Ireland speaks out [Merged]

Re: "I was neither happy or sad if we lost."

BillyShears said:
bluemoonmatt said:
Care to comment BillyShears, DidsburyDave et al

that written interview doesn't even document his comments on our youth team and how they apparantly strut about with a thousand watches on thier arms.

Why? So I can be called a rag, told that I'm not a proper supporter thanks.

I think Ste was well within his rights to say what he said, and unless anyone has actually spent time with the playing squad at City in the last three years, then they have fuck all idea about what goes on behind the scenes.

Anyway...please continue the witch hunt. I'm sure there's someone somewhere who gives a fuck...

So you are happy with Stevie not caring if we won or lost last season?
You think its fine that he came off the bench against the rags not caring, which ultimately led to us losing?
And then you complain when your accused of being a rag and not a proper City fan?
Im sorry but its a real struggle to understand where your coming from at all here!
Re: "I was neither happy or sad if we lost."

BillyShears said:
Why? So I can be called a rag, told that I'm not a proper supporter thanks.

I think Ste was well within his rights to say what he said, and unless anyone has actually spent time with the playing squad at City in the last three years, then they have fuck all idea about what goes on behind the scenes.

Anyway...please continue the witch hunt. I'm sure there's someone somewhere who gives a fuck...

He's young, he's hurt and he's angry but the comments he made sounds like he was playing for himself and didn't give a shit about the team if he wasn't in the starting line up.
He comes across as a selfish little prick and I have always defended him up until this point. I wouldn't boo him but I wouldn't give him a round of applause either.
Pissed on his chips as far as I'm concerned.
Re: "I was neither happy or sad if we lost."

Neil McNab said:
stumpy_mcfc said:
Nothing to get upset about he still has my best wishes at Villa. It may explain why he could not turn it on when he came on as a sub - remember the last Derby. Anyway I also remember the great days of joy that Stevie gave me - so good luck.

Let's just move on - it is a new beginning (again) :-)
His mental state, character and attitude account for that, what we're buying with Milner is someone who would have reacted very differently, just as he has throughout his career. Good luck to SI, Villa are in for some whacky times!

Mate I have to agree with you - when I posted I had not seen the interview but even the missus is here spitting blood. She is Irish and a Dub, defending him to the hilt but that how it goes.
Re: "I was neither happy or sad if we lost."

stony said:
BillyShears said:
Why? So I can be called a rag, told that I'm not a proper supporter thanks.

I think Ste was well within his rights to say what he said, and unless anyone has actually spent time with the playing squad at City in the last three years, then they have fuck all idea about what goes on behind the scenes.

Anyway...please continue the witch hunt. I'm sure there's someone somewhere who gives a fuck...

He's young, he's hurt and he's angry but the comments he made sounds like he was playing for himself and didn't give a shit about the team if he wasn't in the starting line up.
He comes across as a selfish little prick and I have always defended him up until this point. I wouldn't boo him but I wouldn't give him a round of applause either.
Pissed on his chips as far as I'm concerned.

Spot on Stony. He'll have no degree of reaction from me when he returns with the Villa. Even though, I have been a long time follower of Ireland.
I genuinely don't give a fuck about him anymore to be honest - I thought he was absolutely outstanding in 2008/09 - my favourire player, and looked like he was going to be the kind of player to build our team around, but it didn't work out that way. We've move on, and he's moved on, and good luck to him - hopefully the change will be better for both of us.

But he's Villa's player now - I'll give him a clap along with Dunnie when they come back to Eastlands, but outside of that I couldn't really give a fuck what he does anymore. I don't understand all these people who are desperately clinging onto a player who doesn't play for us anymore - if you love Stevie and Dunnie so much, there's a team in claret and blue in Birmingham who would probably better suit your support.

We've all seen players come and go at City, and I'll look back on many of them fondly, but I support the players who play for us now - that's the way its always been, and I just don't see the point in getting hung up on someone who is now a Villa player - why should we care about him anymore? I'm sure he's not sitting at home beating himself up about how any of us are feeling - move on - football is a fickle game, and has been for a long time now - if you spend all your time pining over those who have left us, you'll miss what's happening at City now, and that would be a fookin shame
Re: "I was neither happy or sad if we lost."

BillyShears said:
bluemoonmatt said:
Care to comment BillyShears, DidsburyDave et al

that written interview doesn't even document his comments on our youth team and how they apparantly strut about with a thousand watches on thier arms.

Why? So I can be called a rag, told that I'm not a proper supporter thanks.

I think Ste was well within his rights to say what he said, and unless anyone has actually spent time with the playing squad at City in the last three years, then they have fuck all idea about what goes on behind the scenes.

Anyway...please continue the witch hunt. I'm sure there's someone somewhere who gives a fuck...

Well when Sven (who personally I didn't rate) was sacked Ireland slagged him off. When Hughes went Ireland slagged him off. Now we tell Ireland he is not good enough he slags the club off. Can you see the trend there? He blames others because of HIS shortcomings!! Just the same reason why he quit playing for his country.

Hughes dropped Ireland last season because he wanted to play 4-4-2 and Ireland simply wasn't up to the job of playing in a central midfield two.

Mancini played Ireland in 3 games in his favoured position last season, two of those games was against Stoke in the league and cup. He failed miserably.

So don't start making excuses about fans having a go at him when he slags our club off.
"If it was up to me, Newcastle would win the league and City would come second." - Joey Barton, June 2007.

He gets boo'd by our fans, despite him being our only player for about 3 years, not just some one season wonder.

Stephen Ireland, I know you like a browse on Bluemoon. Be expecting the worse when you come to our place, you thick, pikey twat.

Forget the past, concentrate on the future


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