Is it wrong to put your dogs poo bags in someone elses bin?

My dad was not adverse to getting an old chipping wedge out and lauching a hard one from his garden onto the common beyond his hedge.
On occasion my dad would also take great delight in pushing his hover mower over one, he would piss himself laughing in the middle of the lawn whilst ballistic shite flew out of the side. No wonder my mum divorced him.
I'm guessing the wheely bins aren't owned by the people at the house anyway, they're council owned usually.

I see no issue with this.
What about cats that shit everywhere ???
My cat comes in from the garden to shit and wee in his tray , i find it annoying but he wants to do it , those who go outside cover it over , tbey are very particular about that

There is no excuse to dump your dogs shit anywhere other than the shit bin or take it home , it is a rule that you pick it up so take it home

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