i want de jong out of the team

He is very useful in certain matches, against teams that are better than us, and or away against difficult opponents. But using him against the Rumanian's side yesterday is bollocks.
lionheart said:
Neil McNab said:
Is it UHU or EVOSTIK you're sniffing?
Was it wrong with you???
Whoops, did you you mean those words to be in a different order, so they form a sentence?<br /><br />-- Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:35 pm --<br /><br />
lancs blue said:
Also it looks as if our main formation this season without orthodox wingers is going to involve quite a bit of overlapping by the full backs. That requires a purely defensive midfielder staying back to help cover the gap that's left, step forward NDJ.
No it doesn't and why De Jong is better qualified than Toure or Milner for that is beyond me, he's just not got much ability.
mcfc1632 said:
Sabster said:
Essien, is very good on the ball, very quick, can shoot, scores goals, and creates assists.

All things de jong does not do.

Just simply fucking wrong - Yes I agree that in the role that Nigel plays - Essien is the worlds best - so lets compare that

Essien is No. 1 - but he averages 2 league goals per season in his chelski career - is very low on assists - these (as Bennitez would say) are 'facts'

But he breaks play up and thereby covers the defence - then moves play forward - giving the ball to a CM - like Lampard - who then moves it further forward - he then drops back to break up the next opposition play

Who is No. 2 in the world in the DM role??? I would suggest Nigel - so would Capello given his World Cup ratings - who else could it be???

So we have the number 2 in the world at CITY (at least top 5 unless you know absolutely fuck all about modern football) - and all you can do is slag off - sorry you simply know fuck all about the importance of the DM role and why therefore Nigel is key

I don't agree, just by watching them play it seems obvious that Essien and Nige play in a different style, if anything essien reminds more me of yaya, a bit more box to box DM, Nige is pure destroyer just like Mascherano (who I think is the best in the world for this role and the only one better than Nige).

By no means does he need to be like Essien, we got other players for that, it's just good to know that you have different tools at your disposition as a manager to decide how and who to play after doing an analysis on the oposition on each specific instance.
BlueSinclair said:
He is very useful in certain matches, against teams that are better than us, and or away against difficult opponents. But using him against the Rumanian's side yesterday is bollocks.

why ??

I could have swore we won !!<br /><br />-- Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:46 pm --<br /><br />
Neil McNab said:
lionheart said:
Was it wrong with you???
Whoops, did you you mean those words to be in a different order, so they form a sentence?

-- Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:35 pm --

lancs blue said:
Also it looks as if our main formation this season without orthodox wingers is going to involve quite a bit of overlapping by the full backs. That requires a purely defensive midfielder staying back to help cover the gap that's left, step forward NDJ.
No it doesn't and why De Jong is better qualified than Toure or Milner for that is beyond me, he's just not got much ability.

But we won ffs... and weve now played 2 away from home and not conceeded.

wtf is the problem with some on here.??
samharris said:
BlueSinclair said:
He is very useful in certain matches, against teams that are better than us, and or away against difficult opponents. But using him against the Rumanian's side yesterday is bollocks.

why ??

I could have swore we won !!

-- Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:46 pm --

Neil McNab said:
Whoops, did you you mean those words to be in a different order, so they form a sentence?

-- Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:35 pm --

No it doesn't and why De Jong is better qualified than Toure or Milner for that is beyond me, he's just not got much ability.

But we won ffs... and weve now played 2 away from home and not conceeded.

wtf is the problem with some on here.??
We have midfielders who can play football, why waste a man by playing the immobile stump!

-- Fri Aug 20, 2010 7:02 pm --

mcfc1632 said:
Sabster said:
If anything, it is the people that think De Jong is one of our best players that know nothing about football - they see him make 1 "blockbuster" tackle a game and think that he is god.

-- Fri Aug 20, 2010 12:18 pm --

Firstly Barry is hardly box-to-box - he would much rather just hold outside the area. Yaya would make runs occasionally and milner would always make runs, it would work fine.

Re your response to my point - Sorry - this only reafirms my view - if you think that de jong is anything less than vital in every one of the tough games that we will play this season - you actually are just pig ignorant about moden foorball (don't worry lots of fans of various clubs are - and loads of journos) - as I said - it does not make you a bad peron - just one that knows fuck all about modern football - relax - thankfully our manager does - so just enjoy that
The dim are often deluded to the extent that they think they are so right when in reality they are as wrong as wrong can be!<br /><br />-- Fri Aug 20, 2010 7:03 pm --<br /><br />
Ducky_ said:
De Jong is a beast. End of.
Stick him in the fucking Zoo then!
Neil McNab said:
samharris said:
why ??

I could have swore we won !!

-- Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:46 pm --

But we won ffs... and weve now played 2 away from home and not conceeded.

wtf is the problem with some on here.??
We have midfielders who can play football, why waste a man by playing the immobile stump!

-- Fri Aug 20, 2010 7:02 pm --

mcfc1632 said:
Re your response to my point - Sorry - this only reafirms my view - if you think that de jong is anything less than vital in every one of the tough games that we will play this season - you actually are just pig ignorant about moden foorball (don't worry lots of fans of various clubs are - and loads of journos) - as I said - it does not make you a bad peron - just one that knows fuck all about modern football - relax - thankfully our manager does - so just enjoy that
The dim are often deluded to the extent that they think they are so right when in reality they are as wrong as wrong can be!

-- Fri Aug 20, 2010 7:03 pm --

Ducky_ said:
De Jong is a beast. End of.
Stick him in the fucking Zoo then!

Today..... Neil McNab will be mostly being mr grumpy. :)
Big fan of NDJ. Does his job well. Agree that against lesser teams that we could be more adventurous and play Yaya Toure as the holding midfielder with Milner and Silva in the middle. NDJ though will prove his worth throughout the season and has been excellent since his arrival.
mcfc1632 said:
Sabster said:
If anything, it is the people that think De Jong is one of our best players that know nothing about football - they see him make 1 "blockbuster" tackle a game and think that he is god.

-- Fri Aug 20, 2010 12:18 pm --

Firstly Barry is hardly box-to-box - he would much rather just hold outside the area. Yaya would make runs occasionally and milner would always make runs, it would work fine.

Re your response to my point - Sorry - this only reafirms my view - if you think that de jong is anything less than vital in every one of the tough games that we will play this season - you actually are just pig ignorant about moden foorball (don't worry lots of fans of various clubs are - and loads of journos) - as I said - it does not make you a bad peron - just one that knows fuck all about modern football - relax - thankfully our manager does - so just enjoy that

I am prepared to guarantee you that Mancini will chose Barry over De Jong

It is amazing that any team wins anything without de Jong in their team, as he is so abosultely essential. Not one big team in the world has a player so one dimensional as De Jong and yet is not even that great at breaking up play.

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