How to bulk up?

We used to crack 6 egg whites, packet of complan(any flavour), half a pint of milk in a blender, then neck it, that along with other good food and good heavy training to bulk up,worked for us.
Dirty Harry said:
Richard said:
Had flu for the past week, and have lost around 6lbs.

Hoping a certain degree is fat, but I am guessing most of it will be muscle.

Tips to getting back to it?

Richard, it's very likely most of it barring a few ounces will be water loss, if there is any muscle loss, it will be minuscule and irrelevant, it isn't THAT easy to lose muscle mate.

Kippaxstreetheadache , I moderate on this board <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> , plenty of lads on there who will give you good solid no bullshit advice who've had similar problems, they'll walk you through as much as you need mate.

Cheers mate, some pretty staggering stuff on that board!
Kippaxstreetheadache said:
Dirty Harry said:
Richard said:
Had flu for the past week, and have lost around 6lbs.

Hoping a certain degree is fat, but I am guessing most of it will be muscle.

Tips to getting back to it?

Richard, it's very likely most of it barring a few ounces will be water loss, if there is any muscle loss, it will be minuscule and irrelevant, it isn't THAT easy to lose muscle mate.

Kippaxstreetheadache , I moderate on this board <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> , plenty of lads on there who will give you good solid no bullshit advice who've had similar problems, they'll walk you through as much as you need mate.

Cheers mate, some pretty staggering stuff on that board!

Lol, in what way mate ?

Tbh KSH it was always a very 'underground' board (hence the name) and a bit of an 'invite only' place, but with a new owner recently it's going more mainstream and looking to attract a wider audience, some top l;ads on there who I either know personally or have at least met for a beer (or two), but feel free to ask any questions, very approachable and very little flaming ever.
Did bench press today and did the most I have ever done bar a 1 rep maximum.

37.5kg, I did 5 x 5. Usually top out at 35kg so although its only a 2.5kg extra I felt a lot more comfortable and capable of doing.

Thanks for the advice fellas it has certainly helped.
CTID101 said:
Did bench press today and did the most I have ever done bar a 1 rep maximum.

37.5kg, I did 5 x 5. Usually top out at 35kg so although its only a 2.5kg extra I felt a lot more comfortable and capable of doing.

Thanks for the advice fellas it has certainly helped.
What did you end up doing?
Getting more locked in, putting myself in a better position I feel under the bar and doing what I feel is better form and movement to spread the weight and feel more comfortable lifting.
Is it worth getting a personal trainer to learn correct form?
Will it be worth the money?
117 M34 said:
Is it worth getting a personal trainer to learn correct form?
Will it be worth the money?

Well It wouldn't be a waste mate given the consequences if it goes 'tits up' and you get a serious injury, but there will be cheaper (maybe even free) alternatives, if there's anything like a 'British Amateur Weightlifting Association' (BAWLA) near you then that would be my preference, but I'm sure there will be gyms all over which will give you some good basic grounding in the more common lifts on start-up, if you live local to Stockport you could call over and I'd go through it with you bud, got all you need in my cellar (No GSM reference lol).
Dirty Harry said:
117 M34 said:
Is it worth getting a personal trainer to learn correct form?
Will it be worth the money?

Well It wouldn't be a waste mate given the consequences if it goes 'tits up' and you get a serious injury, but there will be cheaper (maybe even free) alternatives, if there's anything like a 'British Amateur Weightlifting Association' (BAWLA) near you then that would be my preference, but I'm sure there will be gyms all over which will give you some good basic grounding in the more common lifts on start-up, if you live local to Stockport you could call over and I'd go through it with you bud, got all you need in my cellar (No GSM reference lol).

I couldn't go to a weightlifting place, I would get laughed out of there.
I'm not trying to 'bulk up' really, just lose some fat and adding a bit of muscle would be a bonus.
Could probably do with checking form on big lifts i.e. squats, deadlifts, Romanian deadlifts, bench, shoulder press, rows. I try to make most of my weights work around these, with cardio and circuits mixed in.
How have I only just found this thread? 117 pages of solid advice. I've been training for about a year now, pretty skinny lad but gained a bit of weight leading up to christmas, but due to family complications through the winter I lost motivation and a lot of the weight I'd put on. Just started doing Stronglifts a couple of weeks ago along with GOMAD and I've put on over a kg already. Already squatting more than I used to and on wednesday will be equalling my PB for bench. Honestly can't recommend that program enough if you want to make some strength gains and bulk up a bit. GOMAD I think has been the main catalyst for any gains I've made, an extra 2600kcals a day from it tops me off at around 5500kcals a day with about 400g of protein and carbs.

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