If you could live your life in a different era...

Markt85 said:
Gaylord du Bois said:
In all honesty I wouldn't change it.
Born 60's
Laid 70's
Kids 80's
Hitched 90's
G/kids 20's
Having said that my father was born in Glasgow and grew up there in the 50's so I wouldn't mind nipping back as his wing man from the tales he told me.

so you'd be dying around now
Fact of the day.- we're all dying.
the original post sounds pretty dmn perfect to me, maybe part from the prom queen bit. Love 50s America, the whole 'Grease' style clothes, cars, high school, diners etc.
England in the middle ages so I could drink ale, fuck whores and sometimes arrow people.
Think living through the late 70's and early 80's as a teenager was bliss looking back now at my teenage years loved it..so I lived through the era I wanted too! :-)
i would pic the 14th to late 17th century.a period of great cultural change and some amazing art and literature.

nah fuck it i wanna be a cowboy shooting people or living in tupelo mississippi in the 50,s
Think for me it would have been the 80s, so I could properly appreciate everything I couldn't properly do in the 90's. Such as smoking in pubs, and a time when kids weren't such little bastards like they are now.
nem said:
England in the middle ages so I could drink ale, fuck whores and sometimes arrow people.

You can still do that now and all perfectly legal. Just get yourself off to Hereford castle and bag yourself a Taff, with a longbow, whilst chugging on a firkin of Bombadier. The local brass is quite reasonable too, so I'm told.
LongsightM13 said:
Chrisja1000 said:
1920's US, during probation era. I would get myself a sharp pinstripe and a tommy gun and cause some chaos!

Sorry to much boardwalk empire!!!
This is the one for me as well.
I would quite fancy riding on the running board of a Model T, opening my violin case and spraying some lead at rival goons and then trading wisecracks with a sassy moll over a glass of bathtub gin.
And then to work, refusing the likes of glen, gordondaviesmoustache, GSC and Corky admission to the hottest speakeasy in the City, sliding the peephole shut with a sneer because they didn't know the secret password.

The secret password is "rag".
An era some time after this one. I'm dreaming resource-based economy, Human race = one race, every creature equal, ideals fully caught up to technology... shit, that really would be something

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