How to bulk up?

Damocles said:
Dear weight gainers,

GOMAD is your friend

-- Mon Jan 13, 2014 11:32 pm --

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

Good read by the way

That's a great link Damo

It seems to have a bit for everyone, no matter what knowledge or level of fitness you hold.
Has anybody on here tried the GOMAD diet? Does it actually work?
I'm looking at gaining some muscle and weight in general because I'm currently underweight and very weak!
At the risk of asking a silly question, does it still count as a gallon of milk if you're adding nesquick powder to it? (To add some flavour as I imagine just drinking that much milk for a month or so can get a bit boring) thanks for your help!
simonmdm said:
Has anybody on here tried the GOMAD diet? Does it actually work?
I'm looking at gaining some muscle and weight in general because I'm currently underweight and very weak!
At the risk of asking a silly question, does it still count as a gallon of milk if you're adding nesquick powder to it? (To add some flavour as I imagine just drinking that much milk for a month or so can get a bit boring) thanks for your help!
I have not done it but its a given you will gain weight and if you train a lot of it will be muscle. Bodybuilders used to eat loads of ice cream to bulk before competitions. You could use nesquick if you like but it would be cleaner to just drink the milk
Flat chest press with bar
Decline chest press with bar
Incline chest press with dumb bells
Flat chest fly
Incline chest fly
Tricep skull crushers
Tricep dips
Tricep pull downs
Pressups until death


Reverse flys
MTS high row
MTS row
Lat pull down wide grip
Lat pull down close grip
Bicep curls
Hammer curls
Reverse curls
Pull ups until death


Squats with bar (heels on disk)
Walking lunges (weighted)
clean and presses
80/20 squats
leg press
leg extension
leg curls
Jump lunges until death


Shoulders press
Frontal/lateral raises
DAP in-out rota cuff
out-in rota cuff
Arnie press
Supermans (bench)

3 sets, 6-8 reps.
How long do people stick with a workout for?
I've done the exact same things for this week as I did last week and not sure if I should mix it up a bit to keep it fresh or stick with it
117 M34 said:
How long do people stick with a workout for?
I've done the exact same things for this week as I did last week and not sure if I should mix it up a bit to keep it fresh or stick with it
You should aim at changing your routine every week, even if its just changing the sets you do first, or changing the day you train a certain body part. Shocking the body is the most effective.
Any tips for guys who cant get to the gym guys? I currently have a weight bench, dumbells and a 16kg cast iron kettlebell. I have a a manual/lifting job anyway but would love to grow my pecs and biceps quickly! Any tips bluemooners??

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