Insanity work-out

Honestly, not too sure. I've put that together by cutting up two student diets. I want to really bulk up on top, I've got broad shoulders however my arms and chest are just, they're not skinny and yet they're not bulky. I've noticed that I find it hard to put on weight, since September I've been on the typical student diet; I know people who have put on 1 - 2 stone and yet I've not seen any real noticeable changes from being a lazy bastard with a shit diet.
Blue Smarties said:
Honestly, not too sure. I've put that together by cutting up two student diets. I want to really bulk up on top, I've got broad shoulders however my arms and chest are just, they're not skinny and yet they're not bulky. I've noticed that I find it hard to put on weight, since September I've been on the typical student diet; I know people who have put on 1 - 2 stone and yet I've not seen any real noticeable changes from being a lazy bastard with a shit diet.

What workouts are you doing? Are you hitting the gym every day?
Do you not fancy the Insanity? There is an upper body workout on there for people who like lifting weights. I have really noticed a difference in my biceps in the three months I've added that workout (near six months in total as I've done Insanity twice through). When I'm hungry I eat, if I train hard I don't see why I can't eat loads to compensate! I'm a woman so not even using heavy weights (I don't want to wind up like Jodie fucking Marsh).
Shaun T is starting his own Insanity workout this coming Monday and will regularly update his Facebook and include all hints and tips about diet. Just a thought.
Another option is the P90x which I think is for those who want to really bulk up. Never tried it so can't comment on it.
An old workmate of mine was a bodybuilder, that diet you've posted looks about right :) he was chomping on something every two hours, always chicken or tuna. He was huge.
Blue Smarties said:
Looking to bulk now however I'm at uni so a bit restricted. What's the views on this, feel free to rip apart. I won't be doing Insanity, posting here as the fitness thread has sailed somewhere.

Breakfast, 7AM -
2 Weetabix
2 Peanut butter on wheat bread
1 Tall glass of milk
1 Apple
1/2 Cup cooked lentils

Snack, 10AM -
1 Scoop whey
1 T/S Peanut butter

Post-work out shake, 12:30 -
2 Scoop whey
1 Banana

Post-work out meal, 14:00 -
1 can tuna
1 portion rice
1 portion lettuce
1 portion pepper
8 olives

16:00 -
3 boiled eggs
1/2 Cup cooked lentils

19:00, Dinner -
200g lean meat cooked with 1 T/S Olive Oil
1 portion green veg

Snack, 9PM -
1 whey scoop
1 T/S Peanut butter

Not too sure what it's like? Maybe throw in a wheat sandwich with chicken or turkey breast for lunch? Should I throw in pasta somewhere? God knows.

You won't have time to work out, you will just be preparing food and eating it all day!
Right im not doing insanity but it seems it has turned into an all round fitness thread.

Ive been caning the gym 3/4 times a week now for the pst 3 months. wasnt fat (bit of a beer gut) but very unfit. Now at the point where i have lost a fair bit of the weight and my fitness is pretty good. id like to start toning up and building a bit of muscle, also attempting to shape some abs lol!

at the moment my diet is this. Obviously i change it around a bit, but i have this a fair bit

brekkie - porrige, apple, water

lunch - Grilled chicken breast with small amount of brown pasta

snacks - fruit, dry cranberries (im now aware these have fuck loads of sugar in so will be stopping), natural yoghurt

dinner - 2 grilled chicken breast or steak, chorizo and red pepper sarnies (in wholemeal pitta....... or chicken and chorizo salad with cous cous.... homemade chilli con carnie with brown rice

There are days when i probably have to much chocolate and im usually out having beers at the weekend

Any advice on diets or machines at the gym i should concentrate on at the gym would be much appreciated. Usually at the gym its an hour on the treadmill, 30 mins on the cross trainer and then maybe 15mins on the TRX things doing core strength

cheers (sorry fot the long post)
Theirs a bird at my work doing it, her fella got her into it Ive told her I'll monitor the results :) f'in love a bit of outside attention birds like that lol, let him do all the work I'll just reap the benefits.....corse I reckon she's prttey bad as it is blonde mid 30's not living together beggin attention! All for insanity me lOl. Git to say last time I seen her she was lookin pretty fine work will be good tomo
Mikeymanc said:
Theirs a bird at my work doing it, her fella got her into it Ive told her I'll monitor the results :) f'in love a bit of outside attention birds like that lol, let him do all the work I'll just reap the benefits.....corse I reckon she's prttey bad as it is blonde mid 30's not living together beggin attention! All for insanity me lOl. Git to say last time I seen her she was lookin pretty fine work will be good tomo

The lucky lady......
FantasyIreland said:
Mikeymanc said:
Theirs a bird at my work doing it, her fella got her into it Ive told her I'll monitor the results :) f'in love a bit of outside attention birds like that lol, let him do all the work I'll just reap the benefits.....corse I reckon she's prttey bad as it is blonde mid 30's not living together beggin attention! All for insanity me lOl. Git to say last time I seen her she was lookin pretty fine work will be good tomo

The lucky lady......
sick of trawling through numerous websites so i'll ask real people on here.

any good oblique workouts/exercises? also ones that target your lower abdomen (i.e. the 3-4 inches above your waist? any other muscle groups i'm fine with - i know numerous exercises that (should you do them enough) will strengthen and tone the muscles, but these two areas I'm struggling to find an effective exercise, which is annoying because not being able to tone up these parts seems to undermine the rest of the work that I've done
mansour's tow ropes said:
sick of trawling through numerous websites so i'll ask real people on here.

any good oblique workouts/exercises? also ones that target your lower abdomen (i.e. the 3-4 inches above your waist? any other muscle groups i'm fine with - i know numerous exercises that (should you do them enough) will strengthen and tone the muscles, but these two areas I'm struggling to find an effective exercise, which is annoying because not being able to tone up these parts seems to undermine the rest of the work that I've done
Leg raises are the main one there are loads of different variations of them and are hard as hell to begin with

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