Israel-Palestine Conflict

That is what you yourself implicitly advocate when you talk of further arming the situation. Are you that blinded by your narrative that you can't (rather don't want to admit that ) see that ?

It's like 6th form politics with you Che !
6th form politics yet you're the one accusing posters of wanting Israeli's murdered when no such thing has been written.
So what do you think that your weapons would be used for, if not for stoking further war/deaths ?

Defence from the Settlers/Idf who are murdering them.

Why should Settlers be armed to thieve land yet the very folk they are stealing from have catapults. That's not a level playing field.
I do get where the poster saying the palestine people should be allowed to protect themselves and their families is coming from , they are being slaughtered , at least give it a fair fight and arm them, human right to be able to defend yourself from invaders , the normal people are not to blame for attacking israel but the idf are to blame in trying to kill them
Defence from the Settlers/Idf who are murdering them.

Why should Settlers be armed to thieve land yet the very folk they are stealing from have catapults. That's not a level playing field.
So who are they shooting at ?

I know it's difficult for you......!

Or are they just building high defensive walls with them ? :-)
I do get where the poster saying the palestine people should be allowed to protect themselves and their families is coming from , they are being slaughtered , at least give it a fair fight and arm them, human right to be able to defend yourself from invaders , the normal people are not to blame for attacking israel but the idf are to blame in trying to kill them
He's talking about extending the war to the West Bank !

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