Is now the time to consider Mancini's tenure at the club

skyblue_brother said:
The problem is that the owners are asking themselves the same question. Mancini's position has not been in question before however this has now changed. I know i am going to get slaughtered for this but i am not a wum, you can see i've been on this site for many years and have never posted any itk before, but this is what i've heard from what i consider a very reliable source.

The name being discussed to replace mancini will surprise no-one but is Pep Guardiola. I am not saying mancini will get the sack tomorrow however he has lost the backing of the owners and his replacement is being discussed, he is living on borrowed time and unless things turn around very quickly he will have lots of free time on his hands very soon.

Regardless of personal opinions on Mancini, having just given the man a new five year contract a matter of a few weeks ago, that would mean we had the most retarded owners on the planet.

I don't think that is the case.

I do however think that, whether intentional or not, the information in your post is complete and utter horseshit.
skyblue_brother said:
The problem is that the owners are asking themselves the same question. Mancini's position has not been in question before however this has now changed. I know i am going to get slaughtered for this but i am not a wum, you can see i've been on this site for many years and have never posted any itk before, but this is what i've heard from what i consider a very reliable source.

The name being discussed to replace mancini will surprise no-one but is Pep Guardiola. I am not saying mancini will get the sack tomorrow however he has lost the backing of the owners and his replacement is being discussed, he is living on borrowed time and unless things turn around very quickly he will have lots of free time on his hands very soon.

I'm really not trying to have a go at you and I sincerely believe you're not a wum but what you consider to be a reliable source could just be another gossip merchant to the rest of us. How can anybody but the owners know if they've lost faith in him.

Admittedly we've flopped in Europe but we're sitting very nicely in the league at the moment and RM has just been given a 5 year contract.
If Begiristain does come in then I suspect the Guardiola rumours will gather pace. He is the man who lobbied for Pep to get the Barca B job and then the Barca job proper, and they are by all accounts very close.
Not read all this thread

IMO - Mancini isn't good enough to win CL. That said with City this is only second time round, took the Wizzard down in Trafford 7 years so I don't think crisis point reached.

He has just signed new five year contract and all our transfer dealings have been to give Mancini the players he wants and not rely on previous managers signings.

We are now limited under FFPR so the idea of completely changing playing staff again in a short time is not feasible.

If we are to bring in a new manager they would have to work with Mancini's players I can't think of anyone who would do a better job.

I hope our owners give him another couple of years at least, CL (IMO) is not the B all of football, for me priority is still prem league and as a secondary competition FA cup. His record in these competitions is impecable.

So in answer to OP yes his tenure at our club has been weakened but not so much as to necessitate a change.
I can remember all the same arguments put forward about Mancini when we finished 5th....he will never get us chance of a title.

It's the same people too. Really tiresome.
Cobwebcat said:
I can remember all the same arguments put forward about Mancini when we finished 5th....he will never get us chance of a title.

It's the same people too. Really tiresome.
I agree cobweb cat also we had quite a few injuries on wednesday and that didnt help
Cobwebcat said:
I can remember all the same arguments put forward about Mancini when we finished 5th....he will never get us chance of a title.

It's the same people too. Really tiresome.

Yeah the negative minded fans its real pity that they think this way! I believe we can still qualify in champions league even of its a very small chance of us doing it..
Pam said:
Gaylord du Bois said:
DD said:
I find the nearly cost us comment has cropped up in various forms a few times.
I find it staggering that people actually believe this.

People who believe the nearly cost us theory are 100% unadulterated, no holds barred, wank-festing, bottom-feeding trolls and wummers. Either that or they have the brains of a hamster fart. If you had to choose between their opinions and the opinions of a load of lobotomised gold-fish living in an aquarium, you'd choose the fish every time. And you'd be right.

OK Pam. I think we've established that you consider yourself better than everyone else so let's prove it by reasoned discussion. You have a good grasp of the English language so I assume you are intelligent enough to do so, and bearing in mind I have less intelligence than a goldfish following a brain operation, this shouldn't be too difficult for you.

My belief is that we had a ten game spell on the road last season when we dropped lots of silly points because we changed our style of football following a rather open game at QPR.

You obviously don't believe Mancini's tinkering cost us those points. Therefore, would you care to explain why you think it didn't?<br /><br />-- Sat Oct 27, 2012 12:15 pm --<br /><br />
Cobwebcat said:
I can remember all the same arguments put forward about Mancini when we finished 5th....he will never get us chance of a title.

It's the same people too. Really tiresome.

Do you think he is getting 100% out of the players? Do you think they are happy with his management performances?

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