to come down to the other team playing badly rather than us been unplayable.

Those who think that United was a dominant performance didn't see the same game as me.

At the back, we're fantastic and I never worry about us. In front of goal (yes, I know how many goals we have scored), we are pretty woeful. I don't believe this is down to bad tactics as we create many, many chances; you can argue about ineffective finishing, a lack of understanding of new players or whatever. Either way, it IS Mancini's job to sort this out. Maybe we just need time, I certainly believe so based on the interactions between Balo and Dzeko. We have much more "new players" at the front than we do at the back, and it will take some time for them to gel properly. I'm worried that David Silva still seems unable to speak even the most basic of English and that Tevez doesn't seem to want to either. However, Silva made a commitment to study hard this summer; Tevez, not so much.

I'm not going to say that we fluked the FA Cup, because we didn't. It's pretty impossible to "fluke" a cup, especially when you play the league champions, a team in its first final ever, and a Villa team with LOTS to prove. Just put it this way though, I wouldn't want to play those games again.

Mancini's problem, is that our team doesn't inspire confidence in the supporters. The sort of "we'll do these 5-0" confidence that other top teams have. We're still adjusting, as are our team and our manager. If their play gave us some reason to think that, then it may help. United, Arsenal, Liverpool and Chelsea fans, they've floated around the top for years, to instill confidence in the fans, we need something more to hang our hat on than "we beat Stoke 1-0!", we need big wins. The FA Cup will help us; like a timid animal, we are slowly starting to come out of our shell and beginning to have that confidence in our team, but those long termers are far to savvy to be bitten again by the false dawn bug. Even unconsciously, we still all have that idea that we could still be the next Blackburn, or Pompey. Time heals all wounds, and success will help. However, in the time between success, some dominant, high scoring wins might be appreciated.

Just my random collection of musings.
A good and honest post amongst a sea of personal point scoring and abuse from some. When I get a couple of minutes I'll respond , seeing as you've had the sense and cpurtesy to try to look at the bigger picture. As it is I have a beer to finish and a game to watch.

Oh and by the way......"we won the cup, ee aye adio, we won the cup"

Come on city

When I get a couple of minutes I'll respond ( quote)

I'll alert FIFA.
1 game to go, in 3rd position, 9 points off the top, a chance of finishing joint 2nd on points, qualification for the Champions League and an FA Cup.

Not bad for a managerial "fake", as one foamer put it.
Mancini - ohhh said:
Very negative today!!

-- Tue May 17, 2011 8:42 pm --

Very negative today!!

We never looked like we were going to get anything out of it and we created nothing with this pass pass pass football.

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