Is the league cup enough for you?

Sad though it may seem to some we are now the Real Madrid/Barca of the Premier League. We have the most world class players and the finance to be seeking domination of our league.

Will the Copa del Rey be enough for either of these two behemoths if Atletico Madrid win La Liga and Madrid don't win the CL? No it won't. Heads will roll.

So nice though a LC is, it does complete the recent set, it will be a disappointing return.
It is what it is - after watching us in old Div 2 I can handle not winning the league every year.

We were incredibly lucky when our owners took over. But money doesn't guarantee anything it gives you more oppertunities thats all. The league isn't over yet if Liverpool win every game then they will have won 14 on the bounce - some times you have to give credit where it's due.

We've been unlucky with key injuries at the wrong time but have also lost / drawn games that we never should have.

If it was all about money then Real Madrid would win everything
onceabluealways said:
It is what it is - after watching us in old Div 2 I can handle not winning the league every year.

We were incredibly lucky when our owners took over. But money doesn't guarantee anything it gives you more oppertunities thats all. The league isn't over yet if Liverpool win every game then they will have won 14 on the bounce - some times you have to give credit where it's due.

We've been unlucky with key injuries at the wrong time but have also lost / drawn games that we never should have.

If it was all about money then Real Madrid would win everything

Granted they have had the best Barcelona ever to contend with but considering what they have spent in the last ten years to what they have won is quite poor.

Ronaldo has been there since 09 yet won only one league, one Copa and a Community Shield equivalent in the Supercopa, he hasn't got them to a Champions League final in that time yet even United managed that with arguably an inferior team when they played Barca at Wembley.
It's always great to see us win a trophy, however I said at the start of the season that the only one I truly wanted was the league. Anything else on top would just be a bonus. I think the main issues have been Pellegrini learning who he can and can't trust in the side to do a job. One of the things that he has found out is that our second string of players aren't good enough or motivated enough to come in and perform against lesser opposition. Remember the first half of Watford in the cup? We had to wheel the big guns out at half time to get us out of the shit.

Ultimately instead of being able to rest players like Aguero, Silva, Yaya and Kompany, these players have had to play when fringe players (Lescott, Rodwell, Boyata, Garcia etc) haven't been up to it. We have a great squad of players on paper but we have been far to reliant on our big guns performing week in week out, resulting in fatigue and silly injuries being picked up.

Next season we need good reliable cover in the key areas, centre half, midfield and possibly right back. This has to be the bear minimum. Pellegrini needs players who he can trust to do a job. Sadly, the following don't cut the mustard: Richards, Lescott, Rodwell, Boyata, Garcia, and Dzeko. Jovetic's injuries have made it hard to judge but he needs a full pre-season and to come out all guns blazing in August. Lots of work to do for Txiki and Manuel in the summer.
A trophy is a trophy and after years of not winning one i am loving every one we do win.That being said the league is the pinnacle because it is the toughest league in the world to win and you have to come out on top after 38 games.A cup you can win in 6-8 games tops.

It is annoying this year as except for inexplicable defeats,mainly early doors we would have probably gone into todays game 5 or 6 points clear.

A bit of tewaking next year,a top quality left back,centre half and maybe a shuffle of our strike force should see us push on,but the rest will also probably strengthen,especially Chelsea.
Problem is Liverpool,Arsenal,Chelsea and the Rags will all strengthen in the Summer. Champions will have more pull to attract star quality ..
Txiki saved money in January -that worked well didn't it..
nellyonthewing said:
Problem is Liverpool,Arsenal,Chelsea and the Rags will all strengthen in the Summer. Champions will have more pull to attract star quality ..
Txiki saved money in January -that worked well didn't it..

You can't just throw 50m and more at every transfer window though.
Some rubbish posted on here as usual when we lose a game. No team has a divine right to win (multiple) trophies. Doesn't matter how much is spent. If we don't win the league it was because pelegrini was learning in the early part of the season and some players adapting. We lost silly games but so did Liverpool, Chelsea and arsenal that's football. if we end up with one trophy it's one more than last season and means 3 in 4 years. If someone had offered that to me in 2010 let alone 2007 I'd have taken it, wouldn't you?
Of course it's enough, whatever we win (if anything) is enough.

We're not fucking glory hunters are we? if we were there would be no fans left after what we've been through.

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