How would you say you are coping mentally?

In terms of virus related anxiety I am probably the best I have been since this all became a thing. The fucking boredom though. When work finishes at 5, off goes the laptop - then what?

Not really arsed about trying to do hobbies and the only reason I didn't go on the beer today is because I had nowhere to put the empties (you take your own glass to the bottle bank over here, no glass recycling service that I know of). So I took my bottles down to the bottle bank. I'm off for the week after tomorrow as well. Therefore tomorrow is a Friday for me.

I'm still running 5k daily with some dumbells mixed in.
Diet, exercise and sleep are the three most important things in life.

Over recent-ish years, there have been a great deal research papers and articles looking at how a poor diet affects the mind (depression, bi-polar) and the body (anything from not recovering from niggly injuries properly all the way up to heart disease and cancer). Triple that with a sedentary lifestyle and poor sleep and they’re the biggest contributing factors to many of our chronic illnesses.

Contrasting that is living a life with a healthy diet, frequent exercise and good sleep. They’re the biggest preventative medicines you can possibly have.

Even simply cutting down on simple carbohydrates has a huge effect on my mental outlook. I’m less sluggish mentally, I am more positive about things, and have more motivation to do things and see things through.

Then greater vitamins and minerals, more water, good protein and complex carbs. The mind functions completely differently to one that is provided with a lack of those things.

East shit and that’s the fuel for your mind, so what’s the output going to be?...

I’ve really changed my eating and exercise habits during this lockdown. As well as not having an alarm in the mornings which means I’m sleeping through properly (I get up around 08:00 so it’s not like I’m lying in bed until 10:30 or owt). It’s been five weeks of this and I feel like a different person!
Diet, exercise and sleep are indeed the three most important things in life. But for me there's a fourth just as important, and that's sunny weather.

As I've explained in other threads I suffer from SAD in winter and acute tinnitus and low pressure weather seems to make my tinnitus more unbearable. Having SAD for me is like a cold dark cloud hanging over ready to piss down at any moment.

But these last three weeks or so of glorious sunshine has me feeling alive and full of pep and vigour. The sunshine providing vitamin-D sure does produce a feel good factor and levels the serotonin spirit level in my head: )
Three times in the last 24hrs I have just started crying for no apparent reason. Don’t feel particularly anxious, I ride my bike most days and I am sleeping pretty well. Just feels really strange. I really like being ‘on the go’ and have a goal or something to look forward to. At the moment there is nothing and I think it is getting to me.
Thinking about it , we both think we are knackered been doing around 3 to 4 tons of food aday sometimes more, Which we move by hand both our backs are hurting . On to the truck, than off, than on, than off etc etc......we cant complain as we are reasonably safe. And lots of NHS people doing a far more dangerous and important job.
I've been working from home for six weeks. This is the longest time in my 25 year professional career that I have not been on a plane. We shut down early here in San Francisco and in my county hospitals have bed and ICU capacity. We've been very careful as my wife has asthma. I have been in my car a grand total of five times in six weeks -- four times for grocery store trips, one to the pharmacy. My teenage kids are in online school. My wife is knitting masks for charity. We are watching a lot of movies as a family and doing chores together on weekends. We are near hiking trails and have a decent-sized yard so can get outside (we cannot drive to any hiking trail -- they are all shut unless you can walk or bike to them).

I am a 7 or 8 most days, and a 2 or 3 on others -- any day where I pay attention to our fucking **** of a President. Last night for the first time we had neighbors in our driveway for a drink (keeping six feet away and we each brought our own drinks and food). 3 bottles of wine for two couples for two hours. It was magical. Just that little bit of socializing was hugely energizing.

We do the same. We only have one neighbour and we have set up the Social Distancing Bar. Seperate tables, bring the own booze and food, play music have a laugh get drunk and enjoy the company. Heart goes out to you having to listen to your POTUS. He depresses the fuck of me, after I emerge from the red mist. What it's doing to decent American people I can't even imagine. Hang in there.
We do the same. We only have one neighbour and we have set up the Social Distancing Bar. Seperate tables, bring the own booze and food, play music have a laugh get drunk and enjoy the company. Heart goes out to you having to listen to your POTUS. He depresses the fuck of me, after I emerge from the red mist. What it's doing to decent American people I can't even imagine. Hang in there.
I'm visualising a batter fondue machine with plates of sausages pizzas and Mars bars waiting to be dipped in the deep-fryer on the table. Wee ginger feral kids running around in 'tartar' skirts flinging big logs about the village green whilst listening to the Proclaimers.

Am I right, or is my surveillance camera covered in a blob of 'tartan' sauce MP? ; )
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I'm visualising a batter fondue machine with plates of sausages pizzas and Mars bars waiting to be dipped in and deep-fried in the deep-fryer on the table. Wee ginger feral kids running around in 'tartar' skirts flinging big logs about the village green whilst listening to the Proclaimers.

Am I right, or is my surveillance camera covered in a blob of 'tartan' sauce? MP ; )
You tell me you ****, I can never find it, but know it's there.

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