How to bulk up?

CTID101 said:
Hi fellas,

Been on Starting Strength for a few months now, although I recently almost started again because I wasn't really following the exact plan more just the exercises to do each day.

I am having real issues with my bench press though. I am upping the weights on squats and deadlifts etc but bench press I just can't move past 35kg/40kg inc bar. Its incredibly annoying.

Is there anything else I should start doing to help this?
Drop the weight down and avoid going to failure for a week on the bench.
Try again the week after and see what happens.
CTID101 said:
Hi fellas,

Been on Starting Strength for a few months now, although I recently almost started again because I wasn't really following the exact plan more just the exercises to do each day.

I am having real issues with my bench press though. I am upping the weights on squats and deadlifts etc but bench press I just can't move past 35kg/40kg inc bar. Its incredibly annoying.

Is there anything else I should start doing to help this?

Assuming you're eating enough, try isolation exercises aimed at strengthening your triceps.

That is often many people's weak link in respect of improving their bench press, I know it was mine.

Try dips, they work wonders.
Kippaxstreetheadache said:
I'm planning to start hitting the gym soon, just a few requests for tips.

I plan to gain weight, I've done it before, relatively easily, so no help needed there. However, I'd like a bit of advice from our more experienced Gym rats on what exercises to take up in order to strengthen my core prior to gaining weight.

I have had issues previously with my back, I used to box when I was younger, and then got carried away with bulking. In hindsight I had poor form doing squats, and it contributed to an injury.

I had an MRI scan that showed I had a bulge on one of the discs separating my lower vertebrae.

When I packed in the bodybuilding this became less troublesome. There are no problems as of now, but I know this is something that will flare up again if I'm not careful.

I however do want to get back into shape, and stack some weight on again. I'm working on my posture, I just need some advice on strengthening my core, in order to lessen the chances of my back flaring up again when I put the weight on and begin lifting heavy weight.

And hopefully, when I've developed the core enough, to return to squatting and dead lifting.

I have a reasonable idea of what I need to do, but any advice would be welcome and greatly appreciated - particularly from anyone who has experienced a similar injury.


In all honesty mate, this is something I'd run by a medical professional first and foremost, with the exception of maybe FI, I don't think any of us are qualified to make any kind of assumptions on the state of your back and what it can stand up to, short or long term.

I know of quite a few big lads with pretty serious back issues who can't touch certain exercises due to similar problems to yours, if they say 'go for it' then it won't be a problem, if you're advised to stay away from certain movements/exercises then we can work around it, no point in fucking things up for the future when you're old lol, you'll be glad you eased off or discarded certain things :-)
CTID101 said:
Hi fellas,

Been on Starting Strength for a few months now, although I recently almost started again because I wasn't really following the exact plan more just the exercises to do each day.

I am having real issues with my bench press though. I am upping the weights on squats and deadlifts etc but bench press I just can't move past 35kg/40kg inc bar. Its incredibly annoying.

Is there anything else I should start doing to help this?

Both Mrmcfc and Kippaxstreetheadache make valid points there mate and something to seriously consider, is it any particular portion of the exercise where failure occurs, like at the bottom, middle or top ?
Alright lads. I'd appreciate some input if you don't mind. I'm 6'0 now. 11st 7lb. Basically looking to gain some muscle (arms, shoulders, back, legs) and tone up. About to join the gym Monday, give it a good 6 months but don't really want to go in there blind.

I'm about to change my diet etc to one that suits me/my life and based on what I've seen on here. At the moment, my diet is a bit shit. Not going to lie. Keen to sort that out and be a bit more active in my life so any help/tips would be appreciated, massively. A economically friendly diet which works around a desk-based job is what I'm looking at writing up with my workouts going to be around 7pm.

Regarding the workout, I've basically been following procedure which is not too bad. Only got a couple of dumbbells at home!

At the moment, bicep curls are 7.5kg. Other lifts are pretty much as per the table at the bottom of the article, if not a little more. Obviously when I get to the gym I want to stick to some sort of routine rather that turn up and do what I fancy.

Any help welcome.
Dirty Harry said:
Kippaxstreetheadache said:
I'm planning to start hitting the gym soon, just a few requests for tips.

I plan to gain weight, I've done it before, relatively easily, so no help needed there. However, I'd like a bit of advice from our more experienced Gym rats on what exercises to take up in order to strengthen my core prior to gaining weight.

I have had issues previously with my back, I used to box when I was younger, and then got carried away with bulking. In hindsight I had poor form doing squats, and it contributed to an injury.

I had an MRI scan that showed I had a bulge on one of the discs separating my lower vertebrae.

When I packed in the bodybuilding this became less troublesome. There are no problems as of now, but I know this is something that will flare up again if I'm not careful.

I however do want to get back into shape, and stack some weight on again. I'm working on my posture, I just need some advice on strengthening my core, in order to lessen the chances of my back flaring up again when I put the weight on and begin lifting heavy weight.

And hopefully, when I've developed the core enough, to return to squatting and dead lifting.

I have a reasonable idea of what I need to do, but any advice would be welcome and greatly appreciated - particularly from anyone who has experienced a similar injury.


In all honesty mate, this is something I'd run by a medical professional first and foremost, with the exception of maybe FI, I don't think any of us are qualified to make any kind of assumptions on the state of your back and what it can stand up to, short or long term.

I know of quite a few big lads with pretty serious back issues who can't touch certain exercises due to similar problems to yours, if they say 'go for it' then it won't be a problem, if you're advised to stay away from certain movements/exercises then we can work around it, no point in fucking things up for the future when you're old lol, you'll be glad you eased off or discarded certain things :-)
Dh spot on again.
Get the all clear on the back before resuming the lifts that will involve,test and potentially reignite injury.even then I'd be very cautious and be tempted to train under the supervision of a sports physio for a couple of months,start very light and keep the form perfect,build up very carefully and gradually.
A fucked back is the last thing you need.
FantasyIreland said:
Dirty Harry said:
Kippaxstreetheadache said:
I'm planning to start hitting the gym soon, just a few requests for tips.

I plan to gain weight, I've done it before, relatively easily, so no help needed there. However, I'd like a bit of advice from our more experienced Gym rats on what exercises to take up in order to strengthen my core prior to gaining weight.

I have had issues previously with my back, I used to box when I was younger, and then got carried away with bulking. In hindsight I had poor form doing squats, and it contributed to an injury.

I had an MRI scan that showed I had a bulge on one of the discs separating my lower vertebrae.

When I packed in the bodybuilding this became less troublesome. There are no problems as of now, but I know this is something that will flare up again if I'm not careful.

I however do want to get back into shape, and stack some weight on again. I'm working on my posture, I just need some advice on strengthening my core, in order to lessen the chances of my back flaring up again when I put the weight on and begin lifting heavy weight.

And hopefully, when I've developed the core enough, to return to squatting and dead lifting.

I have a reasonable idea of what I need to do, but any advice would be welcome and greatly appreciated - particularly from anyone who has experienced a similar injury.


In all honesty mate, this is something I'd run by a medical professional first and foremost, with the exception of maybe FI, I don't think any of us are qualified to make any kind of assumptions on the state of your back and what it can stand up to, short or long term.

I know of quite a few big lads with pretty serious back issues who can't touch certain exercises due to similar problems to yours, if they say 'go for it' then it won't be a problem, if you're advised to stay away from certain movements/exercises then we can work around it, no point in fucking things up for the future when you're old lol, you'll be glad you eased off or discarded certain things :-)
Dh spot on again.
Get the all clear on the back before resuming the lifts that will involve,test and potentially reignite injury.even then I'd be very cautious and be tempted to train under the supervision of a sports physio for a couple of months,start very light and keep the form perfect,build up very carefully and gradually.
A fucked back is the last thing you need.

Thanks for the advice you two.

I have effectively got an all clear, as good as anyway. A bulged disc is something that never fully recovers, as far as I'm aware, but it can improve. What you want to prevent is exacerbating it, and it deteriorating into a herniated disc.

I haven't had the associated pain that comes with the bugling of the disc pressing on nerves in a few years now, so it's as good as it's ever going to get. I had physio treatment more than 4 years ago now, and that helped. But I think I'm beyond that point now, I just have to be aware of that vulnerability. But I don't want it to halt any progress.

I'm trying to strengthen my core first and foremost, anything that may help in this respect?

The irony is, one of the things that was particularly painful when I had the injury was sit-ups. Part of the movement where all your upper body weight is concentrated on your lower back, I think that's when I initially recognised the pain. May have even been what caused the injury.

I did a small circuit yesterday without any problems, including sit-ups. Just wondering what I could add to it to strengthen my core, and lower back in particular?

Also, do either of you know anyone who has returned to seriously lifting following such an injury?

I had a stocky build and a poor posture when I had the injury. It was at its worst when I was 17, while close to 15 stone at 5'11.

I'm 23 now, and I've grown to 6'1. Nowhere near as heavy or strong as I was, but I'm leaner. I'm 11 and a half stone and my posture has improved, and I'm trying to improve it further.

I'd like to put most of the weight back on, I have a larger frame now and I've finished growing so I shouldn't have any problems. I got up to 13 stone in the summer from a similar starting weight after a year or so of training, but lost most of it all due to entirely sacking off the gym and eating infrequently and very poorly.

But I want to stick to it now and make it a consistent routine, as that's the only way to build and maintain results.

My recent training was largely built around calisthenics. Chin ups, pull ups, press ups etc. Although I did heavily incorporate kettle bells, getting increasingly heavier the stronger I got, and after a while I did incorporate the bench press.

That's where I'm starting from now. But I'd like to ease myself back into the heavy compound lifts. Squats and deadlifts in particular, which I haven't done in a long time. But only once my core is strong enough.

Any advice in this respect? I gather you were a bit of a pro FI?

Cheers for all the input anyway, greatly appreciated.
CTID101 said:
Hi fellas,

Been on Starting Strength for a few months now, although I recently almost started again because I wasn't really following the exact plan more just the exercises to do each day.

I am having real issues with my bench press though. I am upping the weights on squats and deadlifts etc but bench press I just can't move past 35kg/40kg inc bar. Its incredibly annoying.

Is there anything else I should start doing to help this?

You need to build your chest properly then do u touch you chest when benching?.. how many sets / reps are you doing? Do you do any dumbbell bench presses and if you do is it Full range of motion?
Had flu for the past week, and have lost around 6lbs.

Hoping a certain degree is fat, but I am guessing most of it will be muscle.

Tips to getting back to it?

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