How can people still be negative about mancini?

lol hows this thread still going? I was uncertain about mancini and always said ill give my opinion on him if we win the f.a cup

great manager if we gets 3rd he has excelled(sp?) his targets

top man.
As it stands we're likely to finish 9 points off the top. Now with the squad having had another season together, the addition of "champions league quality" players and Mancini having had a full season managing in the premiership it think its perfectly obvious that there are many signs pointing to significant improvement and a push at the title next year.

Now i understand some might not like the guys style of play but can you not just accept that he's trying to build from the back. Vieira's recent interview is evidence of this.

Everything i'm hearing from other clubs fans is how were going to be a force next year but from sections of our fans we still hear the negativity about our manager who seems to have brought together our club and really created a team ethic that goes through the team, staff, coaches, boardroom etc but sadly its lacking with some of our fans. Hopefully this will gradually change. Maybe next seasons success will go a long way to achieving that ;)
ST Coleridge said:
This sums things up rather well.

This season-long debate has been 'Wrong man for the job' versus 'Give him time', and there's only one side to have been vindicated. I wish we could all be right, but hey - some of us appreciated that a manager in his first full season (plus 6/7 of the starting 11 in their first season in England) might make some mistakes along the way.

From the rather spiffy 'Mancini Out' thread...

Didsbury Dave:
"If Mancini is retained I'm going to think hard about renewing. I'll never desert the blues but it will kill my faith in the sheikh and khaldoons ability to make the right football decisions.
They retained hughes too long. If they allow this guy to derail the project any longer they prove their football naivity.But I don't believe they will. I have faith in The Sheikh's ability to see through this charlatan".

Britney Spears:
"Mancini is a charlatan. A fake. An overhyped moron with an overinflated ego who has been found out time and time and time again since he got here. He wouldn't get a fucking job managing Sunderland, let alone a club with serious ambitions in this league. It's been a nice break from Bluemoon for me and it will continue as long as that piece of shit manager is in charge of our beloved club...
Enjoy Wembley ticket has gone to someone who gives a shit. I don't.
Yeah yeah yeah. Damocles. It's been 12 months of me being told I'm being knee jerk. With respect - I can't stand the guy. Actively despise him. I truly believe he's a garbage manager. I'm sure you can patronize the fuck out of me with lots of long winded prose about his abilities. Won't change my opinion. You're backing a loser, and time will prove me right. Until then the floor is yours...."

"Now, can we start to see the light up top, get this fucker out and move on please, because if you don't see the light, we are going to win fuck all in my lifetime. PLEASE listen to me. PLEASE! I am lietrally begging you! :( "

All we ever asked was that you had a bit of patience, lads! Still, the important thing is that we're here now.

Superb stuff, superb.
Berkovic_blue said:
jonesyxi said:
Because even though we may get third and we've won a trophey, some of us believe that most managers with our squad should be able to do the same and with more flair and entertainment. How many of us stood in the kippax watching Brian hortins men win 4-3 or get beat 5-1 and thought, fuck me what a game and didn't give a shit that we won or lost cis we are blue through and through. So as I now live in oz and can't get to a game, have we sacrificed entertainment for trophies? Why can't we have both. I appreciate what he has done for the club in attracting the bigger names, but finishing 3rd at best with the best squad in the league isn't that fantastic is it?

It's his first full season, how about givng him some time to develop the playing style.

As for not caring if we win 4-3 or lose 5-1, well you must've loved Hughes and are probably gutted we've finally won something

Another fucking idiotic comment, ask for an opinion and as long as it's the same as yours it ok.
I'm a city fan and remember when we were shit and didn't care, but all you seem happy about is a trophy. I'm not for or against mourinho but are you one of those anti due to his negative Footy or as long as he brings the silverware he's the best around.
Most successful manager we've had since Mercer.. Fact.

The couple of numpties who have been proved to be poor judges and are frantically trying to salvage their self styled reputations, should just be ignored.. it amazes me that folk still rise to it by responding..! its like feeding caviar to pigs..

The voice of the majority from the terraces is always the right one.
Damocles said:
rastus said:
Didsbury Dave said:
A good and honest post amongst a sea of personal point scoring and abuse from some. When I get a couple of minutes I'll respond , seeing as you've had the sense and cpurtesy to try to look at the bigger picture. As it is I have a beer to finish and a game to watch.

Oh and by the way......"we won the cup, ee aye adio, we won the cup"

Come on city

Ha ha...your a fool youvebeen proven to be a fool, you no longer have an argument but you still dig in. You are a negative attention seeker, but I appreciate your point of view....

Now fck right off

Sorry, Dave's too busy at the game to answer, but maybe in his place I can tell you to grow up?

my god Damocles...ur turning into Didsbury Dave.. well done,. ;)
blumoonrisen said:
Most successful manager we've had since Mercer.. Fact.

The couple of numpties who have been proved to be poor judges and are frantically trying to salvage their self styled reputations, should just be ignored.. it amazes me that folk still rise to it by responding..! its like feeding caviar to pigs..

The voice of the majority from the terraces is always the right one.

Great Post - I'm having that last quote!

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