Insanity work-out

sjk2008 said:
Running the risk of sounding stupid, all mixed together in the same glass?

Yes mate, although I personally wouldn't bother with the SF squash, in fact if fat loss and fitness were my priorities I wouldn't bother at all and just use the calories/macros in the following meal :-).
Tinned oily fish are very convenient in any diet but especially when 'cutting' - a portion,with greens,pre-bed could be an option?

As DH as stated,protein powders are still,pound for pound,the best value,rather than seeking a 'substitute'.

I spend about 50 quid for 5kg,it convenient,versatile and lasts a while.......
FantasyIreland said:
Tinned oily fish are very convenient in any diet but especially when 'cutting' - a portion,with greens,pre-bed could be an option?

As DH as stated,protein powders are still,pound for pound,the best value,rather than seeking a 'substitute'.

I spend about 50 quid for 5kg,it convenient,versatile and lasts a while.......

For someone who is just starting this Insanity workout plan, is it really neccessary for me to spend £50 on this protein stuff? I mean, if I stick to the plan for the two months, will there be a noticable difference between how I'd look having not had the powders for two months, and actually having them?
sjk2008 said:
FantasyIreland said:
Tinned oily fish are very convenient in any diet but especially when 'cutting' - a portion,with greens,pre-bed could be an option?

As DH as stated,protein powders are still,pound for pound,the best value,rather than seeking a 'substitute'.

I spend about 50 quid for 5kg,it convenient,versatile and lasts a while.......

For someone who is just starting this Insanity workout plan, is it really neccessary for me to spend £50 on this protein stuff? I mean, if I stick to the plan for the two months, will there be a noticable difference between how I'd look having not had the powders for two months, and actually having them?

Youre missing the point a tad.When training protein is essential,so,yes,without enough of it you're progress will be hindered to whatever degree.Where you choose to get your sources of protein is entirely down to you,the point i'm making is that powders offer fantastic value for money and are very convenient in terms of time restraints and a working life.

As always,if you can eat 5 or 6 solid meals a day,by all means,take this route.
FantasyIreland said:
sjk2008 said:
FantasyIreland said:
Tinned oily fish are very convenient in any diet but especially when 'cutting' - a portion,with greens,pre-bed could be an option?

As DH as stated,protein powders are still,pound for pound,the best value,rather than seeking a 'substitute'.

I spend about 50 quid for 5kg,it convenient,versatile and lasts a while.......

For someone who is just starting this Insanity workout plan, is it really neccessary for me to spend £50 on this protein stuff? I mean, if I stick to the plan for the two months, will there be a noticable difference between how I'd look having not had the powders for two months, and actually having them?

Youre missing the point a tad.When training protein is essential,so,yes,without enough of it you're progress will be hindered to whatever degree.Where you choose to get your sources of protein is entirely down to you,the point i'm making is that powders offer fantastic value for money and are very convenient in terms of time restraints and a working life.

As always,if you can eat 5 or 6 solid meals a day,by all means,take this route.

OK, thanks.
sjk2008 said:
Fanny Fart said:
Just finishing the 3rd week of this after I had to have a week off when I developed a touch of tendinitis in my Achilles.

I feel like a could run through a fucking brick wall! Got loads of energy and the 6 pack is on its way. I've knocked the beer on the head for now which has helped as well

What was your weight/body shape before you started to notice definition, if you don't mind me asking?

I'm 6ft and weighed 13 stone before I started (mesomorph) Lost a few pounds but I've been eating 3000calories a day and a lot of protein so I don't lose too much muscle definition.

I started to notice the difference in my obliques after first week, can gradually see the early signs of my front abs now after 3-4wks
Well done to all of you, this is turning into an epic thread, many thanks whoever started it!
Any of you on Instagram? There's plenty of inspiration on there, coaches and the like, everyday Joes who are just starting out. Good way to track your own progress, I've felt brave enough to upload my before and after on there. Also I'm probably repeating myself but smartphone users need the My Fitness Pal app, it is a real godsend when monitoring dietary intake whilst working out.
On my twelfth week and still loving it, best thing I ever did. Going to be having a sesh for the first time in nearly three months this Saturday, then I don't plan to drink loads till Xmas day.
I've got used to J20s on match day now :D
You can do it People!!
I'm back on this tomorrow. I fell off big time when I started getting very sore feet. A hectic work/home life over the past month had put paid to any sort of routine I could stick too as well. I've purchased some new trainers today to hopefully combat the sore foot problem. I was doing the exercise in a pair of flimsy Adidas Originals so the comfort and support wasn't there. I have noticed a difference in my energy level and general everyday wellbeing since being off Insanity so I know it does work. I'm going to start from scratch again. Heres hoping my feet hold out!
Fanny Fart said:
sjk2008 said:
Fanny Fart said:
Just finishing the 3rd week of this after I had to have a week off when I developed a touch of tendinitis in my Achilles.

I feel like a could run through a fucking brick wall! Got loads of energy and the 6 pack is on its way. I've knocked the beer on the head for now which has helped as well

What was your weight/body shape before you started to notice definition, if you don't mind me asking?

I'm 6ft and weighed 13 stone before I started (mesomorph) Lost a few pounds but I've been eating 3000calories a day and a lot of protein so I don't lose too much muscle definition.

I started to notice the difference in my obliques after first week, can gradually see the early signs of my front abs now after 3-4wks

You being serious Ray?lol what pub you in tomorrow fella?
Finished first 4 weeks. Lost a stone, have loads more energy, fitter than I've been in a long time and starting to see visible differences.

Doing the recovery week now and Shaun T and I clearly don't see eye to eye on what a "recovery week" is. Was sweating like a blind lesbian in a fish shop.

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