Islamophobia in the Conservative Party

They are a pressure grpip and personally not one I care for, however just because this has been raised by them doesn't mean it should not be addressef

ah - now thereby hangs one important question. Pressure group yes. Govt don't like to deal with them. Yes. BUT as you say should their accusations not really be addressed rather than just dismissed by the Home Secretary and the Party Chairman? I agree with you if they are talking bullshit then point out that its bullshit and show how they are unrepresentative and how you arrived at the conclusion. To just blank it does feed the conspiracy theorists I suppose.
Difference being you will be hard pushed to find many christians that would actually endorse such a view.

The same can not be said of Muslims as seen by laws governing such a crime in Muslim countries.

Yes, and that is precisely the point that I have consistently made. There are fundamentalist Christians that do believe such “punishments” should be carried out by the way. The same for Jews. However, these are much fewer in number (orders of magnitude less).
As the thread keeps diverting from it's original point is there any point in it,
@Homar it wasn't about islam as a thing, but the bigotry about muslims fron the conservative party, broadening the thread into a general discussion as the right leaning mooner keep doing is deflecting the point ( as some left wingers do also on the corbyn thread).
Can we not have one political thread stay on the subject it was about for once.
And yes I admit I helped deflect it this morn with the whole bit about comedians, but every politicl thread enda up the same and pointless 30 pages in always goes rge same way.

So as withe every political thread I'm out as they are never any different the same posters cannot debate as they are entrenched(myself included) the topics are pointless.
I have respect for @Mëtal Bikër @Ancient Citizen @bluethrunthru etc becaude they come on and debate about their actual convictions, while some others are contrary for effect.
Repugnant views but it does not excuse the terror attack on them.
Oh definitely not. I thought it was important to mention some of Charlie Hebdo’s other eyebrow raising themes which weren’t related to Islam.

Hardly warrants mass murder though does it ? Be more than happy if he found his way to jail though.
He’s dead mate.
The Quran is no more violent than the Bible. The fact is that the Bible, Quran, Torah and Talmud all contain violent passages, but you choose to target only the Quran and Muslims. Why is that?
Because they are the only fuckers still blowing themselves and their enemies up in the name of their fucking book and religion perhaps?

Had this forum existed 400 years ago then I’m sure Christianity would be receiving an equal bashing.

Not sure why you keep quoting the bible like some sort of get out clause. About 1% of Christians have actually read the bible and even less take the words therein as ‘gospel’.
Oh definitely not. I thought it was important to mention some of Charlie Hebdo’s other eyebrow raising themes which weren’t related to Islam.
And yet they all lived happily and without bullet holes until they took the piss out of Islam. Kind of backs up the posts from myself and metal biker no?

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