How would you say you are coping mentally?

I'm feeling fine at the moment despite these worrying times of uncertainty. And a big contributing factor in feeling fine is eating healthily and exercising.
Diet, exercise and sleep are the three most important things in life.

Over recent-ish years, there have been a great deal research papers and articles looking at how a poor diet affects the mind (depression, bi-polar) and the body (anything from not recovering from niggly injuries properly all the way up to heart disease and cancer). Triple that with a sedentary lifestyle and poor sleep and they’re the biggest contributing factors to many of our chronic illnesses.

Contrasting that is living a life with a healthy diet, frequent exercise and good sleep. They’re the biggest preventative medicines you can possibly have.

Even simply cutting down on simple carbohydrates has a huge effect on my mental outlook. I’m less sluggish mentally, I am more positive about things, and have more motivation to do things and see things through.

Then greater vitamins and minerals, more water, good protein and complex carbs. The mind functions completely differently to one that is provided with a lack of those things.

East shit and that’s the fuel for your mind, so what’s the output going to be?...

I’ve really changed my eating and exercise habits during this lockdown. As well as not having an alarm in the mornings which means I’m sleeping through properly (I get up around 08:00 so it’s not like I’m lying in bed until 10:30 or owt). It’s been five weeks of this and I feel like a different person!
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Did my 1st full day of hard graft today since the lockdown begun, no waking up thinking wtf am i gonna do today etc. Body is aching like fuck but mentally feel great.
Routine. It's very important to have a routine. We are both now drinking every day but do not ever start until circa 17:00 hours and then we pace ourselves. Yes it's bad for you but we can control it. No other meds are ever taken save for our usual lucky bags off the doctor for olden folk ailments. So to recap no powder, no sniff, no ket, no uppers, no downers, just honest to goodness fruit of the vine and lashings of Juniper essence. Weight wise I have put on around a stone but that is more to do with boredom eating of Biscoff biscuits which I am now ridiculously addicted to. I am nailing around a dozen a day with wagon wheel chasers but am trying to slowly wean myself down. I had no exercise today but am doing some toe curls right now whilst typing. It's film night tonight and we have got some ferrero rochers from the daughter to nail with some diet lemon fanta. Probably bed around the 02.00 mark: That is all.
Genuinely worried about the long term effects on society about this. I'm alright, got a job that's classed as essential but I feel for those poor people who are self employed or run pubs etc. Will pubs ever open again, a lot won't and over the last 20 years we've lost so many. I'm worried about the kids. My youngest is up all night on Xbox with his pals who have not seen each other for weeks. No school, not allowed to play out... My eldest lad was due to start work for the council the day the lockdown started so he's obviously a bit upset by that, he doesn't complain, big shoulders on him but I know it's doing his head in.
Feel a bit helpless and like I already said, just worrying. Shit innit?

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