
sheikys billions said:
mike o said:
Spent the majority of the time talking music to be fair, the fella knows his soul music better than most, same with manchester bands/music of which he helped to break a fair few.

The football side, he just loves his club in that arrogant way most rags do!

Hes the ultimate rag wind up merchant but I just laugh at it, theres 4/5 like him in every pub in Manchester.
You might laugh at him or with him but other blues dont,yove obviously got a soft spot for this **** of the highest order,ive been in his company twice and he as ridiculed blues and not as you say in a wind up way, more of a twisted face with rage in him and got 2 thrown out of a club i was in,he is a fuckin wanker and wouldnt piss on this **** ever,fuckin ugly rag twat!

No soft spot, just tell it how I see it. Had I met him and he'd been a **** id say so.

Not gonna pretend he was a dick when I met him just to please the Bluemoon masses.

Obviously everyone has different opinions and most on here will think hes a dick
de niro said:
buzzer1 said:
Ive said it before and i'll say it again, this cnut is cringeworthy and i now find myself not being able to listen to his grovelling, snivelling arse licking voice, he is now up there with Crerand as the all time twat.

no so, crerand heads the **** list.

**** list

mickey i print money thomas
terry career with no talent christian
agus i'm a drug addict deyton
eamon i'm a plastic fat **** holmes.
May I add geoffrey"wife beater"boycott to this roll of dis-honour.
one pretend rag i cannot stand is gough, he is the worst brown nose arse licker that as been on the face of this planet, i listen to talkshite a lot in between my golden oldie music, i piss my sides at their cowardly incessant ramblings of i must cream over united to keep my job, as for the rest of them on that station the only one out of that rabble who comes out with any dignity is brazil, their seems to have in his voice a total pisstake of everyone, but for his co host this guy is weezle of all weezles a sad case of please love me i support united honest i do? but if you want the big one for the list it has to be murdoch he would do anything to keep the sky card reds happy?
Can't stand Irani. It makes me want to turn off. It shows how good the BBC's impartiality is.
bitterbilly said:
I've heard Christian's brother is a blue.

He is.

And "rumour" is that Terry the Twat spent more time at Maine Road than he did at the swamp while growing up...
Christian is nothin' but a pillock , and i for one , couldn't give a rats arse what he thinks or says ...... and Crerand is just as bad , half the crap he comes out with is more dated than Max Bygraves !

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