Is WW3 Literally Around The Corner

Hang on I think we have all got the wrong end of the stick and it could be a lot worse that any of us realise.
W.W. 3 doesn't refer to World War 3......
It's Worsley Web.
They've cloned him, we are in for a lifetime of 'tea towels - plain or patterened'
'Weetabix, eaten whole or mushed up'
Is Sainsburys scotch egg better than Morrisons
China retaking Taiwan is a possibility. They’re clearly building their military capabilities to be able to hold off the US or make any intervention prohibitive. Taiwan deciding to declare independence will probably be all the spark that is needed.

I can’t see anything happening between Russia/NATO or Iran/Israel. Europe cannot afford war with Russia without the support of the US, and the US can’t afford war with Russia whilst China is looking at Taiwan. Similarly, Israel cannot achieve anything without an enormous amount of American support.

The world is going to go through a phase of recalibration as power shifts from the West towards China. The consequences of this will be countries like Russia reasserting itself. You already see Iran’s unwillingness to rejoin the JCPOA. They know that the US has no more cards to play. They are already a threshold nuclear power and they no longer need sanctions relief since their economy is growing and they’re enjoying greater trade and ties with China.
Good Post -and China trying to take Taiwan is coming this decade encouraged by the utter vacuum at the Whitehouse right now under the dementia suffering Biden. As vivid a portrayal of the transition of power from West to East as you will ever see.
Released 40 years ago...

I might as well, stay unemployed
Cos pretty soon, all life will be void
A mouthy leader is all it needs
But we'll be the victims, of world war 3
And we're all puppets of war,
Waiting for a call up through the door
And as the powers, prepare for war
We're given propaganda, what a bore
The Moscow Olympics, and Afghanistan
And conscription for every able man
When the bomb is dropped you'd better decide
Where in this world you are gonna hide
Cos when it comes they won't choose
Who is to win and who is to lose
War is more sophisticated than boots and guns these days and anyone who cant see that is naive. In the last 5 years Putin has managed to get a stooge elected to be the President of his major adversary, manipulate the energy supply to Europe (including us much though some may not think of us that way), enable China to flex muscles, successfully murdered an opponent who lived quietly in a village in Wiltshire with the deadliest nerve agent on the planet without care for who else it harmed, managed to manipulate the thought process of millions of westerners every hour of every day through bots, targeted ads, clever production of propaganda designed to undermine confidence in government. We have been in a modern day WWIII since about 2010 I think

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