How to bulk up?

Richard said:
Had flu for the past week, and have lost around 6lbs.

Hoping a certain degree is fat, but I am guessing most of it will be muscle.

Tips to getting back to it?

Richard, it's very likely most of it barring a few ounces will be water loss, if there is any muscle loss, it will be minuscule and irrelevant, it isn't THAT easy to lose muscle mate.

Kippaxstreetheadache , I moderate on this board <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> , plenty of lads on there who will give you good solid no bullshit advice who've had similar problems, they'll walk you through as much as you need mate.
Cheers for the advice guys,
Just to answer a few questions,
I would say that failure occurs when I am at the bottom, it just feels like I don't have the power to push it!
I feel ok when I lift it off and then start bringing it down but its almost like my arms can't push it up!

I can do 35kg total ok but as soon as I go above its like my arms are made of jelly!

I think my diet is still poor and that is probably a factor, its just difficult being a student and the lifestyle that it entails! I am trying to rectify it though!
Will start working dips into my workout! that could help!
CTID101 said:
Cheers for the advice guys,
Just to answer a few questions,
I would say that failure occurs when I am at the bottom, it just feels like I don't have the power to push it!
I feel ok when I lift it off and then start bringing it down but its almost like my arms can't push it up!

I can do 35kg total ok but as soon as I go above its like my arms are made of jelly!

OK mate, that's pretty common in beginners/novices tbh, first off, what we must remember is that flat bench, even though it's considered a chest exercise, relies heavily on front delts as a supporting muscle (and triceps, but weak triceps normally affect the lock-out stage and also muscles like lats too) , getting stuck at the bottom is normally down to weak front delts, then, there's also the question of your form/technique, without seeing you perform the exercise it's difficult to say whether it's good or bad, but a few pointers, stability, make sure you're 'locked in', as in feet firmly planted on the floor, tuck elbows in slightly giving you a good steady base to drive from and head straight ahead, make sure any pins/rack is set to where it needs to be so you can take the weight comfortably.

You could always eat a better spread of nutrients and work on the supporting muscle groups, but getting round this sticking point as it stands, well there are numerous things you can try, you can lower the rep range to around 3-5 reps and up the weight, but concentrate on the bottom part of the exercise, ie from the chest and up just past the point where failure normally occurs, and keep within this ROM (range of motion) for the reps you do, keep the reps nice and slow and steady and the muscle under constant tension, do around 4 sets, then place enough weight on the bar that you can do 10-12 reps, and repeat the process for a few sets with the lower weight and higher reps.

Do this for 2-3 weeks and then go back to your original set and rep scheme, hopefully you should find that you'll be able go beyond what you're used to.
Dirty Harry said:
CTID101 said:
Cheers for the advice guys,
Just to answer a few questions,
I would say that failure occurs when I am at the bottom, it just feels like I don't have the power to push it!
I feel ok when I lift it off and then start bringing it down but its almost like my arms can't push it up!

I can do 35kg total ok but as soon as I go above its like my arms are made of jelly!

OK mate, that's pretty common in beginners/novices tbh, first off, what we must remember is that flat bench, even though it's considered a chest exercise, relies heavily on front delts as a supporting muscle (and triceps, but weak triceps normally affect the lock-out stage and also muscles like lats too) , getting stuck at the bottom is normally down to weak front delts, then, there's also the question of your form/technique, without seeing you perform the exercise it's difficult to say whether it's good or bad, but a few pointers, stability, make sure you're 'locked in', as in feet firmly planted on the floor, tuck elbows in slightly giving you a good steady base to drive from and head straight ahead, make sure any pins/rack is set to where it needs to be so you can take the weight comfortably.

You could always eat a better spread of nutrients and work on the supporting muscle groups, but getting round this sticking point as it stands, well there are numerous things you can try, you can lower the rep range to around 3-5 reps and up the weight, but concentrate on the bottom part of the exercise, ie from the chest and up just past the point where failure normally occurs, and keep within this ROM (range of motion) for the reps you do, keep the reps nice and slow and steady and the muscle under constant tension, do around 4 sets, then place enough weight on the bar that you can do 10-12 reps, and repeat the process for a few sets with the lower weight and higher reps.

Do this for 2-3 weeks and then go back to your original set and rep scheme, hopefully you should find that you'll be able go beyond what you're used to.

Could he try to add in some explosive chest work e.g. plyo push ups to help if he is struggling at the beginning of the move?
Thanks for the advice Dirty Harry. Will try what you have suggested there on Wednesday.
Did Workout B today so Squats, Overhead Press and Deadlift.

I am making good progress on the Squats and Deadlift but again I am struggling with the overhead press. Is there again anything else I should look to start doing to improve?

Also seriously considering protein powders once again, I keep flirting with the idea but now I am thinking it may be a worthwhile investment?
AntiUnited said:
CTID101 said:
Hi fellas,

Been on Starting Strength for a few months now, although I recently almost started again because I wasn't really following the exact plan more just the exercises to do each day.

I am having real issues with my bench press though. I am upping the weights on squats and deadlifts etc but bench press I just can't move past 35kg/40kg inc bar. Its incredibly annoying.

Is there anything else I should start doing to help this?

You need to build your chest properly then do u touch you chest when benching?.. how many sets / reps are you doing? Do you do any dumbbell bench presses and if you do is it Full range of motion?

I started out in a similar situation about 2 years ago, i was 5'10", and 10st, could just about bench 25kgs. I hit the gym for 12 months, 3-4 nights a week alternating between chest, legs and biceps/back. i also lashed into USN protein for about 4 ,omths and the Dark matter for over 6 months. I gained a lot of size which previously i could never do. At my gym peak i was benching 55kgs and could push out 3-5 reps of 60kgs on a strong day.
I left the gym after a year and now just do top up weights at home, i only have 40kgs combined at home small bench, bar and dumbells but with high reps. I stopped taking the supplements but the good news is that i have not shrunk back down.

My advice hit the gym hard for 12 months. Do your workouts witha bigger guy who will push you more. Do whey protein for 4 months the switch to something like dark matter for the muscle gain.
Good luck, its a long slog but its a buzz when you start to fill out.
going to kick off new diet;
Daily intake as follows

3 protein shakes
dozen eggs
5 pieces of fruit and green veg
red meat with potatoes and rice
fish and chicken
bone marrow
6 heavy beers minimum
NorthEastScotlandMCFC said:
going to kick off new diet;
Daily intake as follows

3 protein shakes
dozen eggs
5 pieces of fruit and green veg
red meat with potatoes and rice
fish and chicken
bone marrow
6 heavy beers minimum

Jesus wept thats a lot of food

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