Insanity work-out

Blue Maverick said:
Fuck me Rosler is that only two weeks, it really shows you need to follow the diet, I had hardly any change apart from been fitter, but I ate what I wanted.

Yes mate, second fit test today. Not really been following the nutrition plan just been eating healthy and limiting the crap. Just going hard on every workout and leaving nothing left in the tank.

FantasyIreland said:
Great work rosler,looking much leaner and better conditioned.dont completely deprive yourself of treats,have a reward meal once a week,great for motivation,metabolism and your sanity!

Cheers mate, yeah I know about the reward meal but if I have one I just feel I'm likely to really slip, diet wise.
Fit test done. I'm so unfit!
Switch kicks 46
Power jacks 38
Power knees 58
Power jumps 25
Globe jumps 5
Suicide jumps 10
Push up jacks 11
Low plank oblique 22
bluegirl83 said:
Fit test done. I'm so unfit!
Switch kicks 46
Power jacks 38
Power knees 58
Power jumps 25
Globe jumps 5
Suicide jumps 10
Push up jacks 11
Low plank oblique 22

Well done
The fit test was harder than I thought! I'm going in for the first sesh and my legs are still jellied from yesterday!

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