Is now the time to consider Mancini's tenure at the club

Re: Mancini vs Dzeko

LoveCity said:
Jaskosss said:
I'm actually from Belgium and I started following City ever since Kompany joined and because I hate United. My fav players are Kompany, Aguero and Dzeko. You need to understand that ppl might be moaning about Dzeko not getting the proper respect by Mancini because it might be true?

I don't care where you're from but all you do is preach the Gospel of Dzeko and criticise Mancini. At least that's all I ever notice from you. You show very little sign of supporting the CLUB, you're more interested in promoting a player and speaking rubbish about Mancini every week.

lol, I do agree that I moan a lot. I was the first one to criticise Dzeko when he was dogshit for most of the year though. You can look it up if you don't believe me. I agree that I'm being more negative than postive towards city lately but that has all to do with how we are playing and the panic button transfer window. The first one is Mancini's fault for the largest part
Re: Mancini vs Dzeko

Pam said:
Jaskosss said:
LoveCity said:
Here's the problem. It's hard to take your critique of Mancini seriously when your sole agenda is Edin Dzeko and not the club. You're a new fan who cares about Edin Dzeko more than anything so no matter what your view of Mancini is going to be swayed by how often he plays Dzeko (not enough for your liking). You realise don't you that Guardiola, Mancini's likely replacement, would likely play Dzeko even less as he prefers not to use tall target men? It'd be the Aguero and Tevez show.

I'm actually from Belgium and I started following City ever since Kompany joined and because I hate United. My fav players are Kompany, Aguero and Dzeko. You need to understand that ppl might be moaning about Dzeko not getting the proper respect by Mancini because it might be true?

And yet I am sure I remember twats coming on here on Wednesday decrying the decision to start Dzeko. Damned if he does, damned if he don't merchants. I suppose you want Leslie back.

I just chundered in my mouth.
i think the only person getting the sack soon will be mark hughes!

mancinis position is rock solid compared to his!!
Didsbury Dave said:
Blue Heaven said:
sam-caddick said:
It's rubbish that he only wants a London club.

Pep wants to be flirted with a project that will give him most satisfaction, this is according to the pundits on Revista.

I don't think he will go to Chelsea in my opinion, Roman is number 1 and demands complete power, plus there isn't really a big big challenge to win the European Cup again compared to a club like us.

Pep could see us as the club who he can win the first European Cup with, he will have all his past Barcelona associates on the board in Soriano etc.. He will have complete power, a good spending kitty, and probably most importantly, implementing the Cruyff total football/ Tika Taka system into our new world class academy - that would be priceless!

I love Mancini, but there are many managers who can win us titles, but only a few who can win in Europe! It is up to the owners to make decisions of course.

Mancini is noisily making the owner's decision for him by continuing to fight his in-house battles (previous medical staff, Marwood and always with his own players) in front of the entire footballing world via the rapacious British footy media. This is not how a classy and generous, but naturally conservative Arab sheik likes to do business. Now he defends Gregucci by saying that AG has only worked with our defenders exactly ONCE since he was hired. If so, why does AG have a title and a wage packet?

Mancini's "my way or the highway" commentary about Micah's foolish public comment is reminiscent of his public slating of Hart, of all people, after his innocent and frankly appropriate comments after the Bernabeu debacle. While it is inappropriate for any player to question his manager's tactics in the media, it seems incredible that Mancini would react the way he did in both instances (Hart, Richards) given that he has humiliated his own players in the media countless times himself. Richards has been Mancini's most vocal defender, time and again, but you can be sure he won't make that mistake ever again. Hart must also have been none too pleased after Mancini teed off on him for no reason. This is all so incredibly reminiscent of how Mancini's tenure at Inter unraveled during his final season. He was sacked by Moratti not only for failing in the CL multiple times, but also because he completely alienated his entire squad. He fought that season publicly with most of his star players, including the ones HE brought to Inter, even Patrick Vieira.

Mancini is like those protagonists in old Greek tragedies, a heroic figure with a fatal personality flaw. In the end, he's always his own worst enemy. The clock is ticking, the fuse is set...
interesting take, and I agree with a lot of it, although you'll get flack on here of course.

Like last season, if Mancini wins the league I believe he'll be bombproof regardless. But his abrasive traits leave him wide open when things go wrong. If we go on a bad run the wheels could come off quite quickly, I believe. The last few league games he's got things dead right, though, so he has something very solid to build on.

Regardless of any of this, as I keep saying, there's no way he's going anywhere for the rest of this season, and quite right. We were never going to win the CL, so let's go and win the league in style.

I agree that if he wins the league again he will be retained, unless...the owner is very enamored with The Pep and is more ruthless than we realize. I hope he succeeds the rest of this season, mainly because sacking him is a short-term setback, even if it might prove to be a long-term blessing. From a purely selfish perspective, sacking Mancini would also mean that I have to spend a summer listening to the taunts and jibes of some scumbag Rags.
Dethred said:
Bellamyend said:
looks like he's lost the dressing room, they're not even trying for him tonight

Ya think? Who didn't see this coming?

Yes, but he gave them the hairdryer treatment at halftime and they were better in the second half. In fact, after the break, one might almost have imagined that our players were actually trying to earn their pay.

What is troublesome is that after the disaster in Amsterdam, the players came out completely flat. I think it's apparent that they are playing for themselves, as individuals, but not for the manager anymore. If it takes a hairdryer treatment to shake them out of their apathetic lethargy, then it's an indication that there is something seriously wrong with the culture that Mancini has engendered.

Fer chrissakes, this is EXACTLY like his last season as manager at Inter. Any Blue who doesn't know the history there should start researching it, if interested. When mistakes are not corrected, the past usually becomes an accurate predictor of what is to come...

-- Sat Oct 27, 2012 3:42 pm --

Salar said:
The people who are saying that we need to replace Mancini do you even know who we should replace him with.(Im not saying we should replace him by the way).

Ummm....Pep Guardiola. If The Pep is really focused on living in London, then Guus Hiddink from Anzhi would be the man to bring in.

For the record, I'm not 100% sold on The Pep, but with old Barca band getting back together at City, he would be the obvious choice.<br /><br />-- Sat Oct 27, 2012 3:43 pm --<br /><br />
ElanJo said:
Blue Heaven said:
sam-caddick said:
It's rubbish that he only wants a London club.

Pep wants to be flirted with a project that will give him most satisfaction, this is according to the pundits on Revista.

I don't think he will go to Chelsea in my opinion, Roman is number 1 and demands complete power, plus there isn't really a big big challenge to win the European Cup again compared to a club like us.

Pep could see us as the club who he can win the first European Cup with, he will have all his past Barcelona associates on the board in Soriano etc.. He will have complete power, a good spending kitty, and probably most importantly, implementing the Cruyff total football/ Tika Taka system into our new world class academy - that would be priceless!

I love Mancini, but there are many managers who can win us titles, but only a few who can win in Europe! It is up to the owners to make decisions of course.

Mancini is noisily making the owner's decision for him by continuing to fight his in-house battles (previous medical staff, Marwood and always with his own players) in front of the entire footballing world via the rapacious British footy media. This is not how a classy and generous, but naturally conservative Arab sheik likes to do business. Now he defends Gregucci by saying that AG has only worked with our defenders exactly ONCE since he was hired. If so, why does AG have a title and a wage packet?

Mancini's "my way or the highway" commentary about Micah's foolish public comment is reminiscent of his public slating of Hart, of all people, after his innocent and frankly appropriate comments after the Bernabeu debacle. While it is inappropriate for any player to question his manager's tactics in the media, it seems incredible that Mancini would react the way he did in both instances (Hart, Richards) given that he has humiliated his own players in the media countless times himself. Richards has been Mancini's most vocal defender, time and again, but you can be sure he won't make that mistake ever again. Hart must also have been none too pleased after Mancini teed off on him for no reason. This is all so incredibly reminiscent of how Mancini's tenure at Inter unraveled during his final season. He was sacked by Moratti not only for failing in the CL multiple times, but also because he completely alienated his entire squad. He fought that season publicly with most of his star players, including the ones HE brought to Inter, even Patrick Vieira.

Mancini is like those protagonists in old Greek tragedies, a heroic figure with a fatal personality flaw. In the end, he's always his own worst enemy. The clock is ticking, the fuse is set...

The issue around Hart and Richards is absolutely nothing. The Hart scenario was a result of a clownish interviewer. I'm sure Hart is intelligent enough to understand this. The furor surrounding Richards is pure gutter press sensationalism

We're out of form but it doesn't mean that the club is caving in.

The club isn't caving in, just Mancini.
Why do football fans turn into mentally challenged 12 year olds at the slightest sign of trouble? So the CL's gone and we're pissed off. Its a disgrace but ffs, it happens. I think we'll find a way to win the title again. Stop with the suicide threats. You are a load of big girls' blouses.
Blue Heaven said:
Dethred said:
Bellamyend said:
looks like he's lost the dressing room, they're not even trying for him tonight

Ya think? Who didn't see this coming?

Yes, but he gave them the hairdryer treatment at halftime and they were better in the second half. In fact, after the break, one might almost have imagined that our players were actually trying to earn their pay.

What is troublesome is that after the disaster in Amsterdam, the players came out completely flat. I think it's apparent that they are playing for themselves, as individuals, but not for the manager anymore. If it takes a hairdryer treatment to shake them out of their apathetic lethargy, then it's an indication that there is something seriously wrong with the culture that Mancini has engendered.

Fer chrissakes, this is EXACTLY like his last season as manager at Inter. Any Blue who doesn't know the history there should start researching it, if interested. When mistakes are not corrected, the past usually becomes an accurate predictor of what is to come...

-- Sat Oct 27, 2012 3:42 pm --

Salar said:
The people who are saying that we need to replace Mancini do you even know who we should replace him with.(Im not saying we should replace him by the way).

Ummm....Pep Guardiola. If The Pep is really focused on living in London, then Guus Hiddink from Anzhi would be the man to bring in.

For the record, I'm not 100% sold on The Pep, but with old Barca band getting back together at City, he would be the obvious choice.

-- Sat Oct 27, 2012 3:43 pm --

ElanJo said:
Blue Heaven said:
Mancini is noisily making the owner's decision for him by continuing to fight his in-house battles (previous medical staff, Marwood and always with his own players) in front of the entire footballing world via the rapacious British footy media. This is not how a classy and generous, but naturally conservative Arab sheik likes to do business. Now he defends Gregucci by saying that AG has only worked with our defenders exactly ONCE since he was hired. If so, why does AG have a title and a wage packet?

Mancini's "my way or the highway" commentary about Micah's foolish public comment is reminiscent of his public slating of Hart, of all people, after his innocent and frankly appropriate comments after the Bernabeu debacle. While it is inappropriate for any player to question his manager's tactics in the media, it seems incredible that Mancini would react the way he did in both instances (Hart, Richards) given that he has humiliated his own players in the media countless times himself. Richards has been Mancini's most vocal defender, time and again, but you can be sure he won't make that mistake ever again. Hart must also have been none too pleased after Mancini teed off on him for no reason. This is all so incredibly reminiscent of how Mancini's tenure at Inter unraveled during his final season. He was sacked by Moratti not only for failing in the CL multiple times, but also because he completely alienated his entire squad. He fought that season publicly with most of his star players, including the ones HE brought to Inter, even Patrick Vieira.

Mancini is like those protagonists in old Greek tragedies, a heroic figure with a fatal personality flaw. In the end, he's always his own worst enemy. The clock is ticking, the fuse is set...

The issue around Hart and Richards is absolutely nothing. The Hart scenario was a result of a clownish interviewer. I'm sure Hart is intelligent enough to understand this. The furor surrounding Richards is pure gutter press sensationalism

We're out of form but it doesn't mean that the club is caving in.

The club isn't caving in, just Mancini.

Starting to smell something raggy here.......
AlthamBlue said:
mustang said:
If you can't win in Europe you will soon get the sack that's where the money is. Doesn't matter how many games you win in England. Pep Guardiola step on down.

Wenger hasn't won it. Why is he still at Arsenal?

And that is the question being asked by everyone in Europe, especially Arsenal fans.
Davs 19 said:
Blue Heaven said:
Dethred said:
Ya think? Who didn't see this coming?

Yes, but he gave them the hairdryer treatment at halftime and they were better in the second half. In fact, after the break, one might almost have imagined that our players were actually trying to earn their pay.

What is troublesome is that after the disaster in Amsterdam, the players came out completely flat. I think it's apparent that they are playing for themselves, as individuals, but not for the manager anymore. If it takes a hairdryer treatment to shake them out of their apathetic lethargy, then it's an indication that there is something seriously wrong with the culture that Mancini has engendered.

Fer chrissakes, this is EXACTLY like his last season as manager at Inter. Any Blue who doesn't know the history there should start researching it, if interested. When mistakes are not corrected, the past usually becomes an accurate predictor of what is to come...

-- Sat Oct 27, 2012 3:42 pm --

Salar said:
The people who are saying that we need to replace Mancini do you even know who we should replace him with.(Im not saying we should replace him by the way).

Ummm....Pep Guardiola. If The Pep is really focused on living in London, then Guus Hiddink from Anzhi would be the man to bring in.

For the record, I'm not 100% sold on The Pep, but with old Barca band getting back together at City, he would be the obvious choice.

-- Sat Oct 27, 2012 3:43 pm --

ElanJo said:
The issue around Hart and Richards is absolutely nothing. The Hart scenario was a result of a clownish interviewer. I'm sure Hart is intelligent enough to understand this. The furor surrounding Richards is pure gutter press sensationalism

We're out of form but it doesn't mean that the club is caving in.

The club isn't caving in, just Mancini.

Starting to smell something raggy here.......

Hope so. Otherwise, I am embarrassed for the poster.

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