How to bulk up?

didactic said:
jacko8684 said:
so im just gonna post my last 2 days diet to see if people think im going along the right lines to bulk up.
full training is in place now...
i ate on sun......cottage cheese and bacon on toast, 2 egg whites on wholemeal bread, pasta and chicken for lunch, a banana, a chicken butty, half a bag of nuts, jacket spud cheese and beans, boiled egg on toast and a bar of chocolate
today...boiled egg on toast, an orange, 2x chicken buttys, 2 boiled eggs, a banana...going to the gym in a minute, then having salmon and jacket spud with broccoli for tea and will probablly have cottage cheese on toast later.
ive ordered some protein shakes, im going to use them before the gym starting next week as it suits my schedule.(and possibly before bed instead of egg/cottage cheese/tuna on toast. and i did post what ive eaten since wed on my earlier posts.........

Not bad good effort but I see you have had chocolate on the first day as well as bacon which is naturally high in salt. Try turkey instead or even a lean steak (I know can be pricy for some) but that would be better for you. You have to wean yourself off the chocolate there is no point doing it half assed as the results willl not appear. Many people fall into the trap of believing because they are now working out they can no drink and eat more junk and its fine, its not. Also I see you have not been having veg which is also important. When you have the shake try have them after your work out and before bed. Keep us posted and good luck I will help as much as I can.
thanks for your input on this.
and everyone else, i think this thread will help me a lot
i only had 1 bar of chocolate on sun, i used to have 3 or 4 a night!! i didnt have chocolate yesterday, just some nuts instead. i dont plan on having any chocolate or shit through the week and have a nibble on a sat or a sun(and a bacon butty..). but im afraid that if i dont eat a bit of shit ill lose weight!! im going to stick to it though. gym was tough lastnight, football tonight and back at gym wed and fri. my protein will be here tomorrow so ill start on them with full fat milk or is that bad aswell? i suppose there is a formula that generically works but i think you have to find the diet to suit you individually....??? i might be wrong.....but ive never been so focused on what i am eating so fingers crossed.
ps is it worth me getting some amino acid tabs?? what do they do? and when i last had my protien drinks, i was constipated too fcuk!!! this diet will help that though shirley?
nem said:
ono said:
didactic said:
No I did not want my body getting used to the "extra help". I just dont trust some of these supplements so I dont touch them.
You don't trust amino acids?

May explain some of his jibberish in other threads, he isn't actually a recognised protein-based life form.

Na just brutally handsome I can see how you got confused.

-- Tue Jan 24, 2012 5:03 pm --

jacko8684 said:
Not bad good effort but I see you have had chocolate on the first day as well as bacon which is naturally high in salt. Try turkey instead or even a lean steak (I know can be pricy for some) but that would be better for you. You have to wean yourself off the chocolate there is no point doing it half assed as the results willl not appear. Many people fall into the trap of believing because they are now working out they can no drink and eat more junk and its fine, its not. Also I see you have not been having veg which is also important. When you have the shake try have them after your work out and before bed. Keep us posted and good luck I will help as much as I can.
thanks for your input on this.
and everyone else, i think this thread will help me a lot
i only had 1 bar of chocolate on sun, i used to have 3 or 4 a night!! i didnt have chocolate yesterday, just some nuts instead. i dont plan on having any chocolate or shit through the week and have a nibble on a sat or a sun(and a bacon butty..). but im afraid that if i dont eat a bit of shit ill lose weight!! im going to stick to it though. gym was tough lastnight, football tonight and back at gym wed and fri. my protein will be here tomorrow so ill start on them with full fat milk or is that bad aswell? i suppose there is a formula that generically works but i think you have to find the diet to suit you individually....??? i might be wrong.....but ive never been so focused on what i am eating so fingers crossed.
ps is it worth me getting some amino acid tabs?? what do they do? and when i last had my protien drinks, i was constipated too fcuk!!! this diet will help that though shirley?

The type of weight you get from chocolate and fatty foods is not good weight. Plus when you start training harder and your muscles grow you will find that you actually gain weight and looker leaner. Keep away from the bad foods you are doing great. Keep them for cheat days and you will cheat yourself to look forward to the nice little treats. You will also feel better and find your sleep better and have more energy.
Mate I came to tell you what I saw so many of the new guys in the gym doing tonight. At all costs make sure you do not overtrain stick to what you have planned to do, add some cardio and stretching and go home. There is no benefit in straining your muscles and maybe probably hurting yourself by doing too much. You will get the results from frequency and not going in and just doing every machine like I saw some do today. 2/3 exercises per muscle group depending on which one is enough.

Have a good night.
has the op used some of this advice and changed what he eats etc?

my workout is all written down and structured so theres no chance of me staying in the gym too long and overdoing it. if anything in the past ive underdone it! this times different im looking forward to eating all the time now as well as training properly.
ive started using my work diary to record what ive eaten each day and this will hopefully increase as the weeks go by and i use my protein shakes.
Ntini77 said:
didactic said:
Ntini77 said:
Stomach, buttocks & legs.

Oh you are female that makes sence. Stomach comes with working out the rest of the body people are under the illusion you have to 1000000000 situps to get a six pack that is false. Just increase your cardio ratio and meal frequency so that you teach your body that it does not have to store food as fat as it will be fed nutrients quickly. So if you have 3 meals a day have 6. Just halve each meal.

Buttocks and legs, Dumb bell lunges, squats and the best the dead lift which will work your back, shoulders and arms too. You dont actually need to be in a gym to do any of theses. If you dont know what they are google or ask. Also brisk walking, jogging or best cycling. If you are at the gym or you have space at home the rowing machine is very good and that is also an all over workout as well as the stepper. Obviously stairs are everywhere so dont avoid them use them they are excellent for what you are looking for.

Stomach, I do about 100 situps a week but I do over 1000 leg raises. Thats on your back legs together, hands to the side, raise your legs together at about 45 degrees, stop then down and stop before you reach the ground. These hurt like hell and you may need to start with sets of 10 each time until your strength increases. Pelvic thrusts and crunches will seal the deal. Make sure if you train one day to rest the next. Do not do them every day or your muscles will never have time to heal and never grow. Also if you are dieting remember cutting fat out altogether does not work as you need fat to burn fat so try nuts like almonds and also 1-2 tsp of olive oil. All these actually work the buttocks and legs too.

Does this help or is there anything you are unclear about?.

I'm actually a man! :)

Thanks for the advice. I'll give it a whirl.

One last question:

Are too many carbs a big no-no?

I'm vegetarian you see, and I mainly eat fruit, bread (rye), oatmeal & soup - all full of carbs.

Fuck, are you me?
I start bulking Monday:

7am - 4 x weetabix, 2 scoops protein, 1 x banana

10am - 2 x brown bread, 1 x tin tuna/mackerel, 2 x boiled eggs, 1 piece fruit

12.30pm - jacket potato with tuna, 1 x activia yoghurt, 1 piece fruit

3.30pm - wholemeal bagel with turkey, 1 scoop protein, 1 piece of fruit, handful of nuts


2 scoops protein after gym

7pm - rice/potatoes/pasta with fish/chicken/turkey/steak/mince meat, 1 spoonful of peanut butter

10pm cottage cheese, 1 scoop protein

I hate veg so I just take a good multi vit every day
didactic said:
ono said:
didactic said:
No I did not want my body getting used to the "extra help". I just dont trust some of these supplements so I dont touch them.
You don't trust amino acids?

I stay clear of all supplements regardless of what they contain.

I thought the word supplement was a big give away as to what they actually do
I am 22 years old and never been to the gym, i aint unhealthy but i think its time for me to start getting into a shape, if anyone could give me like a weakly plan that i could follow because i just don't know where to start, every day when i get up i have the energy and im always thinking il do something when i finish work but don't i need top kick my arse into gear, so if anyone could give me a weekly routine to do it would be greatly appreciated, pm if you can.
AntonDonJuan said:
I start bulking Monday:

7am - 4 x weetabix, 2 scoops protein, 1 x banana

10am - 2 x brown bread, 1 x tin tuna/mackerel, 2 x boiled eggs, 1 piece fruit

12.30pm - jacket potato with tuna, 1 x activia yoghurt, 1 piece fruit

3.30pm - wholemeal bagel with turkey, 1 scoop protein, 1 piece of fruit, handful of nuts


2 scoops protein after gym

7pm - rice/potatoes/pasta with fish/chicken/turkey/steak/mince meat, 1 spoonful of peanut butter

10pm cottage cheese, 1 scoop protein

I hate veg so I just take a good multi vit every day

do you not find that you are shitting through the eye of a needle though pal because of all the fruit? or does the protein balance it out? and the peanut butter...just off the spoon??? im getting some multi vits today as my veg intake isnt as high as it should be.
bluemooncol said:
I am 22 years old and never been to the gym, i aint unhealthy but i think its time for me to start getting into a shape, if anyone could give me like a weakly plan that i could follow because i just don't know where to start, every day when i get up i have the energy and im always thinking il do something when i finish work but don't i need top kick my arse into gear, so if anyone could give me a weekly routine to do it would be greatly appreciated, pm if you can.

Goals, weight, how often can you train?. Help us out mate?. Budget?.

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