Is anyone else worried??

I was actually having this conversation with a United fan on Saturday arvo.
His opinion is different to your average moronic rag though. He agreed with me.

He said he was worried by City's lack of transfer activity and it showed a real maturity as a club, It shows we are not just the money bags, scattergun haphazard spending idiots that everyone wanted us to be.

We both agreed that City will be miles better off with limited additions to the first team squad. I said I thought we needed Javi Martinez as he would be perfect. Cover at Centre mid, and centre half, young, hungry and Spanish speaking. It's my suspicion that he is Mancini's primary target and the Euro's and now the Olympics are the reason behind us not signing or at least bidding for him yet.

Defensive cover would be ideal, but finding someone good enough yet happy to play second fiddle to such a dominant centre half pairing will be difficult.

This why I see Martinez as a very important player, his ability to be top class in two positions will help us and would help him get sufficient game time to be happy until he either replaced or succeeded Barry or Lescott.

Without many additions our squad will unite more and become more of a team, players will not be playing in fear of being replaced by the next 'star' as the papers would want us to believe.

Yes we only won the league on GD, but we won every game that Tevez played, I'm not suggesting we'll win every game next season with him, but it certainly won't hurt having a World Class forward available all season. He missed the hardest part of the season. October to Spring.

Each and every player will benefit from last season. Each season under Mancini we have seen a huge improvement in the players he has kept from the Hughes regime. Hart, Kompany Richards, Zabba, Lescott have gone from strength to strength. Nasri, Aguero will have had a full season at their new club. Balotelli will be a year older and hopefully slightly more consistent on and off the field.

Let the others blow fortunes they probably can't justify, Chelsea seem just to have added more egos to their squad, and are not looking a balanced squad at all. United need improvement to stand still.

Team unity, balance and confidence, combined with new deals for Mancini, kompany & Silva(hopefully) we will be stronger, and in my opinion stronger than we would be if we have signed four more £20 million plus players.
schfc6 said:
I was actually having this conversation with a United fan on Saturday arvo.
His opinion is different to your average moronic rag though. He agreed with me.

He said he was worried by City's lack of transfer activity and it showed a real maturity as a club, It shows we are not just the money bags, scattergun haphazard spending idiots that everyone wanted us to be.

We both agreed that City will be miles better off with limited additions to the first team squad. I said I thought we needed Javi Martinez as he would be perfect. Cover at Centre mid, and centre half, young, hungry and Spanish speaking. It's my suspicion that he is Mancini's primary target and the Euro's and now the Olympics are the reason behind us not signing or at least bidding for him yet.

Defensive cover would be ideal, but finding someone good enough yet happy to play second fiddle to such a dominant centre half pairing will be difficult.

This why I see Martinez as a very important player, his ability to be top class in two positions will help us and would help him get sufficient game time to be happy until he either replaced or succeeded Barry or Lescott.

Without many additions our squad will unite more and become more of a team, players will not be playing in fear of being replaced by the next 'star' as the papers would want us to believe.

Yes we only won the league on GD, but we won every game that Tevez played, I'm not suggesting we'll win every game next season with him, but it certainly won't hurt having a World Class forward available all season. He missed the hardest part of the season. October to Spring.

Each and every player will benefit from last season. Each season under Mancini we have seen a huge improvement in the players he has kept from the Hughes regime. Hart, Kompany Richards, Zabba, Lescott have gone from strength to strength. Nasri, Aguero will have had a full season at their new club. Balotelli will be a year older and hopefully slightly more consistent on and off the field.

Let the others blow fortunes they probably can't justify, Chelsea seem just to have added more egos to their squad, and are not looking a balanced squad at all. United need improvement to stand still.

Team unity, balance and confidence, combined with new deals for Mancini, kompany & Silva(hopefully) we will be stronger, and in my opinion stronger than we would be if we have signed four more £20 million plus players.

Agree with you on the whole. I dont think this squad is good enough to win the CL but then again Chelsea did so what do I know!
schfc6 said:
I was actually having this conversation with a United fan on Saturday arvo.
His opinion is different to your average moronic rag though. He agreed with me.

He said he was worried by City's lack of transfer activity and it showed a real maturity as a club, It shows we are not just the money bags, scattergun haphazard spending idiots that everyone wanted us to be.

We both agreed that City will be miles better off with limited additions to the first team squad. I said I thought we needed Javi Martinez as he would be perfect. Cover at Centre mid, and centre half, young, hungry and Spanish speaking. It's my suspicion that he is Mancini's primary target and the Euro's and now the Olympics are the reason behind us not signing or at least bidding for him yet.

Defensive cover would be ideal, but finding someone good enough yet happy to play second fiddle to such a dominant centre half pairing will be difficult.

This why I see Martinez as a very important player, his ability to be top class in two positions will help us and would help him get sufficient game time to be happy until he either replaced or succeeded Barry or Lescott.

Without many additions our squad will unite more and become more of a team, players will not be playing in fear of being replaced by the next 'star' as the papers would want us to believe.

Yes we only won the league on GD, but we won every game that Tevez played, I'm not suggesting we'll win every game next season with him, but it certainly won't hurt having a World Class forward available all season. He missed the hardest part of the season. October to Spring.

Each and every player will benefit from last season. Each season under Mancini we have seen a huge improvement in the players he has kept from the Hughes regime. Hart, Kompany Richards, Zabba, Lescott have gone from strength to strength. Nasri, Aguero will have had a full season at their new club. Balotelli will be a year older and hopefully slightly more consistent on and off the field.

Let the others blow fortunes they probably can't justify, Chelsea seem just to have added more egos to their squad, and are not looking a balanced squad at all. United need improvement to stand still.

Team unity, balance and confidence, combined with new deals for Mancini, kompany & Silva(hopefully) we will be stronger, and in my opinion stronger than we would be if we have signed four more £20 million plus players.

I fully agree. Now we've got a settled squad it's time to stop buying loads of new players every season. The only area where age is any issue is DM/CB. Martinez would fit right in.

We should start blooding the youngsters like you said plus Rekik (who looks a great prospect, Razak, Suarez, Biton(?) etc...

So no I'm not worried. At all.
Impeccable said:
I'm confident that Roberto and the board know what they are doing.

That is all.

I'm a natural worrier, bordering on total stress addict, but I comfort myself with a line of reasoning akin to the Impeccable's.
To expand; my thought is that Roberto Mancini has just signed a new 5 year contract. The man is undoubtedly incredibly rich already so money won't have been the main driver (other than it's a badge / measure of success).
What winners like Roberto focus on is proving themselves in their chosen professions - I don't believe that he would've put pen to paper unless he had all assurances that he would have the finance necessary to bring in whichever players he felt he needed to make his squad capable of competing at a higher level next season than it did in the last.
'Improvement' that's his mantra, that's what he needs and that's what he would have been confident of achieving before he committed to take the challenge forward for the next half decade.
If we don't buy in big then that's because Roberto doesn't need to and that's what stops me worrying.
There's no point in buying unless the player you're bringing in is better than the one he's replacing
Both the rags and chelsea have plenty they need to replace, but don't forget, the players they bring in need a bedding in period

Anyway, relax and enjoy it. We're battling for titles now, not fighting for 40 points and safety
I'm more worried at yet another transfer window that has so far been a failure in terms of shifting players the club don't want or would like to move on for various reasons (ie. Kolo because he has one year left on his contract). Only Bridge has been shipped out with us paying 90% of his wages, while Adebayor, Santa Cruz, and Kolo all stall on moves away. John Williams was brought in last summer to get rid of players and the best he could do with most were loan moves. Things looked up about 1 1/2 weeks ago when Ade, Santa Cruz, and Kolo all looked on the verge of making permanent moves elsewhere but here we are again, with things not happening. This time next year they will nearly all be gone - Santa Cruz, Bridge, Kolo, Michael Johnson - all one year left on their contract. Adebayor two years left but there is still the chance Spurs will close a deal for him.
No, with the squad we have we amassed 89 points last season its up to them to do it again, whether 89 will be good enough this season, no idea.
LoveCity said:
I'm more worried at yet another transfer window that has so far been a failure in terms of shifting players the club don't want or would like to move on for various reasons (ie. Kolo because he has one year left on his contract). Only Bridge has been shipped out with us paying 90% of his wages, while Adebayor, Santa Cruz, and Kolo all stall on moves away. John Williams was brought in last summer to get rid of players and the best he could do with most were loan moves. Things looked up about 1 1/2 weeks ago when Ade, Santa Cruz, and Kolo all looked on the verge of making permanent moves elsewhere but here we are again, with things not happening. This time next year they will nearly all be gone - Santa Cruz, Bridge, Kolo, Michael Johnson - all one year left on their contract. Adebayor two years left but there is still the chance Spurs will close a deal for him.

Why sign a player today, when you can sign him in three weeks, saving £300k in salary payments alone

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