How would you say you are coping mentally?

was just something I've noticed from your posts, I was expecting you to say you live in a cave in northern Venezuela
Thankfully not, its just a normal existence a long way from where I'd prefer to be, due to my employment, but I left where I'd rather be in 1981, even if I visit regularly (until March 2020).

Luckily I've been able to work a decent job from home, a job I could probably do closer to where I'd rather be, close to family, but sadly this won't last and I'll have to be back in the office sometime (though I'm in no rush).
Good n bad days like most I suspect. Trying to keep a routine so read, watch Netflix or listen to podcasts in morning. Signed up to ome free courses on the open university and futurelearn so studying in afternoon. Was walking but signed up to that couch to 5k as my other half wanted to do it. On week 4 of that and before lockdown neither of us could run for bus but both ran 16 mins yesterday. I work in leisure/tourist industry and worked from home first 2 weeks of lockdown but been on furlough since with no sign of going back to work. Some emails say potentially August if things progress as they are at moment
Have been working all through lockdown with some bad days. But now that it seems lockdown is over, football back etc. People to get back to work. Roads just as bad as before.

I am now feeling more nervous about the virus than at anytime, yet we are being told things are getting better. It just doesnt feel right to me.
Lowest day in ages. Just angry all the time. Tired of this government, tired of its lies, scared of the lockdown opening up any time soon, fearing an imminent wave of new cases and inevitable shiteness as soon as the trafford centre opens and my mum goes back to work.

Just went for a walk to try and clear my head, came home feeling like an absolute tit. Things have changed so much. Vast majority have utterly given up. Large groups of people sat together, a pub basically open ('takeaway' service with everyone hammered outside) and loads of drunk people mixing, people hugging. No one keeping their distance on paths.

I genuinely envy their lack of concern. Its demoralising. Must be peaceful living life like that, with only their own interests at heart. They're happy, relaxed and having fun, breaking all the rules while sat out in the sun acting like everything is great. Loads of us are tired of the tragic, sad mess that this has all become and missing people we love, just desperate for a hug from. Lots of us are still too scared to pass people nearby in the street. Shite innit. Feel like an utter dick.

Even if I wanted to break the rules I couldn't. Feel sick thinking I could pass something on to someone I care about. How do these people just not care? I don't get it. Annoying thing is that it's those people will end up being fine and it'll be someone else obeying the rules who won't. And the worst bit is that I just end up angry. Got home, neighbours downstairs having a party. Every day these selfish cunts do this is another day away for the rest of us from being able to hug our parents. What's the fucking point? We're taken for fools.

All I can think is 'when will I ever feel comfortable hugging my parents again?'. It's a shite, weird fear. I keep worrying that I'd end up hating myself if anything happened to them and I never just hugged them anyway. It's a really weird time and I just can't see the end currently.
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Pretty crap

Mrs JASR away for an unknown period looking after her post-op father far away.

I have a cat and 4 chickens for company most of the time.
conversation isn’t great.
More fed up this week than for a good while. Even though the weather was shite for most of the summer it was good to get a bit of normality back. But now it feels like back to square one. I completely get the reasons and I'm on board with anything I can do to play my part, but it still takes its toll.

I know seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a thing and I can't help but feel its going to be a really bleak few months over the winter. I dont like thinking like this, but there doesn't seem to be much to look forward to at the moment. Just got to take it one day at a time and enjoy the little things. I wasn't bothered about the end of last season completing given the title was a done deal for the scousers but trying to get back in to football again this year, just as a distraction as much as anything else!

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