How would you say you are coping mentally?

I personally am fine but can well understand others who are struggling. If it wasn’t for the problems it would cause the NHS I would be advocating that the Government should say, sod it you can all go back to doing what you used to do.
Not to say that this is how you feel, but I wonder if a form of lockdown "comfort" exists. I don't mean this for all those who lose their jobs due to closed workplaces etc, but more that by being under lockdown it should mean that ourselves and loved ones are out of harms way and there is nothing we can be doing to try and improve or change the situation. In some ways I think lockdowns can reduce the onus on us. Staying in is terrible of course but I do think I felt more at ease somehow during April-June when I knew it was going to take something extraordinary for myself or loved ones to come to harm.

You know what. Strangely you could be on to something there. Yes we can all argue till the cows come home about the effectiveness or otherwise of lockdowns/circuit breakers etc but at least it feels like there is something being done and decisions are being made somewhere!
You know what. Strangely you could be on to something there. Yes we can all argue till the cows come home about the effectiveness or otherwise of lockdowns/circuit breakers etc but at least it feels like there is something being done and decisions are being made somewhere!

It's not to say that it applies to you or anyone else, but I can remember a period of two weeks around May where I had nowhere to be except the supermarket and exercise within 2km of my home. I ordered some City DVDs from a chap on here and whittled the evenings away by watching those. Aside from the times I have managed to see family at home, those 2 weeks were the happiest I recall being during all of this. I knew everyone was safe and all we could do was wait it out. Of course I wouldn't like it for another prolonged period.
I am feeling much better since i adopted another cat , being on my own with only one friend locally who i havent seen since march and going through what i have alone has been a nightmare . Having nothing living and breathing in the house with me for four months i was dropping further down to a really shit place and full of anxiety , just having something to talk to and cuddle has been very calming

I think if you live with people you are very lucky, talk to each other
In short. Badly.
In long, I have had problems with my spine since February, 3 vertebrae are compressed, (what ever that means) and as my GP practice cant be arsed seeing me or helping me and , well everything is fucking with my head.
Have you taken a look online seeing as your GP practice are crap? There are exercise plans etc (if the pain allows), a back brace could possibly help, a Chiropractor might be able to assist you with the condition but obviously this could be an expensive.
You've probably looked into things already but just in case you haven't. Hope things improve.
The only thing I’m struggling with is people moaning all the time and being sent screenshots or links to cunts on social media moaning.

Stay calm, follow the rules, wash your hands, wear a mask, reduce the risk of spread as much as you can, realise some people are in some utterly dire situations at the moment and a bit of Covid related stress or longing for things to get back to normal are not important compared to real problems that people have, and stay off social media (and stop sending me links to social media no marks talking shite!)... and most of us will be alright and we’ll come out of the other end fine!
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I am feeling much better since i adopted another cat , being on my own with only one friend locally who i havent seen since march and going through what i have alone has been a nightmare . Having nothing living and breathing in the house with me for four months i was dropping further down to a really shit place and full of anxiety , just having something to talk to and cuddle has been very calming

I think if you live with people you are very lucky, talk to each other
I live alone and I’m not in a bubble with anyone so even though I have lots of people living close to me, it’s like being on a desert island most of the time.

A few tips: make lists, tick things off as you compete them from the list, sort out music playlists, exercise, stretch, watch some box sets, watch some films, cook well, write some memorable stories from your life down, look at old photos, read (I don’t ever really read personally, I’ve never read a book from the first word to the last ever! but some people love it), draw, keep the house/flat clean...

Basically keep yourself as busy as you can and you even strive for times of the day where you’re just sat there with your eyes shut having a res. The busier you are, you don’t even notice that you’re alone!
Still fine thanks. Work has continued for me and the missus, I can still buy records, book slots in record shops, go to the pub and take weekend breaks. Apart from wearing a mask nothing really has changed.
I live alone and I’m not in a bubble with anyone so even though I have lots of people living close to me, it’s like being on a desert island most of the time.

A few tips: make lists, tick things off as you compete them from the list, sort out music playlists, exercise, stretch, watch some box sets, watch some films, cook well, write some memorable stories from your life down, look at old photos, read (I don’t ever really read personally, I’ve never read a book from the first word to the last ever! but some people love it), draw, keep the house/flat clean...

Basically keep yourself as busy as you can and you even strive for times of the day where you’re just sat there with your eyes shut having a res. The busier you are, you don’t even notice that you’re alone!
Good ideas, i use this place as my outlet, not what it is made for but i landed here so here it is
My mood is all over the place, I do realise that compared to some people on here that my situation is insignificant, I still have a job and am working from home and as I am semi retired from a financial perspective I am ok.
However I am one of life's natural worriers and always see the glass half empty. I have been on leave this week and actually ventured out to the Trafford Centre on Tuesday with my other half and my eldest. We went fairly early and I coped for most of the time but after a couple of hours started to feel a bit nervous about the number of people there and their proximity to me. It was more related to those few without a mask that bothered me. It caused a bit of a row as both my wife and daughter have been fairly active since the first lockdown ended even going away for a few days (I have been working most days during each week) and they're more used to being out and about.
Went for my haircut today, which wasn't a problem in itself as the protocols in the place were pretty good however another bloke having his haircut had removed his mask which played on mind as I always think worse case scenario.
Sorry to rant on about this as I said at the start I know that there are a lot of people worse off than me however writing it down does to a certain extent feel cathartic.

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