Is WW3 Literally Around The Corner

There won’t be a world war again just mass destruction and the end of civilisation as we know it
China is just so powerful now, Russia are just causing chaos as the west is on its last legs as a force.

Putin taking advantage of Biden being senile, Boris an absolute oaf, macron being french and Germany having to shell out fortunes propping Europe up.
Russian leaders always sabre rattle when times tough at home to deflect, this does feel a bit different though but in reality Russia is skint, so no appetite for war.

Unfortunately the UK is weak as piss and have no special relationship with America, and both are more and more completely self absorbed.

Russia can just do what they like with very little resistance.

if they really wanted a war Russia could just turn off the gas lines to Europe and break the internet but seem more intent on annexing a few countries to see what they can get away with.

Not quite dystopian times, but the world is in quite a mess right now. Most of it manufactured in China who quietly and efficiently take over.

The only conclusion I can draw is that without the internet, China still have a cloak of secrecy whilst everyone else you just realise they are winging it and we see their stupidity daily, and lose faith and respect for them as leaders.

Anyway, we could do with shedding a few billion people to be honest. Place is getting a bit overcrowded and we are wrecking the gaff.
War is more sophisticated than boots and guns these days and anyone who cant see that is naive. In the last 5 years Putin has managed to get a stooge elected to be the President of his major adversary, manipulate the energy supply to Europe (including us much though some may not think of us that way), enable China to flex muscles, successfully murdered an opponent who lived quietly in a village in Wiltshire with the deadliest nerve agent on the planet without care for who else it harmed, managed to manipulate the thought process of millions of westerners every hour of every day through bots, targeted ads, clever production of propaganda designed to undermine confidence in government. We have been in a modern day WWIII since about 2010 I think
Bloody hell fella, think you need a day off.
That shit ain't healthy
China is just so powerful now, Russia are just causing chaos as the west is on its last legs as a force.

Unfortunately the UK is weak as piss and have no special relationship with America, and both are more and more completely self absorbed.

Haha which branch of the fake media do you work for ?
A simple google will tell you that the USA is by far THE most powerful nation on Earth.
And as far as the UK relationship have you not heard of AUKUS ?

US, UK and Australia forge military alliance to counter China | Aukus | The Guardian

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