if mancini can forgive........

I think he's an obnoxious little twat and my view on that is unlikely to change. I don't particularly need to like him though and I have never been under any illusion that he particularly gives a shit about anything other than himself. In the unlikely event that Mancini picks him again, I will want him to try his best and play well and that is it. I wouldn't boo him because it would be counter productive but would I sing his name? No.
If Mancini allows and wants him to play then that is good enough for me.

But whatever happens he has to be sold in January even if it's for £10m and under no circumstances do we pay any of his wages when he's left.
Personally I dont like to see unprofessional attitudes from anyone at our club. Tevez has his future away from City in January that seems certain.
In a perfect world both parties should be able to agree to make a temporary peace that would be in everyones self interest.
However Mancini does not have a "forgiving" reputation and Tevez is stubborn, egotistical and of limited interlect.
"Could I stand Tevez playing for the club if Balo and Aguero were injurred?", Yes if he was fit, committed and did not cause disruption within the team.
I am trying to look at the bigger picture.
I can't even begin to think that Bobby Manc will forgive. He doesn't seem to be the forgiving type unless the apology is rapid and sincere. Dzeko recognised his error in Munich and was quick to apologise.

As with Bellamy & Adebayor, if a player doesn't get on with him then there's only ever going to be one winner.

The meeting at RM's house was all about professionally handling the situation, not a way back in the long term. All parties concerned will understand that Tevez is finished at City. In fact he said so himself in that Argie TV interview, in the mistaken belief that plenty of Clubs would be coming in for him in the summer. RM said so on TV after the Bayern game. No doubt Khaldoon has already said the same in the Boardroom.

Therefore the question is irrelevant, IMO. Mancini will NOT forgive. He's in charge and we move on towards the title. Forza Mancini !
in my opinion, i think the more energy we put in to worrying about tevez and the "situation" the less time we have for actually supporting our team.

We should not let the media into our affairs
For anyone who would still like to see him stay ask yourselves this, 0-0 v scum Tevez clean through and he misses a sitter, how would you all react? There are some who think he may have missed that penalty on purpose (not me btw), so you can imagine the reaction he would get.

I was happy for him to have gone in the summer, thanks for where you've got us Carlos but adios, now i never want him to wear the shirt again, plus we look a more fluid unit without him.
i would love to see an agreement reached so that he's allowed to play score some goals and get his valuation up to at-least a 30 mil so we can bring in someone an have a bit of change in january. after the transfer and loans of bellamy ,santa cruz and adabayor it would just be nice for us to walk away from a deal and not be the one getting the shitty end of the stick.
Of course we can forgive him - he is a fairly uneducated and unitelligent 25 year old from a deprived part of Argentina. He has a god given talent to kick a ball so well that he is paid £10m a year (plus or minus) to do it, and his closest adviser seems to regard his as a cash-cow who will keep on yielding big fees if handled correctly. So can we understand why he might do things which others find offensive? Of course we can. Throw obscene amounts of money at a street kid and you are unlikely to end up with an individual for whom tact and diplomacy are natural attributes. A couple of episodes of the Beverley Hillbillies might give an insight into some aspects of his character. And if you are still not sure, just ask the Rooneys.

But will I ever forget what Tevez did? Will I ever want him in our "famous old shirt" again (to quote Henry Winter)?

Will I fuck.

There's a sign in front of the North stand which reads 'We dream of playing in the shirt, today God chose you'.

Well on 27th September, God chose Tevez, and he said No.

So I forgive him, and feel sad that you can have so much money and still be (so it seems) deeply unhappy, but he can still go fuck himself.
sorry, but i just cant forgive someone that has disrespected our club, our manager and our city!
its funny really, reminds me of a girlfriend that keeps wanting to break up but doesnt want to be single and will only dump you once shes found a new bloke, and if that was the case with a girl, would you say okay babe i forgive you ill take you back?, espesh if she does it repeatedly....

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