Ireland Leaving - Absolute Disaster

Carl_Man_City said:
You really don't understand Barry's role do you

Go on, explain it. Trot out cliches about controlled passing and 'using the ball well'. We don't need another body 'using the ball well' when we have De Jong and Zabba/Vieira in the midfield. We need someone who can change the pace of a game and get the team driving forward, creating chances and putting the opposition on the back foot.

I'll tell you what is 'using the ball well', making a pass that turns the defenders and puts us through on goal. A pass that causes teams problems. Not a pass that puts us on the back foot or has us going sideways until eventually the opposition put us under so much pressure we have to boot it long or make a mistake.

I appreciate Barry's talent and he is well used for England when he has the likes of Lampard to give the ball to who do the driving forward job. But in a midfield containing tackling machine and serial sideways passer De Jong and mad loose cannon Zabaleta he is utterly useless. He doesn't control games by dictating play anywhere near frequently.

Ireland is getting stick for 'poor performances' and people are saying he should grab his chances but when he has played such as against Pompey and Stoke at home he created goals. It works both ways, Barry has kept his place almost every week even after poor games. I know they play different roles but they are in direct competition for a place in the team. Ireland must have been fed up for ages seeing Barry get away with crap performances but keep his place in the team unquestioned.
masterwig said:
ElanJo said:
Probably because Barry is the only traditional midfielder("all rounder") at the club and the fact we've been playing with 2 upfront

For an all-rounder he creates very little and hardly ever scores. Jack-of-all-trades master of none springs to mind. Utterly pointless when he is playing alongside Zabaleta and De Jong in midfield. Anyway, that's getting off topic a bit. I appreciate what he can bring to a side and he has played alright the last few weeks.

He'll get the odd goal (unlike De Jong or Zab) , he can tackle, read the game well, pick a pass (and spread the play) and rarely loses the ball. Other than MJ we haven't really had anyone else like that at the club this season. Vieira is similar so that's perhaps why Bobby signed him.
I love stevie but he's been frustrated this season. I remember a few years back on 606 and every single fucker hated and slated him. The only words on my profile page were, ' believe in Ste Ireland as he'll become one of the best' I still think that's true but this season he's seemed abit off the pace, he seems to have lost that drive he had. I'd love him to stay, definitely but if he's not willing to fight after the chances he's had at this club then what's the point? Get van der vaart or sneijder in, both would fill that hole.
allan harper said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
That's the beauty of City for me.

I can feel downhearted all week about the lads but as soon as I'm near COMS then my mindset changes, my focus shifts to just the game ahead of us and I can see clearly and lucidly.

Losing Ireland would be a huge loss but we've lost bigger players in the past and at least if we do part with Ireland it'll be mutual and not like years gone by where we had to say 'yes' to any offer that made financial sense.

Thanks for pm on the stadium mate x x

Chance of a PM mate.
Thanks a lot
No No No No No....

Not read the full thread but Ireland has talent, he's just not been on form this season. I'd be gutted if he left. BIG mistake by the owners if they let him leave!
Damocles said:
Sorry Pigeonho, but I completely disgaree with everything that you've put in that post.

Pigeonho said:
No, thats impossible. The only time we will have overtaken them, (think of what that word means), is when we win god knows whatever it is they have won since 1992. Until then all we can do is try to compete with them.

You know what he was getting at there. Overtaken as in overtake their position within the league. Besides, when did the Premiership become the sole arbiter of success? Football did exist before 1992.

As it stands united have not officially overtaken Liverpool as yet, league championship-wise anyway, however that looks like it will change cum May, a project which has taken Taggart 20 odd years to achieve. For us to overtake united they have to go to the depths of the 3rd tier, we have to win all the trophies they win, and better it. The truth is that in our lifetime we will not overtake them, but we can and perhaps will compete with them.

No, they don't have to go to the third tier at all. You sound so much like a rag in the above bit, I'm sure you've been hypnotised by propaganda ;)

We will 'perhaps compete with them'? Are you mad, man?

Every great empire eventually falls. Ask Liverpool, or Rome or something.

You think how long it has taken the dippers to be looked upon as they are today from when they were winning everything. United will never have that demise because the success they have had means they will always win things in future, just like Barca and Real will never really fall from grace in Spain. Yes they might have the odd off couple of seasons and perhaps the odd trophyless one too, but they will never go on a total barron spell which will culminate in them becoming an ordinary club.

And you're basing that off of what entirely?
Barca and Real never fall from grace in Spain because they have the highest levels of income. Even then, they still had heavy challenges from Villareal, Valencia, Deportivo, Alaves, etc. Unfortunately, whilst the challengers had to balance the books, Barca and especially Real just went and spent more cash.
No matter what you think (the proof is in black and white), United DO NOT have the financial muscle to keep up with us.

Also, your rag propaganda bullshit has popped up again. United have never being anything but an ordinary club. The best manager to every step on the pitch, Ferguson, has taken them to a shitload of trophies. Before him they've won next to fuck all. One CL, a couple of LCs and a few leagues. Nothing like the previous 20. I've written about this previously, you should read this.

Competing with united is what we can do, and I think we will soon see a situation where the PL, FA, LC will be fought for between us and united, AND the European cups will be fought for between Barca/Real from Spain, the usual suspects from italy and France and united and City from England. Chelsea's time will soon run out cos they simply don't have the prestige and history that united now have to carry the momentum onwards, just like Blackburns short time ended the way it did in the mid 90's. I reckon by 2016/2017, Chelsea will be another average Joe. Thats what sustained success gets you see, and that is why united will never be overtaken by anyone for many many years but our wealth and vision of the owners suggest we will be competing with them, hopefully more than Chelsea have this last 10 years or so.

Prestige and history get you fuck all in this game, ask Royal Engineers, or Nottingham Forest. It has absolutely no effect on a game, which is why football is so good.

Chelsea will be another average Joe when Ambramovich leaves them in about 20 years. United will be long before that. With a resurgent Arsenal team, Roman spending more money, City's billionaire owner out for blood, Tottenham and Villa upping their game, United do not sit in a good spot. You can talk about historical successes all day long, but the stark reality is that every single person at United would rather be in our position than theirs.

Can't be mithered dissecting your dissection of my post, so i'll just say each to their own. I know what i'm getting at and what i'm basing it on, you obviously disagree with it, so fair play.
I dont think it would be a loss at moment to be honest

and if anyone honestly thinks ferguscum would sign a player that cant even get in our team, or that are owners would be stupid enough to sell him to our rivals then you need to wake the fuck up because you living in a dream land
masterwig said:
Carl_Man_City said:
You really don't understand Barry's role do you

Go on, explain it. Trot out cliches about controlled passing and 'using the ball well'. We don't need another body 'using the ball well' when we have De Jong and Zabba/Vieira in the midfield. We need someone who can change the pace of a game and get the team driving forward, creating chances and putting the opposition on the back foot.

I'll tell you what is 'using the ball well', making a pass that turns the defenders and puts us through on goal. A pass that causes teams problems. Not a pass that puts us on the back foot or has us going sideways until eventually the opposition put us under so much pressure we have to boot it long or make a mistake.

I appreciate Barry's talent and he is well used for England when he has the likes of Lampard to give the ball to who do the driving forward job. But in a midfield containing tackling machine and serial sideways passer De Jong and mad loose cannon Zabaleta he is utterly useless. He doesn't control games by dictating play anywhere near frequently.

Ireland is getting stick for 'poor performances' and people are saying he should grab his chances but when he has played such as against Pompey and Stoke at home he created goals. It works both ways, Barry has kept his place almost every week even after poor games. I know they play different roles but they are in direct competition for a place in the team. Ireland must have been fed up for ages seeing Barry get away with crap performances but keep his place in the team unquestioned.

I'm not saying we should play all Barry De Jong and Viera. Just because we don't have a midfielder like Gerrard or Lampard doesn't mean Barry should change what hes good at. Not every midfielder has to play defence splitting passes and scoring goals every other game. Barry is a better midfielder to play than De Jong Zaba and Viera. We have a good midfielder in Barry we just need another which can do the things you expect a midfielder to do. At the moment we don't have that which is why we play 2 very attacking wide men and 2 up front.

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