Ireland speaks out [Merged]

This thread is a classic.

We have had a Villa fan criticizing our reaction to a departing player, yet conveniently forgetting the reception Dunne got last year from City fans in comparison to the way they treated Barry.

And then to top it all off, we have Irishmacca defending Ireland despite having spent the last year or 2 doing nothing but slate him.

Wonderful stuff.
Milner's better than Ireland & is low maintenance, Ireland is mentally very fragile, no confidence, I don't think you'll see the best of Ireland for another 4 or 5 years when hopefully he'll have matured.
Milner gets 100% out of his abilities, all the time. Read Ireland's comments in the press today and he's obviously upset, angry but also deluded and immature. Hope he does well at Villa, but we know the slightest "life trauma" and hell retreat back into safe mode and be the player we saw last season.
Has led to two or three massively anti-City stories in The Sun fueled by his comments, aimed at the manager, Milner, youth players, and more.

As far as I'm concerned, Ireland is a scumbag who has lost all my respect for this "tell all". Will never respect him or cheer him again. Hope the fans remember when he returns to the stadium that he contributed to the massive smear campaign against our club.

Rot you scumbag chav, hope you are in League 2 three years from now.
LoveCity said:
Has led to two or three massively anti-City stories in The Sun fueled by his comments, aimed at the manager, Milner, youth players, and more.

As far as I'm concerned, Ireland is a scumbag who has lost all my respect for this "tell all". Will never respect him or cheer him again. Hope the fans remember when he returns to the stadium that he contributed to the massive smear campaign against our club.

Rot you scumbag chav, hope you are in League 2 three years from now.
Yeah that #smear campaign' is eating through the club as we type.

What did he do? Fuck your missus?
Go on, what did he do, apart from being bewildered at training, keeping his head down, not requesting a move, saying nowt through it all and then doing an interview for Villa?
Joycee Banercheck said:
What did he do? Fuck your missus?

No, f*cked with my club.

- Bitter shot at the youth players.
- Attempt to destabilize new signing Milner with a "warning".
- Adding fuel to the media fire against our manager by saying he never talks to anyone.
- Saying there is no loyalty at our club.

In general a bitter tw@t who has completely grinded his heel into our club on leaving, showing 10% of the class Dunney did when he left.

I'm guessing you're part of IrishMacca's Irish Mafia if you can completely ignore all of the above and put Ireland above our club's reputation and wellbeing.

Glad he's gone seeing what sort of person he is. We've replaced him with a proper player - who backs up his obvious talent with a stronger mentality than lickle Stevie has. I can see what Mancini is doing.
LoveCity said:
Joycee Banercheck said:
What did he do? Fuck your missus?

No, f*cked with my club.

- Bitter shot at the youth players.
- Attempt to destabilize new signing Milner with a "warning".
- Adding fuel to the media fire against our manager by saying he never talks to anyone.
- Saying there is no loyalty at our club.

In general a bitter tw@t who has completely grinded his heel into our club on leaving, showing 10% of the class Dunney did when he left.

I'm guessing you're part of IrishMacca's Irish Mafia if you can completely ignore all of the above and put Ireland above our club's reputation and wellbeing.

Glad he's gone seeing what sort of person he is. We've replaced him with a proper player - who backs up his obvious talent with a stronger mentality than lickle Stevie has. I can see what Mancini is doing.
Yeah I joined IrishMacca#s clan (who the fuck is he)?

Right - he fucked off all rthose youth players - tell me who. Do you go down SportCity regularly then? I'm guyessing you do, I do.
- Attempt what exactly with a warning after a deal is done?
- Media fire? You listen to that shiye and believe it all? More fool you, sunbeam
- There isn't really loyalty at any club - the fact you think there is speaks volumes.

Anyway, I'm blue, you sound blue, so who gives a fuck?
Just like to say - no maklice in me post, fella
Joycee Banercheck said:
Yeah I jouned IrishMacca#s clan (who the fuck is he)?

Guy who puts the Irish players like Ireland and Given above the club and defends them no matter what.

Point is, Ireland has given the media days if not weeks of fresh ammo against our club and has done so willingly - no spin doctoring, there are direct quotes - and that is not something many fans can overlook. He has lost the respect of many clearly, just look at this thread.
LoveCity said:
Joycee Banercheck said:
Yeah I jouned IrishMacca#s clan (who the fuck is he)?

Guy who puts the Irish players like Ireland and Given above the club and defends them no matter what.

Point is, Ireland has given the media days if not weeks of fresh ammo against our club and has done so willingly - no spin doctoring, there are direct quotes - and that is not something many fans can overlook. He has lost the respect of many clearly, just look at this thread.
I noticed both the story and his 'passiohn'. NOwt wrong with having a favourite player, regardless of where you're from. I libe in Heywood and I can't promote getting bollocksed enough. What Ireland has said is summat I'd have said, probably what every fucker would have said too after all he's been through. Not nice to hear, but it aint nice to be shunned and then fucked off for someone ona par, is it? Anyway, I'll be right behind Milner.
Won't miss him.

Maybe if he focused on performing on the pitch as much as scrutinizing other players' watches, he'd still be here. Considering his appalling collection of gaudy cars, how can he criticize?

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