dom said:
A very partial and poorly reserached post. I belong to suport groups for both Isreali liberals who are horrified at whta thir own govt is doing and I also belong to Free Tibet. Get your fatcs right rather than lazy soundbiting.
Your last paragraph begs the question about Israel's tactics.
if they know what it's like to be oppressed why are they treating the Palestinian people so badly. Yo can't have it both ways.
If Israel tried complying with international law on for example illegal settlements, they mght just find that international opinion , including some of their neighbours mellowed a bit.
First point is my post wasn't aimed at you so why shout your mouth off at something that had nothing to do with you? I'm pleased to hear you show some consistency.
As to why are they treating the Palestinians so badly, you conveniently forget that even as recently as 1973, Arab armies attacked Israel and Palestinian terorrists committed outrage after outrage against Jews (and others) outside and inside Israel. Gaza is run by
a bunch of hard-line Islamic thugs who would kill every Jew if they got the chance and publicly decalre their unwillingness to recognise Israel and desire to destroy it.
Finally, if the Arabs had accepted international law in 1948 and had not attacked the legally established State of Israel then none of this would be a problem today.