Is nuclear war inevitable?

Why, because I don't fall in line with your political agenda? I know a few Democrats who will be voting Trump just to get bumbling Biden out, which I suppose is the same as some tories voting Starmer just to get Sunak out.
Reasons not to vote for Trump are not hard to cite:
He is a rapist
He is an habitual liar
He has made life extremely difficult for innocent people with his insane libels. See Shane Moss.
He incited Jan 6 riot—“Go down to the Capitol and fight like hell or you won’t have a country.”
He signals on Truth Social victims he wishes harmed and his supporters act on it.
He makes the rule of law very difficult: check out the extraordinary measures needed to protect jurors and witnesses in his cases.
He called for the US Chief of staff to be executed.
He does not pay his lawyers.
He was an extraordinarily bad President, calling for the US to withdraw from Nato, admiring such “statesmen” as Putin, Xi, Kim Yong Un, Orban. On his watch the US added 7 trillion dollars to debt. His deregulation programme was a disaster for transport.
He stinks!
If a significant population of the world's most powerful nation believe that a man who grabs women by the pussy is doing God's work, you are going to have problems.
Same could be said about a bloke that goes around sniffing women and young girls..
Same could be said about a bloke that goes around sniffing women and young girls..

And whose own daughter wrote in her journal he used to get into the shower with her and do things to her when she was 11. It's been confirmed it was Ashley Biden's stolen diary...

That's one thing the media have never talked about when it comes to Biden. Along with his quotes about not wanting his kids to live in a racial jungle. Just like the media suppressed his sons laptop scandal during the election.

Let's be honest, whether you hate trump or not, imagine that was written in Trump's daughters stolen diary, it would be front page news for months.

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