Islamophobia in the Conservative Party

You appear to have supported what I said, The BBC wouldn't broadcast jokes about Mohammed, but has no problem
with stand ups, or comedy series' based on lampooning Christanity, so it is this fear, which to me is insidious, is the reason
islam is given this dispensation.
Salman Rushdie would be able to tell you why.
No, if you take the Church of England at one end, which is a kind of "church of please yourself" where guidelines rather than defined ritual are the order of the day, and Islam, which is a more prescriptive religion, where there are very clear methods of observance and defined no go areas, it's obvious that they cannot be treated the same, it is not a matter of favouritism or fear.

What is harmless to a Christian might be considered offensive by a Muslim, or a Jew for that matter, how far a secular society bends to that difference is the issue.
Disagree with this. When 'The Life of Brian' was shown, millions of Christians took offence to it, articles castigating it
were written by prominent churchmen, TV interviews were aired with adherents vehemently calling for it to be withdrawn.
It wasn't, and nobody was attacked and murdered, so it's generally accepted, thankfully, that piss taking on any level
will now be met with nothing more harmful than grudging rancour. The tenets and mores of Islam have no interest to
most non muslims, so there is no reason for muslims to expect blind non criticism, or special status regarding their faith,
yet that is sadly what they're receiving, for the reasons already stated.
You appear to have supported what I said, The BBC wouldn't broadcast jokes about Mohammed, but has no problem
with stand ups, or comedy series' based on lampooning Christanity, so it is this fear, which to me is insidious, is the reason
islam is given this dispensation.

What I am saying is christian institutions like the church are ridiculed, Jesus though isn't overly taken the piss out of, but if he is parodied, most christians are at ease with that as are christian institutions ( the vatican still compalins over some depictions of Jesus and God).
As such media outlets are at ease with showing such comedy.
Islam is less open to the idea when it comes to taking the piss out of itself and so sensitivity by media is used rightly or wrongly

Also as I am trying to mainly say most the UKs mainstream comedians and comedies on telly are from christian backgrounds (though this is changing) and so write from that angle/life eperience, much like a lot of american comedies like sienfeld and more recently crazy ex girlfriend draw comedic inspiration from growing up jewish, or Irish catholic comedians have drawn on that upbringing.

Maybe a new wave of young muslim comedians that break onto the scene as has happened recently will one day see more comedies that parody life as a muslim.
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What I am saying is christian institutions like the church are ridiculed, Jesus though isn't overly taken the piss out of, but if he is parodied, most christians are at ease with that as are christian institutions ( the vatican still compalins over some depictions of Jesus and God).
As such media outlets are at ease with showing such comedy.
Islam is less open to the idea when it comes to taking the piss out of itself and so sensitivity by media is used rightly or wrongly

Also as I am trying to mainly say most our comedians are christian so write from that angle/life eperience, much like a lot of american comedies like sienfeld and more recently crazy ex girlfriend draw comedic inspiration from growing up jewish, or Irish catholic comedians have drawn on that upbringing.

Maybe a new wave of young muslim comedians that break onto the scene as has happened recently will one day see more comedies that parody life as a muslim.
"Most of our comedians are Christian" Are you sure about that? Because i'd love to know who you're referring to and what you mean by 'our'.
And there is no death sentence just for being non-Muslim in Islam. This is just factually false, but I note that this is claimed by extremist fringe far-right groups as a smear against Muslims.

That claim is rather disingenuous. People from all sides of the political spectrum believe that many Islamic jurists still regard apostacy as a crime deserving the death penalty - which is indeed factually correct.
"Most of our comedians are Christian" Are you sure about that? Because i'd love to know who you're referring to and what you mean by 'our'.

Our means UK, you know the country we live in.

Stop trying to twist what I mean, most comedy writters on main stream tv who joke about christianity are predominately identified as chriatian of some kind or formally and now athiest/not religious.

Will re-edit to make it easier for you.
Disagree with this. When 'The Life of Brian' was shown, millions of Christians took offence to it, articles castigating it
were written by prominent churchmen, TV interviews were aired with adherents vehemently calling for it to be withdrawn.
It wasn't, and nobody was attacked and murdered, so it's generally accepted, thankfully, that piss taking on any level
will now be met with nothing more harmful than grudging rancour. The tenets and mores of Islam have no interest to
most non muslims, so there is no reason for muslims to expect blind non criticism, or special status regarding their faith,
yet that is sadly what they're receiving, for the reasons already stated.
Can you imagine a '''Life of Muhammad" film! I wouldn't be buying a ticket to that.
Our means UK, you know the country we live in.

Stop trying to twist what I mean, most comedy writters on main stream tv who joke about christianity are predominately identified as chriatian of some kind or formally and now athiest/not religious.

Will re-edit to make it easier for you.
Not that i've seen, they either identify as agnostic, atheist, another religion entirely, or my personal favourite cop out, "brought up Catholic", but I wouldn't refer to any of them as being "Christian" as they readily admit to no longer following the religious practices nor do they identify as such.

I cannot think of a single mainstream, Christian declaring comedian. Though again you seem to be arguing the point that Christians are the one who can have a laugh and poke fun at their beliefs whilst Muslims cannot, which is a shared opinion on this thread discussion, so what are you arguing against exactly?

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